Name a worse USA state than Florida

Name a worse USA state than Florida.
>I'll wait.




Source: I live there.

>shit roads
>shit vice president/governor


California because its full of faggots and liberal pieces of shit.


obv new jersey

This. We haven't had a single Governer is 103 years who hasn't been convicted of some form of corruption or another. Not accused of, not assumed, actually convicted in a court of law. Hell, the last few are still in prison.

And it doesn't get much better going down the govermental ladder. Or up, come to think of it.

North Dakota and Oklahoma. Without Durant they ain't shit

What's up my Indiana Sup Forumsro
Where u at boi

Delaware. Hi I'm in... Delaware

Arkansas and/or Mississippi.

Literally two completely unredeemable places.

I'm with this

I live in Mississippi and I second this

It wouldn't be so bad if you faggoty tourists wouldn't shit up the place.

The whole country is sleepwalking off a cliff. Hard to pick just one state. Michigan is a pit of unemployment and blaming poor people for everything. Plus Flint. Plus Detroit. The elites have utter contempt for the population.

people dont even know Ohio exists

Wtf is a ohio?
Also TEXAS is the shittiest place on earth

Rhode island.


>northern CA =/= All of CA
Found the Oregon piss baby

Tennessee. The only people there are hardcore hicks, Indian families with 90 members, beaner ass Mexicans, all types of middle easterns, and even fucking Russians

In ten years every state will look like Florida due to global warming



Texas. Fuck texas

The elite have almost no more use for the US.

It is already in the dust.

He's right you know

New York.
Full of try hards, wannabes and poser hipster scum.

>you're welcome

Or if I could make a fucking left turn

New jersey is pretty shitty
