I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

Don't forget we don't need to be praying 24/7 to be Muslims the same way as Christians don't need to be in Church 24/7. As humans we are all imperfect.

I will answer to trolls within reason.

I am more interested in discussing and learning than to argue over banalities.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump, I don't want to go back to writing just yet.

Vanessa Ann Hudgens. Lame bait

nice dubs

Did you really think I was trying to pass this off as myself?

Well, no one gives a shit about muslims, so I just assumed you were using her as bait

Why're you a muslim?

Fake right?

She's just a hot girl. Found out recently that she's half Filipino probably why I find her so hot.

what country are you from?

The sponge in my kitchen is starting to smell weird.. Should I change it out for a new one?

Ok, buddy. Assuming you truly are a muslim... Tell me about typical muslim's approach towards alcohol. Most christians don't give a shit about religious prohibitions and such. Why do you?

Why does your religion forbid pancakes and wearing Nike shoes?
How could Allah have know about elevators and forbid them so many years before their creation?
When it is a Muslim holy day and everyone is required to fuck a dolphin, where do you get them all and do they get tired?

Would you like Islam to take over the world?

I'd personally hate that. Conservitive Islam even bans computer games with magic in them, because magic is evil and a sin.

also, burka's and hijabs are ugly.

your thoughts?

Islam much like any other religion provides tools that helps to overcome daily and lifelong struggles. Some of these struggles which are still not well understood by psychologists or neuroscientists.

Life comes with a lot of challenges, and our animal-like nature makes even harder to overcome some of these challenges. Religion provides some tools to bring peace to the mind and the heart to feel comfortable with who we are and to live healthier more meaningful lives.

There are many ways to live happily and fruitfully without religion. However, most people just ignore the benefits of religion during their moments of happiness and then they fall when they encounter hardships. This could be avoided.

I see religion like the progression of medicine.

Before the industrial era, medicine was pretty much just trial and error. Most practices would just be continued because they seemed to kind of correlate with people feeling better. Most of the practices however were useless. Now that we understand the human body, we have revised our medical methods to only use those which are effective.

Psychology and religion are similar as they don;t really understand the machine (brain), they just make inferences based on weak correlations. So until we develop Psychology to a place where it completely understands the causes and effects of sentiments and the brain, religion is the best we have.

> Don't forget we don't need to be praying 24/7 to be Muslims the same way as Christians don't need to be in Church 24/7.
The prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam, you nigger.

Yes but not 24

It's real, part of the leak.


Yeah, I usually change mine as soon as it smells. I have a weird dislike for weird smells when it comes from wet food. I hate emptying the drain.

nice dubs

People tend to care more about cultural rules rather than what is in the Q'ran. For example, most very old women in morocco have tribal tattoos on their faces, this is strictly prohibited in Islam. However, the culture of the country trumped the religion.

I presume that long ago, and since then alcohol was taboo as a substance. This led to people shying away from it and using religion as the reason they do not consume it. However, much like most taboo things, most people drink it anyways and sometimes in ways which are unsafe. This could be adverted if it wasn't so taboo.

There are a lot of rules in the Q'ran that people don;t respect. Ask how many Muslims actually give their Dawah (money for charity), some say we should give up to 1/3.

Pancakes are a stable food of many Muslim countries.

Nike as well, however most people prefer addidas because of football (soccer).

Elevators are not forbidden, the Burj Khalifa is 800 meters tall in Saudi Arabia, can't walk up all those stairs.

Muslims do not have a holy day which entail sex with dolphins.


Tagged the wrong post, buddy

No, I do want their to only be one ideology for the entire world. I prefer us to have a like mindset for peace and equality but then have different ways to dress that up.

For example, Islam, Christianity and Judaism are analogous. They all have the same values, we just all practice these values slightly differently.

Islam does not ban computer games, there were no computer games back then. Even if computer games did exist, they wouldn't be banned. Arabic mythology which predates Islam was not forbidden, it was just forbidden to believe in these false deities (Earth, Water, Fire, ...).

Burkas are too much in my opinion and are very rare in my country. Hijabs are fine. There's some pretty stylish ways to wear one.

Ugly girls will be ugly regardless of what they wear. Pretty girls inversely so.

It's only five times a day not 24/7.

nice dubs


ask a Bosnian Muslim anything

I rather not. What makes you so angry?

