Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday toooooo meee


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


Happy birthday user. Do you want to talk ? I can handle everything.

Thanks user.
So, how are you? Where you from?

happy birthday looser

hbd user

go get some cake

Je suis français, je suis plus toucher par ce pic que par les attentats de Nice.

Happy birthday man !

happy birthday user!

Which birthday are we up to?

Thanks user
I'll get it user
Thanks man
Thanks user!

I love you all guys, thanks so much


I'm from france,

Right now I'm doing fine, I just heard from what's going on in turkey and I I also heard from nice this morning. I don't really care for nice but I'm a little concern about the consequences of Turkey.

awesome, save me a piece

19 old
Oh I hope everything will be fine, user

Of course!

Joyeux anniversaire Sup Forumsro, at least you won't have some bitch ruin your birthday with a cruel prank like that kid whose entiere class said they would come and nobody showed up. Spend it with people who will genuinly congratulate you, treat yourself with something nice (if the budget allows it).
Come on don't lose hope, i'm having the worst time of my life since i've been alone except when i'm working, or 2-3 weekends with my family for over a year, but i can't lose hope. If i decide that i'm happy, then i will be somehow... right?

happy bday negro, have a good1

Are you me? And i hope civilian in Ankara will go through this fine (except for that one little detail that prevent her from coming to France)

joyeux anniv.
n'oublie pas que tu es sur Sup Forums pour toujours

Happy Barfday. I had mine a month ago end even my mom forgot about it. Oh well, it's just another year closer to the grave.

>be me , 20 Yo
>harassed and home-invaded by other students who called me a fag al year
> scared shitless and traumatized because they were drunk and violent
> had no one to call
> just had to take it
>they took half my stuff
> quit school
> got back to school a reay after, not got my degree and gf

don't loose hope OP.

happy belated day to you user

and I meant that NOW I have a degree as well as GF.

Happy Birthday

Thanks, I guess, random stranger .)

I will not, thanks user :')

Thanks my bro

happy birthday

Happy Birthday, user. Did anyone congratulate you today?

So many years ago... something happened somwhere on the globe... you popped out of hole.

My Sup Forumsros congratulated me :)

I hope your next birthday will be much more exciting for you, man. Just keep hanging in.

Happy birthday, OP.
Have a nice life, and never give up.

Happy Birthday OP

I really fucking hate normies.

I don't care what colour you are. I don't care where you're from. I don't care what you do for a living. I don't care what class you are, how you dress, what you smoke or drink or who you know or whom you've fucked.

I hate you all. I hate every last living, breathing, snot and feces producing, promiscuously copulating, celebrity obsessed, opinionated one of you. From right here in Toronto right around the planet and back, coast to coast, nationwide and internationally. Every. Single. Last. One. Of. You.

Fuck love. Fuck your insipid grasping at some abstract concept of chemical imbalances and reasonless actions, fumbling around in the crowd trying to find some cinematic supposition for real human interaction.

Fuck lust, too. Fuck you all, from the lowlife dirtbags that think dropping trou and waving the little soldier in a sloppy arc is a pick-up line to the sniveling of the desperate 'nice guys' who never get the girl due to a total lack of testosterone grown stones.

Fuck you all, from the crazy, under dressed sluts that judge a persons character by the price of their shirt, right down to the fat chicks that think personality is enough.

Fuck your culture. Fuck your race. Fuck your sense of entitlement. Fuck your sense of uniqueness. Fuck you all for the belief that you have something unique and interesting to contribute. Fuck you for filling the internet with your useless garbage. Fuck your blogs, your wikis, your forums. Fuck your "roasting". And most of all, fuck whatever you believe. It's all shit. Fuck it.

Fuck your complaints. Fuck your addictions. Fuck your dependencies. Fuck your pain. Fuck your tears. Fuck selling whatever it is you sell. Fuck your manipulation of others. Fuck movies. Fuck fucking. Fuck everything you own. Fuck your allergies. Fuck your stupid commons sense. Fuck your spelling and fuck your lack of education, or your ignorance, whatever is applicable.

I don't give a fuck. Shut the fuck up about it.

its my birthday too, user

Wow! Happy birthday for us user!


Happy Birthday man. I've been there. Last birthday my parents wouldn't stop fighting and I locked myself in my room and played mad max and cried like a little bitch. Things will get better, today may just not be the best day! Best of wishes from a Canadian Bro!

happy birthday user

Happy Birthday Nigger!

>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

Happy birthday, user! Eat lots of cake!

Happy birthday bruv