My dad was a victim of a knockout game while he was waiting for a train on the blue line in LA...

My dad was a victim of a knockout game while he was waiting for a train on the blue line in LA. I've never felt my blood boil in all my life. And as much as I hate to generalize, my mind is filled with nothing but expletives beginning with the letter N

Niggers are the only race that can't seem to evolve.

Evolution doesn't work that way you dumbass.

It's cultural, not genetic

Nigger hate thread?

I was saying this the other day at work...why is it niggers can't just act like normal fucking people. I'm sorry about your pops man, that's terrible. I would've done everything in my power to kill the pieces of shit. I'm not racist but some black people should be wiped off this planet.

Sorry that happened op. Now go kill a random nigger!

God damn I'm black you guys make Mr hate niggers

I didn't mean "evolve" literally faggot.

You should become a cop

Thanks man. I have one black friend and he's cool as hell, but I'm starting to think that he's the exception not the rule

I don't think I'm physically qualified to tell you the truth. All I can do is just share my story every chance I get and hope that people see that this shit is really happening in America

What the fuck is that?

Knockout was a stupid trend where you'd go up to a random person and try to knock them out with one punch

Same can be said about most people of any race. Some white dweebs ko some older guy and killed him and are facing major jail time. Its all in the history. Both. Whites and blacks are responsible for how shit US society is. But mostly the whites for betraying the blacks after slavery was abolished and racism was institutionalized nationwide. Both of you faggots will have to swart your mess out mutualy if you want to prosper, but there will always be the cancer that will stir up race related tension either for the lulz or due to tooo much inbreeding sideffect.

I think normal black people should start calling out these N-words for what they are. Because in all honesty, people like me who have never had any ill will against blacks are starting to feel really negative things towards blacks, even when it's subconscious. When there's enough of moderates like me thinking this way, it could spell disaster for normal blacks who are trying to live their lives as good citizens. Just my two cents.

where you run up to an unsuspecting person and knock them out

>is it really that hard to use a bit of intuition?

All niggers are black but not all blacks are niggers.

Best thing is the token black dude in my circle of friends sees this and agrees with it.

I agree.

It's really hard to fight back because when you try to tell the truth you'll just be labeled a racist...

nigger hate thread

I had that happen to me. Pack of niggers walked up to me. The one that hit me didn't do it hard enough. I stabbed him 9 times in the stomach while all his bitch friends ran away. Stupid piece of shit had to have surgery and I got community service hours because I stabbed him too many times. Stupid niggers don't understand that this could actually kill people with certain medical conditions. I should've finished that monkey with by slashing his throat.

>token black guy
everybody knows the token black guy in a white group is white underneath that layer of chocolate