Wake up

>Wake up
>France is still shit

Go back to bed Ahmed.

Couldn't even sleep tbqh

More like Europe decided to go to shit completely. It feels like, for once, there could be some meme team that wins this World Cup.

>wake up
>Portugal still won the Euro

and full of niggers

Should the next France squad have more whites?

>wake up

>wake up

>USA still #1

Feels good

>wake up
>still alive

and btw dont worry user you'll win the next world cup screencap this post niggers

>Yfw USA memes their way to the world cup final in Russia
>Yfw Russia cheats their way to the final
>It's 1980s olympic hockey again
>USA manages to park the bus for 120 minutes and loses in penalties.

>tfw Welsh

I wanted you to win to avenge us

Any true briton would want France to lose more than anything.

Only England hates us, the other brits know how perfidious their retarded brothers are

>8 hours later
>still daylight because i live in hawaii
>france still shit

>wake up
>still jobless
suicide is closer every day

>wake up
>life is still shit

That bad huh? Why not move to the US? Plenty of jobs

>tfw french huritage
>tfw white so i couldnt even pretend to wagon them like every other huritage-american does with germany or ireland

Meant for

What sort of jobs?

>wake up
>can't wake up


gay prostitute kind of jobs

if you're lucky you'll show your cock to a politician in a bathroom

Not him but how difficult is to find a gf in america

I would go but I don't want to get shot

replace team with greasedudes