Feels thread

Feels thread.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel alone wherever they go? Lately I've felt like nothing is real. It's like I'm just drifting without a purpose. Even in a room full of people I feel disconnected and out of place. It's like that feeling you get when you go over to someone else's house for the first time and you're on your best behavior. I feel like that everywhere. I've thought about suicide. Seems like a good way to escape myself. Any medfags know what the fuck is wrong with me?

Suicide is your only option.

Hear that? It's the universe agreeing with me:


I feel pretty much the same

I know it sounds like just the opposite but the problem is you're too concerned with your surroundings. Focus on figuring out who you are.

Sounds like you never had a real friend that you could trust 100% You should get one

I dunno homie. I feel like that too. I just tell people I don't exist and hide in my phone posting these pics to Sup Forums hoping someone understands me. At least picking up litter makes me proud of myself. I can tell you this though suicide doesn't work. If you want to sit still and give your body a chance to fight. If you can die of no sleep food or water you'll remember when you come back

Bump to see if OP is still here

Same here, except I don't care.

I'm still here.

It'll all make sense later OP, don't kill yourself, tho.

Fight the good fight brother. I gotta go back to work but I love you and thank you for posting this thread

I know myself very well. I know who I am. I just have noting to live for I guess.

I did and they're dead now.


Have a good day at work.

Look into depersonalization disorder because you may have the beginnings of it.

Thanks. I'll start looking.

Maybe all u need is a good slap in your face, to get your shit together.

I mean, fuck. You are choosing to be like this. Even tho I got some down moments too, I think you are the only one who can makes things better.

I know I sound like a whinny bitch but I have tried. I've gone out and traveled, met new people, went on dates. Nothing makes me feel good anymore. Every day I wake up and feel nothing but disappointment. It's like that feeling of guilt you get as a kid when you know you'll be caught for what you did wrong. I just have no idea what I did. I have a good job, a nice house, etc. I still feel incomplete.

You're keeping yourself from happiness. Its a choice, you know, just like everything else in life.

Well what have I done wrong?

You think you're doing something wrong.

You're not making any sense.

Yes, I am. You convince yourself something is wrong because you don't want to be happy. Decide you want to be happy and then do something about it. No one is going to come and make you happy for you.e

Alternatively, drink and do drugs

Simple question: what do you like in life?
What makes you happy? What do you want from life?

Holy Shit, Dont bother with

Whatever I want at the given moment. I enjoy friends, games, mind altering substances, sex, etc. I suppose my end goal would be to retire comfortably away from the rest of the world and die peacefully.

I don't see you sharing your viewpoint on how to be happy faggot

What do you mean?

come be with me for a little while you faglord
eventually you will see just how amazing you are in comparrison to me
and you will laugh
and then laugh again

i make people i feel nothing for so god damn proud of themselves just for existing

Still here? Hurry up and kill yourself already.

My god, are you a depressing person.

I'm still here.

Hey! I haven't seen that little faggot posted in years!

Ok so do what you like, with people you like. And eventually you will like your life.

But it's all about mindset.
Love your shitty little life and you'll be happy.

Fairly accurate picture.

You are right, though. I really enjoy just being with my friends; if it is night time we will probably drink and play games together.

There's a lot about my life I could sit around and be mopey about. I got married and have a kid already, I'm only 21. All my friends are still single and have casual relationships. But I choose to accept the decisions I made and I feel content with my life.

Humility is very important

You do realize that he's not OP, right?

Does it matter? We are all user here

Yay what do I care, we are just talking. Everybody is welcome.

Indeed. Knowing that means you already did half of the job. You just need the other half.

I've always found it difficult to connect with others. I just have nothing to say, I can't chitchat or banter, I can't form relationships, nobody trusts me because I'm too quiet. I enjoy the company of others, but my presence is tolerated at best because I don't contribute and there's nothing particularly remarkable or skilled about me that affords social leeway. I've been Dr approved non-autismo. This doesn't get me down that much, I don't crave connections, it just frustrates me when people attack me for it. Silence is more valuable than most of the conversations people have, they get each other of in their own circle jerk of nothing talk.

>tfw exactly like this but have an intense craving for human connection


Check'd trips. Maybe journalism would be a good field for you. Those fuckers have to be comfortable with silence.

Other half?

I feel you user I was same way for a long time. But if you truly want social connections, you honestly have to get the fuck over it and talk about shit with other people whether you want to or not. Eventually you'll start talking about something that no one else cares about either (just like with everyone else who speaks up) but we all crave social connections so we all pretend that what the other person is saying is meaningful or useful.

No shit we're just drifting without a purpose. We're just mold growing on some rock in the middle of nowhere.

How do you behave on alcohol?

I get incredibly social when I'm drunk. I don't need to do it that frequently, but it helps.

And people get to know you more and will find it less weird when you keep silent.

I was in the same position and I had to do a lot of discovering what I wanted out of life, and also filling life with activities I enjoyed that kept me busy helped. Further I had to cut ties with chicks I wanted to fuck or was in love with who didn't feel the same, it's toxic

Hey my fellow /b(rother,

i have this feeling what you describe since i am 14 years old, i am 22 by now. I tried to solve all the problems you get while you are outside and managed to see the good things in life, to compare it with worse moments, just like sitting 10hours straight and playing WoW and fapping. This made it for me..

But what you describe is clearly a sort of Depression, pretty progressed i guess. Suicide is the last step of depression, though most of the people wont do it, because death ist not an experience itself, just an outway.

Do you know Hesse? I would recommend "Der Steppenwolf", its a book about suicide, this is real shit which helps you to clear yourself about what you think and and you actually want.

I managed to life in my depression after 8 years, and its more like a cage than a real life, because you keep distance even to your closest family members, and thats what will fuck you up on the long way.

If you wanna talk, i'm here for you

I feel you, user, I'm a socially awkward fag too.

Also nice trips.