Don't play final

>don't play final
>still win

what a cuck
i just got home so i didn't watch the game but i bet he still took off his shirt or something, right?

yes hedid.

He was leading from the sideline.

Now go get your wifes bull ready

haha... not only that
he dominated the cameras and the money shots
"manspreading" at the groupshot with the cup.

wait what, who's the cuck here?

typical, he has to do it for his brand. this generation's david beckham

Why the fuck is it wrong he did that?

If it wasn't for him they wouldn't be in final right? Especially what he did vs hungary...

the final whistle blew, he turned around to the crowd/his bench, closed his eyes with his arms out. only one teammate hugged him the rest ran on the field, he's a cunt.

my sister kept asking, "where's the guy who actually scored?"

"He went back to Africa"

he's undoubtably a (very very very successful) cunt

>won one game
>still win the entire tournament

Yeh I don't think this sport is for me

Oh France... what would your "soccer team" be without africa?
(answer: even worse total shit)
To be fair France deserved the win, but, you know, as they say, ... (insert whatever here)

implying portugal would've got anywhere without his leadership

they sure won the final (you know, the hard one against the locals?) without him. that is a fact.

uruguay is gay lads

we're not gay, we're FA-BOU-LOUS

(also, italy, "lads"?, how cucked are you?)

pssst they would not have been there without him rescuing their ass twice in earlier stages....

aaah , whatever, I don't follow "futbol".
I only know he's rich, gay and megalomaniac.
good for him.

before getting subbed of he took his captain band thingy and threw it into the ground.

after the final wistle he got dressed up again with the kit (full kit wanker) and put back his captain thing.

It's Ireland, not Italy.

>3rd place
>1 win in 90 minutes
>4-5 record in the end
>only like 40 minutes of leading time in the entire tournament

i'm seriously done with this sport. I gave it a shot, but after seeing the team that didn't win a single game for the first 3 weeks win the tournament, it's done.

same flag, same thing, fuck them. (Italy is waaay cooler though, look at how they don't suck UK dick, look, interesting huh? What a concept "ireland" ? huh?, think about it. It's a fucking Island!!!!!!!!!!! how can you NOT kick out fucking brits in all these years?

This desu, what a semen-slurping sport.

Will ask US citizenship and follow based sports like football (the real one), baseball and hockey.

baseball will give you a heart attack because of all the excitement.
I suggest curling.

>i didn't watch the game
literally no one believes you, you've been posting all day

Curling is wonderful. They have fashionable pants.

not literally, but I was doubtful, still only place to post "hhe fucking took his shirt off and cam-whored like it's the end of the world"

Shut the fuck up you urucuck, fucking dinosaur

same. all that + also i don't understand this soccer culture. it's completely unamerican.
>be soccer player
>not play in championship game
>cry on the sidelines
>get all the glory because muh intangibles
what the fuck am i watching

We are tiranosaurus-rex.
(Also - litterally more cups than Argentina- haha)
We still love you - our little uber-awesome-awe-inspiring-beyond-hollywood-imagination-corrupt brother)
You're lucky the rest of the world just can't grasp the level of corruption. It's like quantum physics explained to a 7 year old.

what the fuck are you smoking buddy? jajaja

Aww... forget what I said, it's obvious jeaulosy.
(wink wink.. not really... look into it, they are fucking mexican level failed state!)
I love u argies, Malvinas forever!!! UK will hand them over as soon as they realize your arguments are sound.

>leading from the sideline.
top fucking kek penaldofags are this autistic

>Especially what he did vs hungary
Are you fucking kidding me?
That was his only good match and then the only good thing he did was score vs Wales in the Semi's("assist" doesn't count since he just shot like an idiot as usual and Nani deviated it into a goal)

>doesn't count cause i said so

Not how the world works, cuckboy

That's not how "assists" work son
He just shot a blooter like he always does...that goal was all thanks to Nani's touch

>That's not how assists work

According to who? You?

I'm sorry, but your opinion does not override the truth

shqipe, its only a sport. he's the best. people don't accidentally win the cl and the euro. deal with it

Individuals don't win the cl or euro either. And in this case Penaldo had nothing to do with them winning that game.

He got the glory because he has been leading the team for over a decade.

Ronaldo took them to the finals, now shut the fuck up.

>parking the bus doesn't work

Acted like he was too injured to play due to hurt knee but that didnt keep him from running around doing max celebration ripping his shirt off and trying to take all the credit

or any of the games in the tournament for that matter.

>Frogs btfo

Americans are more butthurt than French lmao.

Wow you're a moron
Ronaldo did score vs Hungary but missed many easy key shots (inc a penalty) in the other games that cost Portugal wins. He hurt Portugal more than he helped. Even if Ronaldo had played good this Euro, he'd still be a dick for hogging all the glory when he missed the final. Note Alexis Sanchez was badly injured in the beginning of the Copa final and stayed in and played thru the pain any way.

If this had happened to like Tom Brady, this place would explode. Like his backup takes over and team wins one, playing as if he never even mattered in the first place.

America, go away, you no nothing

Ronaldo was being marked 24/7, you think it's easy? He still was the second best scorer and inspired the team from the bench, because he's a real captain

Messi fags btfo


How dumb are you?
What leadership? CR7 was all about muh goals and bitching at his teammates for not passing it to him until they somehow got to tbe semis and then CR7s dumb ass realized thet actually had a shot at this and thats when he finally started acting like a guy that actually wanted to be a good teammate

Hope he finds France in there.

He's right.

This Euro only showed that Ronaldo is indeed inferior as a player to Messi, the former's "coaching" skills aside.

How dumb are you?
He sunk them more than he helped them in the early stages

Messi's team, they won nothing, familia dos Maias.

Shut up Messi fanboy.

Fair enough his teanmates letting him hoist the trophy for how good he was for Real Madrid and in the past but Nani and Pepe were much better for Portugal this Euro. Ronaldo should have be gracious not a me me me attention whore and glory hog, but that's who he has been his whole career. An embarrassment as a man

>player helps team win thanks to leadership and backseat coaching sitting on the bench the entire game
this is literally the most memest shit i've ever heard. not even skip bayless would entertain this.

Pepe was the best player in the entire tournament. He literally carried playing support

It's because he is the captain you fucking idiot. And he carried Portugal for many years.

Fuck Messi. I'm a fan of the game and people like CR7 are terrible role models to young players and children learning the game.

>he WILLED portugal to a victory

>hard worker
>fugs more bitches than any other player
>rich af
>euro champ at NT and club level
>grew up poor

Tell me again how he's a terrible role model?

UEFA's site says they won all 4 of the knockout matches but what do they know.

>he's a serious student of the game.

>implying the exact same fucking thing wouldn't happen if an NFL quarterback had lead his team to a final and then go injured at half time of the owl and the back up had to play out the rest of the match

Yeah, the TV crews sure would be focusing on Brock Osweiler and not Peyton if that happened...

That's exactly what would happen tho. The scenario is closer to something like Peyton leaving a scoreless game after the 1st and Brock took over and he drove them down field like Brady did to win it. Heck Peyton actually played out his game and Von stole all the headlines with Peyton getting a slight nod because he was ending his career.

Yeah he did, and he even walked around like he actually did something. Now we have cum slurpers everywhere posting this shit.
