>yfw you are portuguese and living in France atm
Yfw you are portuguese and living in France atm
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What are the french media saying about the game?
fucking avecs
Tu peux retourner au Pauvre-tugal aussi si tu te plais pas ici FDP. Les apatrides dans votre genre on n'en a pas besoin ici
Im a portugueses living in pauvre-tugal tbqh
you have to go back
Vivement le frexit...
all i hear is baguette baguette baguette
Is this the face you were looking for?
Not happy about Portugal tactics in the full tournament, some questions about Deschamps too since he was too conservative in his approach.
dude i just finished watching this movie like 15 minutes ago
You're a joke of a nation throughout history
You always surrender
You're rude af
You smell bad cause most of you don't even shower on a daily basis
You could all commit group suicide to TSSSSUUUUUUUUUUU and the world wouldn't even bat an eye
Choke yourself on a baguette you insufferable fuck
Literally what have you ever contributed to the wold?
That makes you the biggest fag in the world no? Like CR7 is
They cooked salted cods, thats at least as great as rabies vaccination or metric system invention
i thought that was implied in the final shot
another classic performance
I just gave some of my old clothes to charity.
No one cares faggot
Apparently you don't read books
Also good culture, cuisine, fado, top quality engineers, IT's, CEO's and bankers
People from all over the world feel very welcomed here, except for French probably, we despite you
how does it feel to be overshadowed by spain?
how does it fill to be so poor(tugal) that 2M poortugueses have to migrate in a country you despise ?
How does it feel to be overshadowed by Portugal?
yet we are the most visited and relevant country in the world
5/10 for the effort
Is that what you think we feel? Top fucking kek. Nobody here has the perception that everyone else seems to have that spain was hot shit. We traded niggers and spice all over the world long before spain set sail, and long after britannia sunk the great armada. We love our spanish bros, but we don't have the romanticized view of Spain you lot have :)
It's true, unfortunately they had to migrate and I respect them for that.
They had to leave everything behind and search of a better life elsewhere, but that's their issue not mine
>most relevant country in the world
You literally couldn't make this shit up, my sides
You aren't even the best anymore in both whine and cuisine, just stop trying mohammed
Poor effort 2/10
Ive lived in lisbon for a year. great city desu, will definitely come back. half portuguese people i met spoke perfect french too.
too bad your diaspora in France is legit algerian-tier. they cant even speak portuguese and their french is lousy. they work hard tho, which isnt too bad i guess
They are fucking white trashes desu
How butthurt are the French on the streets?
I was expecting Alger-I mean French to start rioting and starting fights with Portuguese supporters yesterday.
>living in France
Why would live in Middle East?
I heard there was an airdrop of watermelons and grape juice so everything is calm again
Everything is daijobu :^)
Disappointed, but people dont really care desu
Dont forget that we are the most depressed people on earth, that defeat was just a small poop in an ocean of shit
Looks like a poo desu
>cuck journalists already making a big fuss over this random picture
>Apparently you don't read books
Care to recommend any must-read Portuguese writers or books? I would read it in translation though.
Pessoa, Eça de Queiroz, Camões. Those are the big 3 right now
You can start with poetry by reading the work of Fernando Pessoa, which is probably translated to dozens of languages. Also, José Saramago and... I'm really not the person to recommend anything else, some PT bro will help me out
Fernando Pessoa, Eça de Queiroz, Gil Vicente and Luís de Camões (Os Lusíadas) just to name a few.
More recent ones you have Saramago for example
> nouvelobs
> not a leftist retards newspap
algerians wanted us to lose because it's an arab free team
Just go to and you'll find out that one of their all time favorites is "The book of disquiet" by Pessoa.
both look indian though
Pessoa Book of Disquiet
Anything and everything from Saramago
Eça de Queiroz, Camões for the national epic and then some Vergilio Ferreira for top tier literature. (if you could find it translated. I doubt it would be good anyway, but wtv)
I wouldn't recommend either Eça or Saramago to anyone who would read it in translation. Their charm is only mastery of the portuguese language and that gets lost in translation. Eça was a copycat of the french writers of the time and only wrote bourgeois drama while Saramago varied more in thematic.
The book of disquiet is good if you wanna get depressed.
Racemixing, something you love.
I've heard about Pessoa from /lit/ as well, but haven't gotten around to him yet, now might be a good time to start. Thanks guys, I'll read Pessoa asap, and the other ones later.
I'll give Saramago a shot anyways.
Rribbit rribbit rribbit
> now might be a good time to start
I dunno, m8. Book of disquiet is very hate/love kind of book, read it like it's the bible or something, leave it in your night stand and read a few pages everyday.
