Anyone else tired of this fucking Pokémon hype...

Anyone else tired of this fucking Pokémon hype? All of the fucking media are reporting on this 'new cool hip thing the youth plays', Pokémemes everywhere. All sorts of Chicago Bulls snapback wearing 16yo's running through the streets looking for a pikachu. It's fucking retarded.

no, not everyone is a sad fuck like you that grew up without a television

I can't play because the servers don't work

I'm not falling for the hype I'm more happy that kids are out of the house at least rather then playing League of Legends and Call of Duty

it is a childs game

You care too much, user.

look nigga I play games that I enjoy and you don't see me slapping my dick around about it
tbh pokemon go beta was better because it didn't become this huge fucking self-refencing inside joke yet

still fun tho but the following is a turn off

>Suggesting that chasing a fucking pig or pelting with sand in sandpit is better than pokemon go or television

No one cares.

My fat ass has walked about 15 miles since it came out. I've meet friends new and old, and I have a date tomorrow with someone who I just met last night.

So yeah, Pokemon GO FUCK YOURSELF you contrarian edgelord.

The kids who play it don't bother me as much as all the media/companies who jump on the hypetrain and act all hip and cool.

game sucks. only good for people who live in a big city like LA, NYC, etc. where I live it's hot as satan's asshole, so NO ONE goes on walks. and since it isn't a large city, all the pokestops are too spread out, and pokemon are always far away. literally a game for ppl who literally live in the middle of a gigantic city and have more opportunities to go to gyms, pokestops, and catch pokemon. either that or its pay to win with incense. in my area, I'm lucky to get 3 pokemon per incense.

Nope my gf and i both have pokemon go plus watchs we roam the streets with dog to find pokemon then stop at mcdonnalds for icecream im lovin it, op is a hipster.

It was fun for like 3 or 4 days after release. Meeting new people in your town, hanging with friends places you normally wouldn't hang, catchin em all, etc. Novelty wore off real quick and now I only open it once or twice a day in the off chance there is something really rare close to me.


What's your favorite idea?

yeah that fucking happened

Not this one

go back to your own thread autismo

Bullshit I live in hicktown west virginia and literally every hicktown close to me has at least 1 or 2 places where there is 2 or 3 pokestops right next to each other. You either live in the middle of a corn field or still haven't grasped the fact you have to leave your house to play the game.

met a few people during my walks, and i live in a small town where the game isnt released. Hung out with a girl i met, we fucked, was okay.

You are sad because u can't leave home ?

I'm annoyed by all the media going crazy by it, but I got nothing against the game. You just sound like a little whiny bitch.

>mfw no one around me joined me playing Ingress two years back
>mfw everyone around me plays Pokemon go all day long
>mfw people give me a weird look when I tell them Pikachu is a retarded choice

Its an overhyped shitgame, calm op wait 2-3 months abd this game Iss done.

define shit game.

Shhh.. stop complaining user. Pokemon go is a fun and interactive game! Everyone loves it!

Why don't you give it a try hmm? Here just go and spend £8 in this starbucks to find your free rare pickachu and your journey will begin.

Live in fairly small town Kansas and there are two gyms within a block or so each with 3-4 stops around each. 6 stops in reach of my job at the hospital. Anyone who says there isn't pokestops or pokemon must live in a hole or never leave their house.

You'd be surprised at what kind of things can happen when you go outside for once.


not all hicktowns are created equal. and I'm not even in a hicktown

You can't battle your friends and there is no turn-based battle system. The idea is fun and all, but the hype is waaaay to big. The most annoying thing is every company and every website jumping on the bandwagon.

ever heard of the dollar menu how am i losing if i take my girl out to eat and cath pokemon at same time?

I'm so happy seeing more kids walking around at the park and healthy and sweaty

Dude I'm sorry. Kansas blows ass. At least I live in a bigger city in the shit hole state. That fucking sucks.

Not him, but I do play the game to kill time and think it's pretty shit since the battling system is not fun at all, bugs and errors plague the game, and there is no pvp or trading pokemon. How people spend money on this game is beyond me. How much incense does one person need?

oh no. people are talking about something other than game of throne, the kardashians, or a fucking sports team and I don't get into whats now new and hip! I better bash on it until its not cool and new anymore.

>being upset that people are getting out having fun, getting exercise and being social


Hah, you don't have to tell me Kansas sucks. I've been here 23 years.



I want to see more beautiful kids walking around

Been here for 19. Hardly ever find another Sup Forumsro in KS though.
You born and raised here?

FUCK SHITCAGO AND EVERYONE IN IT. We shoukd nuke the asshole of america and fucking bury it.

Well if someone spends money on incense they are fucking stupid. just get some eggs and shit ton of candy and one lucky egg.

reason for bugs and bad servers might be because whole fucking world is playing the game rather than a few selected ones.

