Hey Sup Forums I'm coming to the US soon but I haven't decided which state yet.
So which state have the nicest people and the most race-tolerant?
Hey Sup Forums I'm coming to the US soon but I haven't decided which state yet
California or florida
New York
choose wisely
What about child pornography?
I literally have cp on my pc right now and I don't wanna get arrested when I come there.
It's not illegal here so I'm fine for now.
>New York
North of Westchester and east of say, Rochester. And stay out of the Adirondacks.
Ohio, we have corn, roller coasters and a giant basket. No racism here
California pls come here
It's completely illegal to have. Your looking at Double Digits in federal prison for it. It would be a little less for being a minor, but I would assume you would be tried as an adult.
Either stay in your country or live in an american prison
i'm not even living in the US
but i guess it's illegal everywhere
where are you from that cp is legal for you?
Definitely Oregon
If you are anything but a pure white don't go to the far northeast, most racist part of the country
I'm not a minor.
I can't stay in my country, I have a very good job offer there and it's an opportunity I can't pass up.
It's a shit country.
>race tolerant
pick one
Then get rid of the cp, or run the risk of losing your job to suck black cock in jail, filthy pedophile
rather than saying
>It's a shit country.
Maybe you should tell us where you are from?
City matters more than state. In Florida you have some cities that are all old, retired war veterans who want to shoot japs on sight. You have some cities that are nothing but drug-addled trailer trash. You have some cities that are tourist hot spots
I live in Kentucky and most of the cities are nice, slow-talking, redneck, computer illiterate, southern gentlemen who vote Republican because they don't understand complex things like "politics". But then you have Lexington and Louisville (two college cities) where the entire population is hipsters voting Democrat because they think the government owes them stuff. I don't know about Louisville, but at least in Lexington racism exists only in government establishments. The people are extremely tolerant, but "hispanic" schools are severely underfunded and there are no black people in the mayor's cabinet.
California is known for being nice and race-tolerant, but this is a view perpetuated from two cities: San Francisco and San Jose. Live anywhere else and it's a shit hole. Although California also has more government debt than any state, passes retarded laws, and it's full of social justice warriors who think being straight is a crime.
It's even more illegal if you're an adult. Minimum on it is 15 years, maximum 30. You would also be a registered sex offender, pretty much getting rid of any chance you had a finding a job, and getting into a good neighborhood, always being on a watch list and never finding a gal to settle down with
What about LA?
I won't. They're too rare and too good.
I don't want to.
What if I hide it on a secured hard drive?
try Alabama
It is not illegal if you declare it when you arrive to the customs officials.
Child porn is 100% illegal everywhere in the US. In fact, they modified the laws a few years ago to make anything DEPICTING child porn illegal in an attempt to combat the practice of using PhotoShop to modify porn actresses to look 13 - and in doing so caused a lot of confusion regarding lolicon.
However you're also protected from unwarranted search and seizure in the US, so the cops can't legally search your PC without a court order. If you encrypt that shit well you should be fine.
Doesn't matter. Pretty much every operating system has a backdoor for government officials to find. American is pretty much 1984. If you have it, they will find it. Typing Child Pornography this much probably has me on a watch list somewhere. They take these matters VERY seriously
What about Los Angeles??? Is it race-tolerant?
I don't wanna get fucking murdered just because I'm brown.
I'm not very brown though, some people even think I'm white, but not caucasian white.
Don't go to Maine.
lol you're from east europe
Stay out of Texas, pls.
It's hot as hell, and we don't want you here.
There is no such lists, they would be much too large. They wouldnt waste all that time and money keeping tabs on every person who's ever typed that, they just don't have the resources. The idea of those lists is just people self censoring for fear of the government's power, which only enforces the government's power even more.
In my country, when we think of Texas, we think of stupid poor rednecks who enjoys incest. That's our view on your people based on the american shows we've watched.
OP you're from Albania?
That's Alabama. Worst you'll find here is conservatives and cowboys.
Lots of Dindus in Houston too.
Someone please tell me something about LA, because a lot of my friends suggested me to come there, but I still wanna know what their thoughts on non-white people are.
Mississippi. Definitely Mississippi.
Hawaii is a state too, guys.
Easily Hawaii in terms of nicest.
However, I don't know about the race tolerance. You see, some of the people who were born here, and some descendants of the original Hawaiians hate Haoles (Foreigners). But they're usually just spics with a slightly different skin tone, or rebellious kids.
As for the normal people, they're quite nice here. A lot of people speak a different form of English called Pidgin that'll take some getting used to, but depending on the person, it can be quite endearing.
And according to studies, Hawaii is one of the happiest states.
oh, and weed's legal here too.
and this user's map says hawaii's cp laws are quite relaxed.
It's a good idea, relatively accepting of other races
when we think of hawaii we think of beaches and the hula
Cool, man
Where do I find cp? I've never seen some. I'm not eager to fap to them, but since everyone is talking about it, I'd like to see some too. *sori fur bat inglis*
Requesting CP? Fucking reported scum
Wouldn't you like to come here and do the hulas with us?
oh, and you're right with the beaches. the beaches here are fucking amazing.
Sorry master, I won't do this again. Please ,master, please!
Calling the FBI right now!
99% of the population in Maine is white, it has the largest amount of whites in the US and everyone is incredibly racist
dropping CP in 5mins
dw fam i got you
If anywhere, try indiana. Plainfield is a nice, tolerant town in indiana.
The majority of the West Coast and the Northeast are tolerant. However, Colorado is GOAT. Nice people, BEAUTIFUL landscapes, lots of fun shit to do, and weed is legal there.
shit son, here comes the delivery
I have never seen that gif. Good shit
Dubs 44 replying to dubs 44 O: checked
I'm biased, but have been almost everywhere in this shit cuntry so I'd say come to Chicago. It's Midwestern people, diverse population, on a great lake (just not ocean), loads to do & see, and it's a huge city but not the most adept pforces either.
>Midwestern people
I hate midwestern people though. Fucking terrorists, I wanna kill them all, and the fact that my country is sometimes mistaken as a midwestern country, it makes me mad.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
Can confirm, colorado is sweet, but some places in northern california are really nice, too.
Stay OUT
Thanks negus