Is there a way we could prevent this World Cup from being held?

Is there a way we could prevent this World Cup from being held?

Reminder Zidane sold out for this shit

>Rating Zidane


No. And fuck it...let them spend their oil money organizing the world cup.

lads Qatar hosting is better than fucking Argentina and Mexico hosting.

Qatar is rich as fuck. it isn't Iran.


As long as they put an AC in every building it will be a GOAT WC

>Literal slavery
>Fag flogging
>No beer
>A country smaller than Connecticut
>Temperature is 120º in summer
>No football fans; only pakis and poos
>They really believe they'll put AC
If they wanted a WC in the Middle East, the UAE would've been a far better option. Qatar is a shithole covered in makeup.

Yes, make in Brazil again. It will be inferior to 2014, as Mexico '86 was inferior to Mexico '70, but it will still be cool. Also, we could spend only some US$ 10 trillion in reforming all stadiums/rebuilt them from the ground again.

>Literal slavery
who cares
>Fag flogging
>No beer
there will be beer.
>A country smaller than Connecticut
who cares
>Temperature is 120º in summer
will be in winter
>No football fans; only pakis and poos
the football fans will be the typical Germans, Italians, Mexicans etc.. anyone who makes the trip.
>They really believe they'll put AC
they will

>Literal slavery
It's you who wins in the end

>Fag flogging
Just don't be gay on the streets.

>No beer
No drunk hoolings threatening you just because you want to have a good time and support your team

>A country smaller than Connecticut
Who cares

As for the rest, they will cover their country in ACs since FIFA will force them, they're rich so they can do what they want

Do you think they'll try to pull a South Korea and buy a semi final?

maybe by then ww3 will have started or isis will have definatly been linked to saoudi and qataris and we ll have glass those countries

Kek, might as well glass all of Africa while you're at it

nope cause africa has natural resource we can use that arent bad for the environement
african should just ben put back into slavery or just killed cause having work 10+years in tchad and cameroun i can tell you this : you can remove the african from africa, but you will never remove africa from and african.
just just develop a desease that feast on melanyne enriched persons.

>A country smaller than Connecticut
>Who cares
There won't be enough space for all the people coming for the WC. Literally millions of people will be there. They won't be able to handle them. There's only one fucking city there, and it isn't even that big. Everything else is practically just an oily desert. The towns where the stadiums will be built could literally fit in them.

Let's fuck the football season then. For 'murica it might not be a problem, but every other league that is actually relevant starts in August and finishes in May.

We should host it, alongside Greece.

>>Literal slavery
>who cares
Are you from the south?

What are your worse experiences in those countries?

You can reply in French if you want, I can read it perfectly but sadly can't reply back in it.

You're underestimating how rich Qatar is. They can build whatever they want

This. I've seen a documentary about Qatar and their shitty capital, Doha looks like ghost town. There's literaly tons of urbanized areas, with very expensive housing and nobody lives there.

I'm sure they could build a space elevator if they wanted, but I'm also sure that they won't be able to organize an event of this magnitude as well as their friends in the UAE or say, 'Murica themselves, you, Germany, any other developed AND civilized country...

Wasn't it in Qatar where a Dutch woman was drugged and date-raped and consequently sentenced to jail/leave the country because of sex out of wedlock? Seems like a really progressive country lads

most frustrating experience is trying to have them work.
you have to be on their back all the time otherwise they just stop and go sleep somewhere.
had to hire white people to keep watch on them otherwise the job would not be done

worst experience. if you are white you are responsible for everything bad that happen to them
once a nigger killed himself by crashing into my car, i was parked and had just entered my car to get back to the diplomatic area. in a few second a mob of 50 nigger was crowding my car and asking for blood cause i had killed him
had to pull my gun and shot a few time to disperse the crowd then had to race to the ambassy for safety.
niggers have no concept of life and death. they just dont care. my caretaker had his wife prego but she misscarried told him he could take a few days to recover he just laughted it off and told me she would be prego again in a few months.
also my home security team killed some homeinvader and they displayed them like a trophy hopeing for a reward like a slain lion...

At this point, no. Stadiums are pretty much halfway built, too much money invested for FIFA to pull out. They're going to double down.

link to the documentary ?

>anyone who makes the trip.

that's kind of the problem, the middle east isn't exactly a desirable destination at the very best of times and as i understand it, things aren't likely to be better in another 6 years

brazil is probably the same but at least it's a sporting country

Holy shit lmao but what were you doing in Africa anyways
You should have killed one of those negros

You mean Russia, right? As far as I know, most of the stadiums in Qatar are just in planning stage.
BUILD WALL PEDRO.... oh wait


i thought that was UAE?

>my caretaker had his wife prego but she misscarried told him he could take a few days to recover he just laughted it off and told me she would be prego again in a few months.
Wow, sounds like a dystopian version of 2050's detroit

she claimed to be raped

probably lied

also i think she was """dutch"""

Women can be so dumb. I remember a few months back a femanon on /trv/ interested in knowing if north africans were hot because she was going there on vacation, and she only wanted to oogle at if north africans will just shy away if they catch her looking kek.

Tons of poo in loos went there and were exploited as cheap slave labor and died by the thousands.

That's one good thing at least.

>>Literal slavery
>who cares

I hope some day you find yourself sold into the human trafficking business, you'll care then,.

When Mexico gets sanctioned by Fifa for a small group of fans chanting something that could be interpreted as homophobic but then a Sharia law country gets to host the wc how are we to react?


>Caring about 3rd world population control

Fuck that. If it was held in Mexico I could afford to go.

While the country is shit for its sex laws, the story is fucking bs, I think I heard 3 different stories in 2 weeks time on Dutch media.

It's also common that those whores go there to prostitute for a few weeks and then return home.

Despite that, fuck Qatar and the other Arab countries.

thank god bill clinton is working on it

humm. we could allways ask the USA to save us again. they seem to be pretty good at fucking shit up wherever there is sand.. so... merica? hum? *wink* *wink* just a little war over there hum??

>mfw no USA-Mexico joint WC
Why even live, lads?

I see, I never really looked into the story beyond the headline.

One of the host cities in Qatar literally did not exist when the World Cup was awarded. They just said, "We don't have enough cities in our country to host all the matches, so we'll just build another city out in the desert and include a stadium." That city is now at least partially built. I forget which one it was, but all the host cities exist according to Wikipedia, although several of them only have populations of like 3,000 people.

>All these people literally shilling for the Qatar World Cup in this thread
Whenever a reprehensible disgrace of a country gets awarded a major sporting tournament, the tournament is always GOAT. The Beijing Olympics in 2008 were incredibly successful and popular. The World Cup in Brazil was one of the greatest I have ever seen, and they literally sent death squads of police to just go in and massacre favelaniggers by the thousand to make it happen. The World Cup in Germany was boring, meanwhile, as were the 2004 Athens Olympics. Conclusion: monstrous human rights abuses make for great sporting tournaments.

Are they still going ahead with the plan of holding the tournament during the winter?

I think they have to. They would seemingly rather deal with the fallout from that than invent new air conditioning technology that can keep a stadium cool in July in the Middle East.

So, CL final in July? Great...

>hundreds of Nepalis died for this

Let ISIS handle its cancellation,

>WC in december
We all agree on the same point. This shit must change places.

If we let this shit happen, I can see the media constantly reminding us about how shitty the country's conditions are, yadda yadda yadda...

All oilnigger countries should be banned from hosting WC's

World Cup in winter just doesn't feel right. Major football tournaments are connected to summer in my head.