I got him anyways

You killed one of my friend in Nice motherfucking shit

fellow muslimfag.

why do you bother with this thread? you already know exactly where its going.
if these people were ever capable of assessing complex situations without a black and white clearly defined Good guy-bad guy roles, then they wouldn't bother arguing with strangers on the internet.

go to bed

Why does Islam forbid owning more than 6 hammers? Is 7 hammers such a big deal?

what is something reasonable that all muslims can do to contain and eliminate all radical muslims? and would they be willing to get rid of these people when they could be your brother, son or father even? what are the lengths that muslims are going to, to separate themselves from this radical ideology? and finally what is the difference in what you believe(non-radical muslims) and what they believe (radical muslims)?

Why do you say dogs are unclean? I understand that islam is a religion and arab is more of an identity and culture and that arab tradition often influence muslims and change their perspective. But why do you muslims deny science whenever it oposes ideas that are in the sunnah or quraan?

What do you feel is the best way to stop radicalization and ISIS?

go here, vote trump non white, and make Sup Forums great again
Takes 2 seconds

End wahhabism. A change in the saudi regime,get that wahhabist family off the throne and you will see isis eat itself away

brainwashed buddy in Bosnia you take Islam with pinch of salt we have sex before marriage and we like to drink, but in Arab country's it's forced down your throat every single day also laws that punish said things are not helping

Why do you feel the need to make up an afterlife to justify how short and insignificant our lives our? Why not just live how you wanna live why the rules why all the bullshit?

the irony with t he Saudis is they don't help Muslims they think they are the shit because it all started down their

I was not implicated with what happened in Nice. I am sorry for your loss. However, in your rage it is wise to be weary of the harm you may cause others.

It's midday and I am procrastinating.

I think most people who blindly hate, who are ignorant, just haven't had enough exposure with Muslims. The more people get to talk and understand the better they will be able to relate.

All my friends here would be unable to hate ALL Muslims, because that would mean hating me too. Being a good example is the best way to fight ignorance and hatred.

When I was younger we had more than 6 hammers in the home. It is not forbidden. However, excess is forbidden, therefore if there is no purpose for the hording of these hammers than it is sin.

Tip harder, please.

I don't care you support that fucking religion that killed my friend, I want you to die, all of you fucking shit muslims

OP seems like a nominal Muslim. But the question is, can you you be a nominal Muslim like a nominal Christian who only observes only the New Testament? Remember the Quran has stayed the same and isnt up to interpretation like cafeteria Christianity.

wait the hammer thing is true?

Thats actually the same reaction muslims had when usa, and other western nations invaded and bombed their country and killed their friends and relatives. It is as if hate breeds hate. Who woulda thunk it?

i like to dress up as yakko (my 3rd fav warner)
not everybody thinks that its cool, but i finally met a girl who thinks im a 10/10 would bang like bam in my yakko suit.
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.

once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?

this was the song:


Needing to insult someone for asking a question because you know you don't have an answer real nice friendo

nigga plz you have no friends

i feel like there isn't a huge number of regular muslims talking to the media and trying to get the word out that these people will not be tolerated by law abiding, peaceful muslims. rather on the other hand i feel this tension like the good muslims know EXACTLY who, what and where and aren't speaking up.

Istina, buraz.

How's it feel to be crazier then Catholics?

Its an example. Islam is all about moderation. You are not supposed to hoard things or have things in excess unless youre using them. If u have 3 of the same thing and youre not using the other 2 you give it away to people who need it.

i know its pissing me off some lunatic blows him self up they all blame us for it, but we don't have a media as you say who cares

Why didn't WWE make a Sting vs the Undertaker match when Sting finally entered
the WWE?

Not anymore that muslims kills the last...

This thread is complete copy pasta. That's fucking sad, considering how shit the thread is in the first place. think for yourselves you sheep.

I'm not OP, and that was a joke. I'm a nihilist atheist myself.

Finally someone asking the real damn questions

>Some of these struggles which are still not well understood by psychologists or neuroscientists.
here we go. alright, lets hear it

>rest of your post
blah blah blah, not a word about truth, as if islam was some kind of hippie yoga.

I don"t fucking care about 3rd world lives

Eliminate Radical Islam

Eliminating radical islam cannot be done through war, because it is through war that they gain momentum. It has to be done very early on during their early education. Children need to be given opportunities and the tools necessary to be critical in the face of adversity.

