Programming is all about if and elses. prove me wrong

programming is all about if and elses. prove me wrong.

protip you cant

congrats. you get it.

Sequence, selection and repitition. followed by the pillars of object oriented which is encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritence. I

Kek mom's spaghetti code, just don't..

I think you mean If/Then.

i'm disappointed and want this stupidity end. i thought with all your knowledge you could understand what bait is or not.


You're wrong.
Just Google for unconditional programming

what about "and" and "is" fucker



As a professional I don't want kids to read into this and start out trying to code useless crap everywhere. A simply rely is all it takes. That argument is tiring on Sup Forums and lacks everything except malcontent. Think rationally my friend. Impart your wisdom, don't make it impartial

That sounds rarely used. That's terrible scope creep and bad practices. The op argued it's all if else's.

Google paired programming as well

If and then Faggot

>object oriented which is encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritence

conceptual abstraction is a waste of time and energy, a tool of control and submission.

Why care about generics, he was clearly speaking about the pillars. And I think you will find its inside of encapsulation, inheritence and polymorphism

Stick to c then, however you will find it manifests itself there as a tool as well

no it isnt because in flash i write stop(); and it stops at that frame see no if nor else haha :DDD

Control and submission. Sounds a lot like sequence selection and repetition. Why bother with algorithms or mathematics at all then. If you chose your path you should walk down it

Yeah? Well I've still gotta learn it for this fucking diploma.

You seem to be operating in a high-level language, and you're forgetting the ever-important loop

At a lower level, programming is all about branch-if's. Which can be used to make if's, else's, for's, and while's

Almost every processor in existence also supports arithmetic operations at a gate level, but those can be simulated using only branch-if

If you're willing to go to a lower level than instruction set directives, programming is all about NAND

>object oriented programmer culture
>best practices
>XML, UUID, HTML5, Javascript, Enterprise Java, OracleDBs, Microsoft, Apple
>Building upon Total Information Awareness stack
>OSI model
>packet inspection
>Machine readability for online documents
>Document Object Model

Just get cucked.

I have a degree. You need it guy and he doesn't know what he's talking about, don't be a smart ass like we all are right now either, profs don't like that

Go back to community college and make custom websites kid

At least I'll still have a job in 10 years and won't be blacklisted by the "el grande database of employable assets" because I worked on something sensitive or know something about information security.

Well now, it's yes-s and no-s, 0s and 1s. All computers are comprised of booleans, it's as simple as that.

You're just a 5 star chef that works at Wendy's I guess. Then don't glorify your work;

Not quite my little Lego friend. You are referring to classical computers and in 20 to 40 years you are going to wish you learned theory

Might want to rethink that too

>he fell for the CS meme


op here and i have to admit that i'm not a programmer and know almost nothing about codes.

however i can understand what i don't know and that's why i can rage you out.

guys, one way or another we are in this same shit hole. it's a shit hole but it's better than the fake world. if we want the power, we need to get stronger. that's why we need to acknowledge ourselves and check our strategy before attacking the real world.

in my opinion we are not anonymous, not anymore and not yet.

with love from turkey

Somebody has to do the actual work. That's the only way we get to have children like you.

Wow you know the DOS 'dir' command, you must be a hacker!

Maybe it resumes to if/else if you are programming on a fucking TI calculator.

You still have a lot to learn, faggot.

Please don't feed the trolls.

>someone has to fuck my wife.

Even op from Turkey understands it inner reflection. Get laid first then worry about children bud

Start treating women with respect and see where life takes you. Maybe it's you that don't feel respected as well. For that I'm sorry but I'm tired of giving you help when it seems others can catch on so easily.