Can someone help me identify what sport this is?

Can someone help me identify what sport this is?


That is pretty fucking gross

t-those are just really well done prosthetics right?

that can't be real

Don't you have a life outside of Sup Forums? You are in every fucking thread

Suction pumps.

don't ask rhetorical questions user



>mfw le hot pocket man delete this bro culture kino


What does it say about you if you're noticing that?
Think about that

I can't unsee that thanks.


i've seen you in my threads before and honestly dont mind it


Gotta blur out the dick that's fucking a girl in the nipple. Someone might get offended by that!

>this thread

Typical response to deflect the attention. You are most likely a neet to be able to spend so much time on here.

I just made a search on how many posts you've made with the tripcode. Think about that. I would be worried if I was you.

Some of us can do more than just type on Sup Forums with their laptops ;-)

It's not about "offending" anyone, it's about the law. If they don't censor it, they can't release the fucking movie.

And if you want to know when the censorship laws were signed, it was after WW2 and guess who set the terms for those censorship laws? Americans. Typical ignorant fuck.


How is it deflection? If I have no life outside of this place and you're here so much that you notice that then we come to the conclusion you are me, deal with that

You are retarded then. I've just told you I've seen the alarming amount of posts you've made with a simple search.

Can your retarded brain process that and understand this simple bit of information?

Fucking amerifats and their retardation.

Source: RCT-828

why do you care u fucking mong

Piss off or is he that homo to need you to stick up for him?

lol why are you obsessed with some tripfag clearly you're the one with suppressed feelings for him m8

Keep telling yourself that brother of mine



nice thread and argument


..I'd fuck her.

Wow, what the fuck has this site done to me? Oh well, at least I'm not into hentai, beastiality, furries, or shemales. I suppose an otherwise sexy Jap bitch with fucked up nipples isn't all that bad in comparison. Still..