metal general
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first for blackened death
in for big schenker riffs
Why is Gorgoroth so underrated compared to other classic Norwegian bands?
Pic related is one of the best Norwegian BM releases
>Download an album 9 months ago
>Finaly listen to it
>It's evil as fuck
Is there a better feel?
We will slam
They're underrated because they're not underrated. They're like the poster band for black metal for the uninitiated.
Post you're week
Rec and r8
Nice satan trips
Why are we memeing Enslaved
Why is Immortal so overrated compared to other lesser known Norwegian bands?
Pic related isn't anything special at all.
it's not a meme it's literally one guy
It's an old shitty forced meme that same faggot is still trying to revive
Like that It's gay... shit
Why is Cult of Luna so good
Do you not know how to recognize good R I F F S?
are you the fag trying to force the nbbmd thread? Just let it die
But user, that album rips and so do most Immortal albums
You made this, didn't you?
what the fuck is this
I'm not saying they're bad at all, I love Gorgoroth, but they don't get that much traction in metal circles because they're popular among the profane. At least that's my impression.
If I was, why would I be posting here you retarded nigger?
>Codes des metalleux
Is this from some retarded frenchfag metal community?
calm down, you sound upset
gorgoroth sucks btw
what are the musical distinctive qualities of swedish death metal as opposed to other death metal genres?
reminder that Neige is way more important for the development of modern day black metal than Mikko Aspa or any of your other favorite faggy black metal front men
See here
European visual kei will save metal
buzzsaw guitar tone, swedish hardcore influence in the rhythm, characteristic production of sunlight studios
except none of the bands that were inspired by him play black metal
calling all /stribros/
what this guy said
who the fuck even thinks mikko aspa is "developing" black metal in any way, he hasn't done anything original
What about /stridbros/
Neige LITCHERALLY invented the most popular subgenre of black metal of this generation.
>tfw when you pioneered the most autistic and degenerate form of black metal
>tfw no Thorns-like industrial BM band to make futuristic artworks and layout designs for
just vortex my shit up sempai
How about the band Strid?
the less than handful of Strid songs out there invalidate every proceeding effort in dsbm
you mean subgenre of post-rock
>tfw listen exclusively to metal
>nothing else sounds good
>nothing else elicits emotion
>nothing else satisfies my needs
>viking above any other fucking genre at all
>french metal even being listed
>Mastodon in power
>Ghost in black
>racist black metal at the bottom of the barrel
what are you doing nigger?
Are you telling me this doesn't make you hard
Post favorite drummer & bassist team
>Richard Christy - Steve DiGiorgio
>Gar Samuelson - David Ellefson
>Vinnie Appice - Jimmy Bain
>Bill Ward - Geezer Butler
>Ian Paice - Glenn Hughes
>Neil Peart - Geedy Lee
I ain't even mad
Does Fenriz have a blog or something other than his radio show where he showcases bands and stuff?
>French metal
>black metal worst
I don't see the problem here
Dan Maines and Jean-Paul Gaster
Brad Davis and Scott Reeder
Vinnie Appice - Geezer Butler
I don't know any of these people
his taste is pretty boring honestly
r8 /10
I wasn't asking about his taste
first that came to mind was:
Gabe Serbian and Justin Pearson
I was going to write that first but for me it doesn't get any better than those early Sabbath records. I mean, N. I. B. The Wizard, After Forever, Supernaut. I just like their combination better.
I don't believe you.
forest rock/10
Because they missed the fucking point. The classic Norwegian scene wasn't about "muh satan". Nobody was a satanist. They had a legitimate ideology that seemed to go completely over the heads of Gaahl and friends. They're just edgelords. Their music isn't great either compared to Burzum or Mayhem.
What did my fellow warbros think of the Caveman Cult LP? It sold me on snare tone alone tb.h
how PRIMITIVE is it?
>calls other frontmen faggy
>posts neige
Neige is a faggot. It was in terrible bands that made terrible music and helped create blackgays, the worst genre of all time. It also loves Grimes, which is disgusting. Should-commit-suicide/10. Either way faggots like that thing will be at the top of the list on the day of the rope.
Actually pretty good, overlooked it for years. Very much in the vein of Abyssic Hate (originator of this style) with some touches of gothic rock
it was good but there have been multiple better war releases this year
>buy Polish techdeath album
>there's a dried-up plant carefully inserted in the layout
th-thanks I guess?
What am I supposed to do with it, though? smoke it?
>most popular subgenre of black metal of this generation
>black metal
Care to name a few? I'm waiting on Nuclearhammer to drop a new album, hopefully they do next year.
I think you're supposed to kill yourself with it
I'm sorry
Bestial Raids, Lihhamon, Eggs of Gomorrh
Didn't care too much for that Eggs of Gomorrh EP, gonna have to revisit it. I thought they were more black/death than war metal though.
Look at this shit.
I don't even know what kind of plant that is
dsbm 4 lyfe
make sure it's not the 2011 demo, that's different (although I haven't heard it)
this is the new one
Such a great band name honestly.. sounds so disgusting
is it supposed to be there?
>tfw the grooves on Descending the Thantifaxath
obviously. I mean the layout has grass printed on it and there's a cutout so that you can see the real grass inside.
Name a band that has zero bad releases.
in flames
Strange Cousins From The West is their weakest release and it's at least solid enough to not be considered bad
well then rejoice, you got some limited edition dry grass
Seeing Children of Bodom next week, what should i expect, /meal/?
I feel special now.
tr00 sk8er metal 666