Yeah, born in small town around 30 min away from Wichita

I live in fuckall southeast kansas user. Hate that the gas station closes at 9

Good for you user
Also checked

Yeah, born in town around 30 min from Wichita

nah, polish decent hated it ever since i got here

God damn. I live in a town of 15k, one gym. 5-6 stops.
I work around a smaller town, 3k. 3 gyms almost 10 stops. Wtf.
Having the one gym where i live is bitter sweet because it is fun to go on a raid with your team and take it out, but unless you have guys bumping prestige constantly you lose the gym quick.

i like it, u can catch pokemon in fkn KZ Ausschwitz. jews hate it, but ist for the lulz

Fuckin, capcha error

i fucking hate pokyman. i get the appeal. are most of the grown men playing it pedos or something?

i can't speak for everyone else but I am

You blur out the face, like anything can actually be found out about it...

Goddard? Derby? Also Wichita isn't so bad when you realize it could be Detroit or something

it's not hype.

media is just reporting the shit out of it because they want you to forget about the BLM and cops.
I'm actually surprised that the attack in France was even shown at all on TV given how the news like
to hide things from the public.

Oh sup nig

Right on. Im bout hour and a half away from it. Lived in wichita and el dorado for a bit. In wichita got laid off cause great housing crisis of 08. Went to apply for litteraly any job. 4 days in i went to a janitor walk in appointment thing. They told me i had to have 2 years experience. I told them i bust ass and dont dick around and need a fucking job. They said no. 2 years. ...i am a grown ass man not qualified to clean toilets. I fucking autismed and flipped the cunts desk over and yelled at everyon on the way out. Packed my shit and came back. Fuck it.


2 years ago you would be called an autistic nerd if you played pokemon at school or while riding the bus or something. now the same people who would say that are all playing pokemon go

A little smaller lol born in Andale

Was waiting for the 'i don't like the game waaahh so i'll make a thread on Sup Forums to express how much I hate it to seem cool and edgy wahhh!!'

Surprising it took this long tbh. Maybe keep your opinions to yourself because nobody fucking cares.

Agreed, stop talking about it then faggot.

I didnt mind it most of the time. Lived accross from qt. Omfg chicken tiquitoes make me happy

I believe in pokeprivacy

You nigger

More like the media reporting on all the hilarious deaths involved. Thinking about installing it as a means of stalking good prey lol

The media is calling for pokemon go to be banned because it's "causing accidents".

Hah, no shit that's hilarious. Currently working in Wichita at the Via Christi hospital. 6 pokestops to fill my time. Good to catch some KS bros on here.


aka The New Cancer of Sup Forums



it's a buggy piece of shit and it's actually not enjoyable to play at all. people are fucking stupid

Savagely told by quints.

Shit dude. People anywhere can be assholes. If noticed it pretty difficult to get a job around here. Applied for anything and everything I was able to. Got three replies out of probably 50 apps in a month, all of which were rejections.


>wah muh safe space
Fuck off faggot and get real. Shit changes, sorry you are stuck in the past because youre a little coward.

Nm, just doin a little dickfarming. Me and a bro bout to head to tulsa and watch my buddy beat a dude's ass. U?


Fuck you! How old are you grandpa? Pokemon GO is awesome! No one cares about your opinion!

Please kill yourself!

Its fun and gives me a reason to go outside and walk around. Its not as amazing as people are making it out to be but definitely worth a try at the least

guess what. I've been outside once and nothing happened.
>get rekt

The following will probably be dead in a week.

turn around user

Birthing niglets atm, fam


What an apt description of every person I've ever met in oklahoma

I sure do love me some pokemons. Im not even sure what they are but these young kids keep knockin on my door askin if they can go to my back yard to catch one.

I just tell em i got a rare one in my basement but he only shows up if they find the money clip strapped to my thigh!

Used to load those andale ready mix trucks. Worked at the winfield quarry. My faglord fat cunt boss pissed off pete and almost lost them as a customer. Mfw, your boss is such a cunt the company folds. They 90 of our business. Lol, fucking neckbeard. I wanna hurt that fat fuck.

I've got no poke-respect for fags who play go

Aw yeah. Sup KS Sup Forumsro.
Ye. That place is alright. Now I know where to lurk for (at least one) other btards

mfw you didn't already have permanent immunity and had to reply to his post


That came out worse than I had planned

Yeah, how the fuck is there like 5 of us here. Lol, any of yall kansasfags headed to the fights in tulsa? Will buy you a beer.

It was for everyone else bub. Calm yourself

Kinda is, but I mean c'mon, admit it... you have never laugh as much just sitting in the park looking at people walking right inot a Tree or walking int the water.

+ the Nintendo jump 50% up in value

yeah keep telling that to yourself