There is very little the Muslim community can do to stop extremism because it wasn't caused by us. Let's go back in history. Al-Qaeda originally was a group which prospered from the sale of opium (heroine) around the world. They were exactly like the cartels but they operated without anyone trying to stop them due to lack of organisation in the region. When the Soviets tried to take control of the region the Americans heavily funded and promoted pro-religious stances through Al-Qaeda to fight away the anti-religious Soviets (Marxists). Al-Qaeda then grew very quickly with Bin Laden due to his billions of dollars.

Now, the international community is creating power vacuums by removing dictators. I knew something like ISIS was coming, it was all over Arabic news channels. Saddam Hussein imprisoned all the extremists in Iraq, when they toppled his government in Iraq the jails were opened by other extremists. There was now a land grab, of course the violent criminals and extremists won and started what is now ISIS.

We need to start being more careful. The actions which we take today have very big impacts on the future.

Muslims in general have been doing a lot to stop radicalization since a long time ago. It is a crime to spread radical ideologies in most Muslim countries, because the Kings/dictators are afraid of revolution. Before, it was a death sentence, now its imprisonment in Morocco. For example, not long ago at a beach I was at Islamists came to tell girls they shouldn't be in bikinis, the military came and arrested all those Islamists. That's the law in Muslim countries. It's not a free-for-all like the west seems to think.

>Not anymore that muslims kills the last.
are you saying your one and only friend just happens to be their you know you could just join him

>not open to interpretation

pal do you realise how stupid you sound

how do i go about finding a big chested attractive moroccan girl that will welcome my penis into her asshole?

Why would you belive in such a retarded religion like islam? Are you dumb?


Muslim nations across the globe comdemn each terrorist attack. Blame your media for manipulating truths. Anyway more terrorist attacks happen within muslim majority countries than anywhere else. Muslims are the number 1 victim of terrorism.

This is not english, that doesn't mean anything please speak a real langage.

>Dawah (money for charity)
oh, youre not actually a muslim. good to know.

>The more people get to talk and understand the better they will be able to relate.

how old are you?
no, these people will absolutely not understand. They refuse to. they had their minds made up about the point they wanted to make and the stance they were going to take as soon as they saw this thread.

it doesn't matter to them what you say. you could point out all the shitty things french (and others) have done in Muslim lands and it wouldn't even register. These kids are simple. they need a bad guy. its the only way they can deal with the complexities of real life.

>French kept Algerians (incidentally also Vietnamese) in open air cages and forced them to work or be shot.
that's fine

>Exxon Mobil poisons an entire river system in Western Africa making large portions of many countries arable land a deadly wasteland
no problem!

>one Muslim guy somewhere doesn't like dogs
omg! this man clearly represents all of Islam everywhere and at every stage of history!

>terrorist attack happens
proof of my bias that only Muslims do bad things and this was totally evidence that is everyone that isn't me that's the problem!

see my point? that's all you'll get out of Sup Forums man...
its got nothing to do with a lack of exposure

wtf are you on about

Why don't you spread anti-terrorist rhetoric within your religion to prevent radicalization of individuals? You know the extremists are...

Thats sad.

You will not wake up, either

The time of retribution is patient

All will fall to their knees in awe of the wrath of truth

There is no one who can stand before it

rise above your circumstance or don't, you will be swallowed up by it

power is truth. people are idiots.

corruption is as inevitable as entropy

I'm not willing to hate anyone because of their beliefs.
As long as those beliefs aren't extreme/being forced upon everybody else, there's not problem.
But no matter what, muslim or not, if you're trying to kill/attack my country with your bullshit. You will be shot.

do you think it's really about religion or do other things like control and power play into their motives better through things like islam?

>Muslims are the number 1 victim of terrorism.
then they should be the number one advocates for getting them under control at the least.

you're problem is logic, it has no place on Sup Forums just troll like the rest of us bro why do you care if these neckbeards hate a religion or not

I don't think you understood my post.
I stated "CONSERVATIVE islam bans games", not "all of islam bans games".


here a list of banned games in the United Arab Emirates, which is an exteremely islamic country.

They ban all the fun stuff.

btw, posting naked chicks is haram for you. If you lived in the UAE and you would have been found out, there's a good chance you'd be in deep shit.

this made me euphoric

do you believe humans evolved from another species? if yes, how do you reconcile that with the orthodox view that this makes you a disbeliever? if no, which evidence convinces you of islam that is stronger than the evidence that humans evolved from another species?

do you believe sorcery exists and has effects? same follow-up questions as about evolution.

do you believe that everyone would have created hell and people to burn in it for eternity, or do you think allah is not actually the most merciful being?

