Will you comfort him Sup Forumsnon?

Will you comfort him Sup Forumsnon?

I just want to give him a hug.

he has all those BBCs to comfort him Tbh

Ay lmao

i would do unspeakable things to him, not even gay

You sure about that friendo?

Of course, I'd kiss him, hold him, touch him... Suck him... Rim him, fuck him, but gently. He'll forget all about the Euros.

>ITT: Bunch of faggots.

I'd let him fuck my 17yo hairless boipucci...

he can't go home cuz his mom is partying

I'm straight af, and I would fuck his boipucci

>You are in this thread
Really makes you think.

A mid-time BJ would have done so much for him

I'd buy him a beer and tell him to consider moving to a better country.

I would gladly be tag-teamed by Griezmann and Hummels.

I'd literally drag my balls through miles of broken glass just to lick the Pogba's semen dripping off his asshole and I'm not even gay

This post me hard desu, no homo


I want him to come in my Arsenal squad

>meme player whos only trick is to score taps on counterattack when his team is parking the bus 89" of every match both in his club and in his NT.

who cares...

He's not wrong though. Thought I was at /lit for a second.

seriously though im not gay, why would i lie on an anonymous imageboard, but something about the greaseman is just so alluring and i dont know man i would i just would


He's not wrong, but I found it funny how he posted "ITT: faggots" and then proceeded to post in that very thread