Eça and Lobo-Antunes is where it's at.
Sttau monteiro is pretty good, not sure if angustia para o jantar is translated to other languages, it probably is
Is there a most hateful nation in the world? Their contributions are:
>faggy philosophers
>normalisation of faggotry
>normalisation of pedophily
>pedophile philosophers like Sartre
>smelly people
>arrogance without any underlying value
>people fighting over cheeses
>terrible writers like Boris Vian
>pride in surrendering
You mean Andorra.
You have to think about it this way. People who emmigrate are poor in the first place. They might earn more, but the majority will always be the base of the social pyramid
>recommending translations
Just read saramago
>recomending translated poetry
Why are there so many of you there? Especially in Paris
>(I'm Portuguese)
Cause they're leeches.
Read Gonçalo M. Tavares, he's pretty great and translated into a lot of languages
> portuguese calling someone smelly
Top kek, you must be the dirtyest people in europe, along with romas, you smell rotten fish srsly how can you be so rude
All the suggestions are plebcore. Manhã submersa and anything by Virgilio Ferreira, Camilo Castelo Branco or Agustina Bessa-Luis. Saramago is a plebeian and a die hard legit communist
Most fledd during the dictartoship and escaped military conscription.
avecs are not really Portuguese
>terrible writers like Boris Vian
hope this is bait m8, boris vian is fucking amazing and you are a pleb if you think otherwise
Honestly, it seems like you guys are being pretty hateful right now.
You could, you know, win gracefuly.
Because it's Paris rather some shithole in Portugal outside of Lisbon or Porto.. Better live basically.
good lad congratulation
frança deserved what it got like the weak cucks they are
>smell of rotten fish
>still smell better than the French
Underrated comment
>Frenchs mock us all trought the competition
>call Portuguese painters and doormen
>Had a bus already prepared beforehand with champion written on it
>Didn't put the Portuguese flag on eiffel tower
Sure we didn't took the high road, but the french fucks weren't gracefull in any way
We were enough graceful to welcome your 2M gipsy cowards
>the swiss cucks protecting their french cuck boyfriends
nothing new
I hate this semen-slurping sport, it's just fun to watch frogs being upset at a bunch of grown men kicking a ball in a grass field.
I dont even speak French and I can understand this guy is mad af. Some kinda word joke like Poor-tugal, calling the guy a SOB and some other shit
you had riots after the finals tho
not really graceful
I read two books by him and I really didn't like the style or the themes. Just a matter of opinion anyway
While I concede you may be right, I always hated France, and this tournament just reinforced that idea.
Marco Polo discovered America for the Portuguese Crown you uneducated fartsmeller
>being this mad about Quaresma
the riots took place before and during the game, suburb monkeys were pretty angry they were refused entry to the fan zone
Last time I checked it was mad french people having riots because they lost
> Marco Polo
> discovering America
> calling someone uneducated
Not sure if ironic prank or else
don't forget bringing masonry into power in the western world through the french revolution, that is their biggest crime
>Frenchs mock us all trought the competition
>call Portuguese painters and doormen
If saying "they're faggots too" is enough for you to justify being a faggot, good for you.
>Had a bus already prepared beforehand with champion written on it
No shit you idiot, do you think those just magic out of existence?
>Didn't put the Portuguese flag on eiffel tower
Those depend on twitter votes though
>you mad bro
>french """"""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""
whatever bro. Not even with Platini in France nigger side
>Not a shithole
Also, Lisbon and Porto are by far the biggest shitholes in the country.
>better life
Maybe 40 years ago, not anymore really
Platini has was banned from FIFA before the Euro even started, Pedro.
also was replying to this:
fuck, i'm still kinda drunk
Not the bus, but the "champions of Europe" written on it is a doable thing overnight.
The plane that is bringing the Portuguese players home only started painting those words after the game was finished.
(kek on the French players taking so long to leave the stadium because now they had to wait for the taxis)
pierre, sai daqui que tu vas tombé caralho
>sai daqui
Mes couilles sur ton nez, j'ai besoin de toi pour repeindre mon mur, stp vite
+ pay debts
Y u mad tho?
calm down pierre i'm just messing
From my experience last night
The portuguese supporters I saw on the streets of Paris and in the metro weren't really celebrating in front of us, they waited to be together. Pretty nice attitude.
When I got back to my suburb "Portuguese" fans were honking, waving flags and talking shit like "Fuck France" hidden inside their cars.
But from what I've heard in the media there have been a few clashes between Fr and Pt supporters