A good sand nigger is ... sand !

Why you have to be so rude, dont you know im human too...Anyways you missed my point. You're not old enough to debate. OP answer my question.

instead of praying how about masturbating 5 times a day facing Mecca?

I'm a white guy considering Islam. Would I be able to find a wife and start a family or would I be shunned?

Die !

i don't care about what Sup Forums thinks so much. I'm trying to tell you about the futility of arguing on the internet.
if you're just trolling that's one thing but if you genuinely think this is helping anyone you should direct your efforts to something more useful

Die !


They are. In most muslim countries hate speech and extremist views are crimes that could send you to jail for up to 10 years. Theres education and many efforts. But wherever theres a war, theres going to be people who take advantage of situations and the wahhabies are just the right players for that. They dont exactly practice islam normal muslims do. They have manipulated it and made it fit their violent agenda. As an arab i can tell you that our prisons are filled with extremists and potential extremists.. they frequently clash with the authorities. We have several armies actively fighting them and hunting them down.

ask yourself these questions before you convert, if its a matter of conviction. if its for pussy and you are ok with having to live a lie, go for it.

This is very spread in the Q'ran.

Some parts state that the dog is a symbol of loyalty and giving. Others that it is unclean due to its constant panting. And others the more demon sections state that black dogs are manifestations of evil.

Mohammed however was known to be very kind to all animals, especially dogs as he made his first trip to Mecca.

Like any other religions there are conflicting stories based on the different chapters of the Q'ran.

Islam encourages all science. It is a vital part of the culture from which Islam was birthed.

Not American, would vote for Bernie Sanders because I have morals.

Please answer with a bit more thought, ending wahhabism would nto end anything. You think terrorist organisations in Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq will stop perusing resources, power and wealth if the King of Saudi Arabia was dethroned?

Get serious.

I do not need an afterlife. I use religion to better my current life as I explained in:
I know this is not the right time to talk about this because you are grieving. But, we can try. Try to stay rational. Look at the other side of the medal. France desecrated North Africa for so long, killed so many people, forced people to fight in WW2 and then tricked them into their country with promises of a better life only to leave them segregated.

No one wakes up and wants to kill people randomly. No one is ever justified in killing however we should consider that their are always reasons.

You should find peace within yourself, and then ask the questions as to what good attacking me will do to help your grievance.

Peace be with you.

I practice my religion whole-heatedly. That means I abide by the ten commandments and the five pillars of Islam.

The rest in religion are just interpretable stories. Nowhere does it state it all has to be law.

The guy who answered you is correct.

Prepare yourself.

Winter is coming.

How does it feel driving a white truck into a folkmass?

You would be embraced. Im a former muslim (now athiest) and all the muslims i know still treat me the same.

>Islam encourages all science. It is a vital part of the culture from which Islam was birthed.
this is a lie, or ignorance. islam disavows all science that contradicts its theology.

That which is powerful cannot be be pure.

That which is pure, cannot be powerful.

The more powerful a thing is, the less pure it's intent.

But, power is truth, and as such one must strive to obtain it and control it in order to survive.

That in mind, the most pure action is suicide.

What I'm saying is, do us all a favor and kill yourself. Sincerely.

Fuck this noise! Nuke the cube!

why are the actions of ISIS the most literal interpretation of the Quran?

>I do not need an afterlife.
oh, you really arent actually muslim. who knew.

quran only guy, maybe?

What made you become atheist?

Any luck with Muslim women as a convert?

Just shut up! You ar the biggest problem to modern world! I don't care about peacefull mudslims-you are all fucking cancer!

Did you haer about christians extremists?
I swear, I will beat every muslim in my neighbour!

Islam does not reject the theory of evolution. In fact one verse in the quraan reads: "and we have created man with the most progressive form"

>Muslims do not have a holy day which entail sex with dolphins.
Not even Ramadan or Cinco De Mayo?

If charity is a pillar of Islam doesn't that make other religions who lack a charity pillar, look like jerks?

this is nonsense. orthodox scholars of the highest rank will call you a disbeliever if you say that man evolved from another species. your reading has no standing in mainstream islamic tradition.