Hey Sup Forums I feel that drum samples/machines have no place in metal and can make a band with awesome riffs ultimately sound like shit. What's your opinion on drum samples/machines Sup Forums
Drum samples in metal
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me 2 years ago
>"metal made by computer or drum machine would be awesome"
>after searching finds celdweller
>some good metal/trance songs,mostly corny bs with boring riffs
>hopes a new saviour of electro+metal will arise
Electronic metal should never exist
The synths utilized by bands like Gojira and Cult of Luna I think, contribute greatly to the music they make. Electro-acoustic manipulation is better for the time being, I think, but eventually electronic synthesis will carve a solid place in extreme metal. It's on the fringes right now.
If electonica finds a place in metal I would an hero in a heart beat.
A world where metal uses drum machines instead of drummers isn't one I want to live in
I agree completely with this. Sure, use a drum machine for some splittercore shit if you want to. I encourage influence from unusual genres. But you don't deserve to play metal if your drummer can't achieve the accuracy and speed necessary to play it live.
As a drummer myself a listen to drummers and I love when they can play it and metal is a genre all about feeling through what you play. No drum machine can ever play with the emotion a real drummer that has taken the time to understand his instrument can.
Again, I agree, though I do think that in the far future technology will become advanced enough to convey emotion in this way.
It very rarely works out well. I'm not sure if everyone is into the same thing but I'm into shitty metal in the same way people are into lo-fi rock. In those cases I love drum machines in metal. That's not a very good argument for it though since I'm literally saying they sound bad.
Are you saying you like drum machines in raw black metal? If so I didn't know that was a thing and that seems very un-trve
I hope it never does. If it does it just ultimately shows how unappreciated a musician is by their fans
lol, half the drums on most of the records you like have had samples layered in or had entire things like snares replaced.
This is metal not all music we're talking about here
lol, go away you poseur
Plenty of the more mainstream albums do this, but there are subgenres of metal dedicated to recording shit in one take to cassettes in a dude's garage. Common enough in grindcore (and the other grind genres), black & death metal (mostly old-school shit), and some avant-garde shit
If that's a thing then I don't know if it either. I was talking more along the lines of goregrind or coprogrind. Half of those bands are just a couple of guys that know how to play 3 rifts and how to chain distortion pedals.
>calls someone poser for saying drum machines have no place in metal
What's next calling someone a poser for listening to the discography of the band on the shirt they're wearing?
Ha poser I bet you've actually listened to a full slayer album.
drum machines are essential for industrial black metal
Industrial metal is shit and always will be industrial metal is excluded from the conversation because it's not real metal
go to Sup Forums with your logical fallacies
>logic unwelcomed
>metal thread
>logical fallacies unwelcomed = logic unwelcomed
let me guess, you're wearing a slayer shirt?
>wearing a band shirt
Nope johnny cash if you must know
Drum samples are fine.
Guitar and bass synths are not.
Drummer here too, don't really like any kind of metal but I have huge respect for the drummers.
The technical skill required is up there with even the most complex big band/swing and jazz music. I hope drum machines stick to electronica.
This is idiotic though. Music isn't about conforming to some same vague sense of autistic authenticity. It's an art, and any musician who decides he doesn't want to take advantage of the ability to manipulate and synthesise any sound imaginable because "muh real instruments" has his priorities fucked up. Nonsensical and immature arguments such as this are the reason people say metal is for children.
I'm okay wit it.
The argument is that drum machines cannot accurately replicate a live performance from a human drummer. As says, it's fine to utilize it for some interesting sounds you want to create
You guys do realize that Grindcore has been doing this forever right?
it's also a performance art
Certain grindcore bands, yes. Others adamantly oppose it
doesn't mean much unless a band's main focus is performing, and even then, it's not difficult to adapt
I quite like Anaal Nathrakh and Agoraphobic Nosebleed. They make good use of superhuman-tier drum patterns imo
>The argument is that drum machines cannot accurately replicate a live performance from a human drummer.
This is changing very fast. I'm sure at this point you've already heard a band that programs drums on their studio releases instead of live recording, it's getting increasingly harder to tell. One top of that you can use a drum machine to fine tune each and every nuance of a beat to perfection plus the fact that you aren't limited by your traditional drum ensemble in terms of sound.
This thread reminds me of highschool. That's the kind of discussions (yelling at each other and calling each other faggots) we had.
Made me think of The Berzerker.
Posting for nostalgia value
This has already been addressed
>doesn't mean much unless a band's main focus is performing
not necessarily
music is pure expression. sure you can achieve this by sitting at a computer for hundreds of hours programming too, but you can't invalidate dudes who just pick up instruments and let creativity flow for "not taking advantage of digital manipulation".
I figure Cybergrind is a pretty sizeable scene and Porno/Goregrind is oversaturated with it at this point. Also reccing Catasexual Urge Motivation.
I'm not invalidating them. I agree that is is incredible how much talent and creativity live musicians have. I'm saying you shouldn't invalidate electronic musicians who are also incredibly talented and creative.
>This thread reminds me of highschool.
it's a metal thread.
Yeah, lots of anger for a lot of young dudes during that time. But anger is still present in adulthood sometimes. I still listen to metal from times to times but it's less frequent as my outlook on life changes too. I mean, everybody old enough knows that. Aside from those still stuck in metal. There's so much more guys.
Personally, I started listening to metal in middle school (SOAD and Slipknot, of course), then by high school I was listening to Napalm Death and Cattle Decap. So now metal is just sort of my go to genre, regardless of mood. I still listen to a wide variety of other stuff but metal is still 70% of what I listen to. I have the feeling that a lot of people are like that too, you grew up with it so it's just what you're use too.
If I want to relax, I'll listen to Electric Wizard. If I want something fun/club-y, I'll listen to too WeButterTheBreadWithButter (I feel your judgement and I reject it). If I want to get energized, I'll listen to Nails. Anger doesn't really have much to do with it anymore.