Who's hungry?!

Who's hungry?!

I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot, fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!

Don't come back.

grab me a whopper


that's it?

get a side of 20pc nuggies w/buffalo sauce

Mcflurry pls

which kind

483 nuggies

That response was fast but M&MS 4lyfe

I will have chicken nugger and french fried.

Let me get a McGangbang.

nah it's all about dat land sea and air burger

kay riddle me this

double quarter pounder
3 mcdoubles

I heard McDonalds has chemicals in their food that create the "McDonalds Flavour" and that is why no other food can taste like it because they have patented the chemicals that give it that specific flavour. Any1 else heard this?

Also made with 100% beef =/= "This is 100% beef". 100% D grade meat is just ONE of the ingredients that it was made WITH.



mcdouble (land), fish filet (sea), mcchicken (air)

shit so cash but also gross as fuck in an irresistible way

Oreos are better.

Fuck now I'm hungry. By the way that's what I always get.

Nah dude mcgangbang all the way. I get it every fuckin time I go and that's all I get.

(it's a McChicken and a McDouble for that McDumbass)


when you say something unique you supposed to explain

100% came from a cow. Now which part of the cow is up for debate....

ma nigga


No thanks OP
I'll get some real food
That shit's gross