Literally "Apologize": the year

Literally "Apologize": the year

Year that debunked meme magic


I only know Ronaldo to be quiet honest with you my man.

This. Who the hell are the others? Wayne Gretzky and Tom Brady? Who's the black guy?

I thought Sweden knew all about black guys

How quick children forget.

>Who's the black guy

I'll take "things that Swedish men say in the bedroom" for 200

So if the Cubs win will this be the GOAT sports year across the globe?

How about no


Netherlands bring all the bants.

t. nigger

Ranieri is the biggest APOLOGIZE case in history
got so much shit for being a loser throughout his career you can't even begin to imagine


No, the year that PROVED meme magic

lmao dude we should make our trophy whatever the object is we use to play lol


I'll take "teams that couldn't qualify for a tournament that included Wales, Northern Ireland and Albania" for 200

Hockey is for Canadian loving queers.

wew lad

Four top players on teams that won it all

Manning - greatest QB of our era. This was his last year. He sucked bad and his team carried him like with CR7

Crosby - Top 3 hockey player didn't watch

Le Bron - greastest basketball player of our era. Is unstoppable

Oh yeah, forgot you guys qualified.

How did you do btw?

Fucking this. Tsuunaldo is a meme, Golden State lost to their own meme shot (right in Curry's face) and the others I don't know enough.

he's memeing, you can't be on Sup Forums for more than five minutes without finding out who lebron and peyton are.

Better than you

People outside of America have no idea who either of them are

more like, "Why do good things happen to bad people: The Year"

t. nigger

Literally 'refball and corruption', the year

lots of people outside america know who lebron is. peyton is more low key. but i was talking about niggers on Sup Forums not your average person.

Thank you Crosgod. I never doubted you

i like this bants

get ready to Apologize

>even years
>los doyers winning anything

the good guys won every sport this year

has this ever happened in recent history?

Kek. I love you Netherlands

I picked all these teams to win. Never had such a good year


>peypey didn't even matter in the end
Was there really any doubt who the real GOAT was

philadelphia are always the bad guys.

speaking of this what happened to all the butthurt after this guy won whatever it is he won?

I remember for like 2 weeks half the american threads here were super buttmad about how he put his balls on some girls face and how the black dude shoulda won or something along those lines then it all disappeared so suddendly

ESPN finally shut the fuck up about it after three months of arguing over whether or not calling Cam Newton an arrogant loudmouth and/or rooting for Peyton means you're a racist.

Reports came out that the bitch was a liar. Also reports of him using steroids to recover from injury. But really, who cares when the guy is the literal GOAT.

>implying anyone actually cares about this """"""""""""""sport""""""""""""""

>3 rings when he was Teddy Bridgewater tier
Wow he sure is great

>le no respect meme
No way Lobster gets a ring with that team, only uneducated niggers say otherwise.


Who is the guy in the top right?

Sidney Crosby. It's a white people thing

>no baseball


Who the fuck are those guys who aren't Cristiano.

Literally fucking who.

What did he mean by this?

>doesn't even throw a touchdown

>literally passes the ball to Irving to make the game-winning 3

>doesn't even play in the final

>i dont know because i'm not gay to watch this fagsport

this is quite honestly, literally, not even joking, the worst year in sports
i think i'm done with this shit


No idea who the bottom left is. I'm guessing soccer? Might as well wait for the World Series to replace that spot.

Koen coming in hot with the bantz

you're trying too hard with the Lebron part desu. his was one of the greatest finals performances ever, if not the best

Van der Kek

das it


year that proved that no matter who wins Sup Forums will give credit to "meme magic"

fucking kill yourselves faggots

This deserves one more you

What the fuck is that humongous hockey trophy all about. Fucking Americans

It's the undisputed GOAT trophy, you filthy, smelly beaner


t. guy from the future

Is it overcompensation for a small mentality, just like your cars?
Kek, try again Kevin


Because the world cares about your """"""""""""""sports""""""""""""""

convincing america that Canadians don't run the NHL was the greatest lie ever created

Where did this stupid "apologize" meme come from?

Do you feel threatened by things that are larger than yours, Jesus?

>Apologize Centenario Edition
damn it feels good

holy mother of kek.


based netherlands bantz


holy suck

eheheh American Mexicans are the best Americans



>the literal GOAT

That's not Tom Brady

hot damn netherlands co-champions of Europe 2016