ITT: Artists who never made a bad album
ITT: Artists who never made a bad album
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His entire discog a shit
I would but I'm not a depressed faggot who would take my life because I'm too weak to keep going
He was murdered
Yup, even his "weak" albums (Roman Candle, Figure 8) are great... and a double album of fucking outtakes was brilliant.
true patricians appreciate Empire Burlesque
Knocked Out and Down are fucking terrible though.
What is Under The Red Sky
I don't think he was. He was fucked in the head. He had an episode where he carved something into his arm and then proceeded to write "Everything Means Nothing to Me."
I'm not even kidding you fucking retard
Making me bleed with that edge and satanic trips
Stop saving provocative pictures of children you fucking creep.
Stop being an edgy faggot
Stop repeating a buzzword with no meaning because I don't like your faggy singer songwriter tripe
completely agree with this. RIP Elliott.
Ok edgemeister, thanks for bumping the thread. Go to bed, you have school tomorrow.
> 2 Jews and a synth
These guys have a most solid discog.
goddamn the slowness of this board is going to drive me to suicide.
cooooreeccctttt answerrrrrr
thank god I'm not the only BJM fan here, I thought they didn't exist on this board.
i like a bit of his music, mostly for the fact that its sad, simple music for sad people and then he died young which is also sad.
for me, there has not been one bad qotsa album. my opinion. also tame impala but i haven't listened to all of currents so i dont think that really counts
I saw them live with Slowdive last Spring :) you jelly?
more than you know
my group of friends had arranged to see them at psych-fest in Austin Tx, but it was cancelled due to (non-existent) rain. much to our amazement, the bands participating in psych-fest were also planning to do shows at the venues in downtown Austin and we happened to get some tickets for a mere 5$. It was a great time. They played Souvlaki Space Station .
goddamn I wish I didn't live in the ass-end-of-nowhere-corner-of-america-that-tours-never-go-to
or at least had the money to go to the big cities to see them. They're the only band I would even consider seeing live.
BJM that is
I've never actually heard of Slowdive but I'll check em out
This guy's music is incresibly consistent. Pavement stuff is obviously amazing but his solo albums hold up as well, and I'd argue that they are very underrated.
you won't regret listening to Slowdive. I'm really surprised that you haven't seen them yet on Sup Forums
well I only browse Sup Forums occasionally
EV is underrated af
Wow man you've sure gotten to the heart of that matter. You surely can base a whole persons personality and complexity from what I read in a fucking pop mag.
Fag get!
what a way to start an album
misfit love is my song of choice that diserves way more love than it has receieved
their last two albums weren't incredible, but still well above bad
The screamers didn't make an album at all.
He was a fascist subhuman and his art is very tacky.
Built to Spill have come close a couple of times but none of their records are "bad"
Nothing could ever stop him
He was in The Bad Seeds though
I agree, but he never made one bad album
>Shiting on Dali paintings of all things
I know that the joke is that this board is ruled by no-brain antisocial hacks that like to pretend to know what they are talking about to impress children on the anonymous mode, but c'mon!
>Implying NC&TBS has bad albums
Roman Candle is his best album m8
Agreed, but their first two are undoubtedly stronger than the rest.
Why'd she do it Sup Forums?
Certainly way worse than Neubauten or The Birthday Party...just as one example, Kicking Against the Pricks was garbage and he was on that album, I really hate Cave for ruining Blixa's legacy
Neros Day at Disneyland/Lauren Bousfield
her vagina made her do it
Came here to post this
Cowards keep living. You'll be broken and weeping in the end with the rest of them.
suicide leads to ascension
natural causes or death by any other source leads to you staying on hell
my boi
his last two haven't been the best but they're definitely not bad