Drug thread. What you guys doing tonight? I'm down for some more D-Ketamine

Drug thread. What you guys doing tonight? I'm down for some more D-Ketamine

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What's it like user? Always wanted to do it.

>inb4 high schoolers circlejerking over pot and ruining thread

Livestream it faggot

I'm bout to smell hella sharpies nigga, mom said that shit isn't good for you so you know that shits gonna be hot

Smoking some purp right now

We'll, that was quick.
>gif related


Just got it yesterday. People call it extended release K, apparently its pretty similar. Best description I've seen is "doing a line of psychedelic down syndrome" its stupidly fun. Everything is wonky

Picking up an O.pen soon

Did you buy it off SRv2 or whatever they're calling it now? (Online in general for that matter)

Got some DXM, gonna love some 500mg.

Enjoy brain damage, teeny bopper.

I remember high school.

Chemical story. Bought 1p from the too, very professional and high quality stuff

Nigga pls


guess what drugs I was on and win a prize

hard drugs are for mugs OP

I'd say some benzo

I've got LSD and DXM, I do more Lucy, but DXM its like being druck wo the stupid hangover and/or puking.

Is D-Ket technically a hard drug?

"William White claimed high doses ofDXMmaycause brain damagein the form of NMDA antagonist neurotoxicity. Olneys lesions, also known as "NMDA Antagonist Neurotoxicity" or "NAN", are a form ofbrain damage cause"
First Google search. Enjoy brain damage, teeny bopper.

I went to a dentist and got stuck a couple, does that count?

>not puking
Wtf are you doing

No dissos in moderate doses are shown to be neuroprotective. Olneys lesions have never been proved

Is 1p legal? Also, big time question. Did a huge amount of research but I'm still feeling sketchy about it. I wanna buy lsa because I heard it was legal. If I buy a few personal hits online will they still get me? Opinions in general?

Some coke

Never test Ketamine , I want to try it , But I wait to go in teknival for that . How you feel ?

Legal for possession not consumption. Thing is, if its on a blotter its basically "intent to consume". You are probably OK buying some, worst case deny you ordered it, anyone could have ordered it to your address


I don't know, I never have puked on DXM, probably I have some kind of tolerance or somewhat like that. But that's why I use it, it's something when I don't have acid.

I have 2 gs of shatter. Going to be doing the best drug ever al-lad tomorrow with my wife for our wedding anniversary. If you have never done it. Look it up. It's like a less rough LSD with kind of a MDMA upper feel to it. I also have 5 presses of MDMA as well but not doing that till next week maybe. We have been thinking about candy flipping. Anybody have any experience with that?

Whatever. Not like I care about your personal health. All I know from my brief experience and research on it is that it basically turns your liver to shit and fries your neurotransmitters. Do it all you want. This is what I believe and this is why I don't do it.

Just dosed. Its D-Ket, so close but a bit different. I haven't tried real K yet.

Oooooh man I wanna gt my hands on AL-LAD for a long time.

1p or lsa? Also, would it make a difference in legality if I got liquid or powder instead?

Ho ok , I'm not an expert with all of this drugs , I Just know and taking some MDMA and weed

1p. Not sure, probably yes. Good luck dosing 100mcg of powder tho

You chugging syrup or getting the purified chemical

Make sure you space out your rolls. And no prob fam

My nigga, al-lad is the best hallucinogen ever created in a lab

Pshh, I mean fuck. Step one is running it by 12 and making sure they don't take what I paid for. Anything after that I can take on my leisure without having to step around glass.

Its next on my list. That or 4-ho-met

I love psychs. I am an experienced psychonaut, and it will be my drug of preference all my life

Really its not too light of a mind load for you?

I think I'm gonna try the next month , we have free party for 5 days in France , I can try it for one day . Do you take drugs alone or in party ?

You ever done 2c-b?

Supplementary question; what's your favorite drug you've ordered online?

Generally alone or chill in with a few friends

Hell yeah

I wish, some analouge of that is on my list too. Both I've ordered (1p and D-Ket) have been fucking awesome. Very different though

Getting it past the piggies I mean. That's probably the biggest scare about wanting to order it and still have things work out. I wanna try it so bad though. I've done about 16/17 hits of real acid through my entire life and that shit was great. I miss that stuff.

DXM? Well, it's interesting, I have done it 3 times, it's being drunk with CEVs and no puke (for me) and no hangover.

It's hard to find here. But it's worth it. Going to be doing it on a private beach.I can't wait to experience that "dome effect" while looking at the stars over the Pacific ocean. It's going to be beautiful

Spending the weekend at my mom's. Already killed a fifth of vodka and almost burned up all my weed. The twice a year visit doesn't require this, I just have quite the habit.

I never take drugs in chill session . It is different into a party and chill ?


Sorry for double post , Another question :^)
Whats is your favorite drug ?


I just want to take a lot of DMT, I am a psychs lover.

How you feel on DMT ?

Yeah, I think your OK. As I said before if it goes bad, deny you ordered it. Also, if you get a letter saying something about how it got seized, just never order again to that address
I really wanna try AL-LAD, but don't have a lot of lsyergimide exp
Not sure, I don't party enough to know. Still kinda young. And probably D-Ket or 1p. Both beautiful chems

Have you ever taken LSD? That like x100000, btw visuals are fucking crazy, like visiting the world in your head.

I've taken mush, lsd, al-lad, 2c-i. I want to take dmt but I'm trying to prepare for it because I hear it's beyond intense. I have only ever taken them to make positive changes in my life. Do you think I'm experienced enough for DMT? That's the final frontier for me.

