Epic battle, Bastille Day 2106 Edition

Epic battle, Bastille Day 2106 Edition



Implying he wouldn't have the same result anywhere else in the world

If you think about it the Muslim in a truck killed ~80 French people which is a very small percentage of the total French population. Meanwhile the one Muslim in a truck that died made up a higher percentage of Muslims in trucks globally so technically the French won again.


Again? I think this might be the first french victory ever.

Here's a fun game! Is the faggots from america and the Muslim a Mexican or the other way around?

yeah right nigot.
he would have been shot by victim 40 if he tried that shit in texas and only a couple people would have been killed in the crossfire

The graphics in Frogger: Remastered are sick!

I'm inclined to disagree, there are more Muslims and more trucks world wide than there are French, and now there are 84 fewer French and only 1 fewer Muslim and 1 fewer truck.

truck is fine, only a few bulletholes in the windshield

Yes but how many Muslims are there who are currently in trucks? I'd wager not as many as there are French people.

You are forgetting to include the associated increase in both truck and Muslim destruction that will occur with the increased air strikes that will be coming as we attempt to bomb the middle east even further into the stone age.

>implying there would a different result anywhere else
careful not to cut yourself with that edge

there are 66 million French and 1.7 billion Muslims.This means the total French population is equivalent to a 3.88% of all Muslims. If we estimate a mere 4% truck ownership in the Muslim world, then there are more Muslims in trucks than French.

let's also not forget the muslim birthrate compared to pathetic french fertility

got any data to back that up ?


go here, vote trump non white, and make Sup Forums great again
Takes 2 seconds.

You're looking at this like the Muslims and the trucks are separate entities whose mere coexistence is a relevant statistic. A Muslim owning a truck does not mean that the Muslim is INSIDE the truck just that he has a truck. We need to know the total number of Muslims who were physically inside of a truck during the moment of the attack to truly get a grasp on who won this fight.

this is just one muslim country compared to france

AAAAND I guess that in France itself the Muslims have a higher fertility rate than whites.


Top tier game.

The faggots could fuck the muslim to death

I'm more interested in what you guys are talking about than the whole incident itself.