Battlestation Thread; only the comfiest
Battlestation Thread; only the comfiest
That is the opposite of comfy
Not really that great of bait man. Try again tomorrow.
the hitler book?
>$100's of "music" equipment and software
>no income from "produced" music
>all that money spent on music studio gear
>Dre Beats
You fucking retard
Im jealous of your mixing setup :( if only i could afford FLstudio
Your grammar is so shit. And plus, that's a couple grand in equipment
they give it away for free
Temps are under load, not idle before anyone asks.
Also, GTX 960 being replaced with a GTX 1070 by the end of the month.
main use is encoding with some light gaming.
Shut up bitch
clean and smooth across the board.
Sweet headphones too
>dang that's clean
2 points marked off for being a degenerate
I mean, I have a job and a nice apartment with a pretty nice encoding rig, just because I smoke weed doesn't make me a degenerate. You probably know and respect several people who smoke weed you just don't know they smoke it.
The only reason you know I smoke is because I have an oil rig with an e-nail on my desk, and since it's an e-nail it's more or less fixed to that spot (since i'd have to unplug it from the wall to move it).
Simple and comfy, yet kinda dirty. Please forgive gross floors, it's in my storage room for now.
That's a rig. Hang yourself you pleb reject
I don't need to hear it from a fucking loser like you
Why should I care about proper terms? It's still weed related
That's pretty good
I assume you also treat caffeine addicts and alcoholics with the same level of disdain? If not you're just a hypocrite.
> The Hitler Book
> Glenn Beck
sweet library op
Just got everything all set up again after the move.
>you're a hypocrite for disliking people that do something illegal and not those that do something legal
Okay pal, can't wait to hear what other retarded arguments you come up with
hella nice desktop background
I would rather be a "loser" who kicks it with friends and bitches than be an autistic retard like yourself. Moron. Grow up little boy, or you'll stay inside forever never having any companions.
Nice lamp
Caffine doesn't make you a burnout. Nor does it give you an excuse to beat your wife. You're a fucking idiot.
>that do something illegal
Hold the phone shit sticks, it's 100% legal where I am you dumbass.
Not to mention, it's only illegal because of politics, not any actual substantiated reason.
your pleb be showing m8
Thank you
wasted m8, we say wasted
why. why the hell.
>wow you hate weed that means you're a friendless virgin loser fuck!
Nice ad hominem jackass
>this plant that kills brain cells and is mostly used by teens and failure adults is legal so i'm right!
Sure bud, keep on getting dumber
Your autism is showing. End your pathetic excuse for a life. Have fun never having any friends faggot.
>kills brain cells
nice bait
OP do you live Georgia
What the fuck is up with those stuffed toys?
>Case on the desk and not in the floor
Congrats, you're a destitute neckbeard
>he's using the same stupid argument
Kek already run out of things to say moron?
Okay. You have me laughing my ass off.
The crustaceans make it. You win. ily
>>wow you hate weed that means you're a friendless virgin loser fuck!
>Nice ad hominem jackass
You say that to him but then you make the same logical fallacy you call him out on with me... You generalize ALL stoners as brain dead losers. Good arguing there my friend, you played yourself.
I also have that book, big fan of Glenn Beck
Those are wonderful beasts.
What else is there to say? There's only so many facts you can say. Keep doing you, ya virgin reject
You do realize that for instance in the state I am in, Washington, pot is 100% legal right? We got shops all over, it is like Starbucks.
>on Sup Forums
>calls someone degenerate
invalid argument is invalid
the beats were a gift from an incompetent grandma. i couldn't decline them and i didn't really want to sell them because i didn't have headphones. my studio monitors are perfectly fine, and the clown cans are still good for cross-checking my mixes because a lot of shitty listeners will have beats (which are CONSUMER headphones). you should test your mix on shitty speakers so you know your mixing didn't go to waste.
Nice little lock picking station you got there.
Nope, you?
My favourite part of this is that it's set up right in front of the stairs.
maybe you should talk to your local psychiatrists, they can tell you some stories. I could also tell you a few.
Is this what you think pot makes you do? Your mom and school did a good job on you kid.
>spice is legal so therefore its totally okay and not at all bad for me to smoke it
>alcohol is legal let me abuse that
You're an idiot
>keeps on with the virgin insult
Lmao, just stop replying you dumbfuck
Different instances but try again
>Carpet floors
>I like my radiator with the least amount of dog hair in it possible.
Thanks tho.
send your mix or kys
>Orion Spark
God I fucking hated that keyboard. Mechanical switches my ass
it's so that when i come home i can punt kick it across the fucking room
Where did you get that image from?
>>alcohol is legal let me abuse that
Here's the issue, you assume because someone smokes they are abusing it.
You can drink responsibly and you can smoke responsibly. You're just being obtuse and trying to start an argument if you dont see that.
I see the Chiefs on that chair. Go Chiefs!
As if I'm going to share my data with Sup Forumstards openly. I'm not a fucking pleb m8
Sure thing, let me get right on that. Cause I need to prove myself to YOU.
That's adorable.
Moron, where else would he put the tower? between his legs?
I have a Zenbook instead of the G74 now.
inb4 shit wallpaper
>fruity loops
cmon man.
No, the book underneath the computer
Looks mechanical to me.
Can provide specs if people care
I know! This guy making excuses foir his headphones when all he has is second rate consumer garbage you can pick up at the fucking Best Buy on Main Street USA. Fuck this faggot up his asshole with that swindle shit.
You seem to define use the same as abuse.
Do you think that is smart to do?
Kid, I smoke pot, I work for a rather large company, you in fact are using one of our products right now. I guarantee it. I get paid fairly well. I am a responsible adult. You my friend, are an idiot it appears however.
Might as well post my station as well to keep on topic.
Good man, user.
Please no 970.
Thanks, you pick any? I recently bought a lot of Medeco cores from ebay and plan on repinning them, I'd be happy to send one your way.
You are wrong my dude
>not using ableton
Got the keyboard from a friend for free. Looking to get a zalman k900m when they drop. Rog1070 strix inside
OP here, nice keyboard/mouse
>all that Razer shit
absolutely disgusting.