No longer trophy virgins

>leicester city

all are no longer trophy virgins.

>atletico madrid


Chile has a lot of lucky. Pretty overrated team that wasn't a challenge for Argentina but only their goal was.

Is murica waiting for the right time?

you know your comment is begging for a chilean to say "peruANO"

we lost our v card already with gold cups and we won them on our home nation. maybe next century you guys can win something in brazil.

I don't care. Even if I talked something nice on them, they would call me "peruANO".

Gotcha covered phamalan

el peruANO

They've won Lel liga

Ya see. Chileans will always be chileans.

We shouldn't have colonized that part and they wouldn't exist right now.

Like 1994 WC, right?


i know it's not football but cleveland also recently won a championship

Feels goodman

kek cuantas copas americas tenemos que ganar para que el peruANO acepte que tenemos el mejor equipo de américa ahora mismo?

Didn't Chile already win a cup last year?

Too bad 90% of their fans on here are still real life virgins lelmao

Yes. And it actually counted towards the confederations cup


2 real cups in fact because this one was only a cemeronial one with no officcial value and we have 2 real ones already.

que perque pernostro sanpstro que mierda que que huehuehu jajajajaja que mierda nostra coza perdo merdole jajajaj

damage control

Yeah OP is just a retard excuse him

You're the wrong one, buddy.


Indeed, it's a retard joke. In spanish almost every demonym ends in "-ano".

Somehow Perú thinks he's better, even if they had more luck with a hand goal against Brazil and wasted their chances with Colombia.

>chile wins after penalties, 0-0 games
>portugal wins after 0-0ing their way through the tournament and didnt even win a group stage match

what happens when these 2 play against each other? it's like 2 portal streams crossing

>Somehow Perú thinks he's better
Not imply as you always do.

It can be your inferiority complex here because I was only saying that Argentina was the only team in the final of this year but Chile was regular so in penalities you were, too.

Also. We played with half of squad playing in local league and under 23 yo.

they already popped their cherry last year, Slowpoke

I lost my virginity this year too. it's the year of the cherry poppers

That's great, Britbro. I lost my virginity after the 7-0 against Mexico. Great night. I should kill myself now tbqh familia. Never gonna top that day.

I was thinking the same. We play next year btw. copa america and eurocup champions. It's going to be fun.


Hi, son.

El peruANO