Vysanse is the shit nigger. anyone else had any experience with it?

Look the only fucking adult in the thread.

I occasionally enjoy a stiff drink and a nice fuckin joint. The only pills I take are Bayer asprin for my heart. I take albuterol and sometimes ephedrine for my lungs.

Never Test , I will test in 2 week , for rave , LSD and mushroom .
I think I'm gonna wait for DMT , I'm affraid about thing like that .
I'm afraid about LSD too , but I really want to know how we see

You can never tell if you are prepared for it until you tried it, but for what you have taken I think you are ready to go :)

Ritalin is my fav stim so far. Heard vyvanse is anxiety city for a lot of ppl
Lsd is intense. Be mentally prepared, set and setting are everything

If you have taken any kind of psych I would say you should take al-lad. There is literally nothing wrong with it. There is almost no come up, no next day hangover. In fact the next day, everything has a beautiful glow to it. If you want to see beauty in everything. Take it. There is literally no downside. I've never felt a bad or uncomfortable feeling. And I've never had a nasty come up or crash

My dude, I had a problem binging that shit for the longest time. Had the blue and orange xr's. Ooooooweeeeee. I was a fucking train wreck. Hardly ate or slept all that week. Also was taking klonopins and roxies at the same time.

I'll grab some next. Still got 8.5 tabs of 1p tho lol. What's your recommended dose?

Does anyone here know of any plants and shit you could find in the woods or your backyard that I could smoke and get high off?

I've been talking with my wife about it, they have ceremonies you can take here with a shaman. I'm really interested in experiencing it the right way and not just getting fucked up. I'm not really sure how people can take that just to get fucked up

Datura, opium, weed, nutmeg, chamomile

Some super lemon haze, 90% thc
Shit's legit

How many Microgramms you think I need to take for my first time ? Any tips for that ?

Salvia grows wildly from what I hear. There is a bit of an extraction process though if I'm correct the cured leaves only cause a "mild" dissociative disorder.

You know you're not supposed to be on here if you're twelve right?

100-150. If its street acid TEST IT. if its bitter and numbs your mouth and tougne SPIT IT OUT. Go in with a chill.mindset and avoid parents and others. Get a sitter. Go to r/LSD, read the sticky on it

Just some Hindu kush extract from the best weed store in Spokane.

I've never taken more than a tab and a half. I'm honestly not sure how many micrograms each is.

lmao good luck trusting a dealer's word for it or trying to weigh out micrograms without having expensive equipment.
just take one tap/drop/gelcap your first time man.
honestly you'll be lucky if it's actually lsd. there are analogues that are way cheaper and more legal to make that work almost exactly like lsd so no biggie. you'll have fun as long as you're in the right mindset

Do amphetimines make you piss a lot? I think I had some ampy Coke and couldn't figure out if that was the reason, or because the beers were going down so easy.

testing it doesn't always work tbh. especially with the cheaper kits. plus there really aren't any dangerous analogues to lsd. n bomb is dangerous but i've never met anybody who actually sold it.

Don't know if it's street acid , I just know one friend gonna take a flask , it will be in rave party so I can't chill

Probably 150 each. Most AL-LAD tabs I've seen a re
They make me shit a lot
Onions my man.

1p is where it's at right now lol. isn't it still technically legal? anyway i took 3 tabs before but if you're not comfortable with it just take 1.

No. They dont. They probably dehydrate you and make you piss out all the water your body needs to function. Similarly to alcohol and all other drugs that fucking exist save for pot.

user, stop being fifteen years old.

Jenkem'd out the ass

Yeah it is.
LSD glows under UV too, FYI. I wouldn't do it there but your choice
Better to rule out nbome tho

i'm assuming you mean opinions but yeah that's true. idk i've take so many "acid" tabs and drops and they've all acted differently for me. some were tasteless, some bitter. some kicked in at 45 minutes in, some took 2 hours. some lasted longer than others and some had way more intense visuals without me focusing on them.
and only twice did they tell me it wasn't actually lsd.
i guess what i'm trying to say is any kind of acid you get on the street is generally super unreliable, even if you trust the guy.

Does anyone have any experience with candy flipping?

Absolutely. And onions as in Tor. Get some shit off the dark web or order some 1p. At least test your stuff. Honestly

I've heard its mind blowing, wouldnt wanna come down from MDMA while on LSD tho

This guy gets it. Always buy a test kit. There only 20 bucks on Amazon. Some lsd is laces with rat poison, so it's better to be safe than fuck with your personal health.

I've done them seperatly and all I can tell you is wait to take the mdma during or right before the LSD peak. Crashing on LSD and mdma at the same time is undesirable.

i kandi flipped once like, five years ago at a rave. took the acid and then took a cap about an hour later. it was the most fun thing ever until the molly started wearing off. i was tripping hard as fuck and my body just wanted to be done for the night. it was pretty dysphoric. i got over it in an hour or two tho. it was fun and i'm glad i experienced it, but i wouldn't do it again.

Is that where you stick a wet sucker to your sleeping friends hairy taint?

ohhh you outwitted me. and yeah that's probably the best way to go, although i've never personally done it so i'm a bit out of my element

Ok , thx user .
I just have one last question , for know what I'm gonna live . Did I'm gonna see deformation like in the movie " Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas " . It's stupid questions , but I really need to know for be prepared haha .

I'm taking it with al-lad and I always wait the three months in between doses of MDMA. I hear if people abuse it it really ducks with your dopamine supply and can make you really depressed. I'll be taking it at about hour 4 or 5 in since al-lad lasts about 6 to 8 hours.