Why is "Here Today" often singled out as being the shittiest track?

Why is "Here Today" often singled out as being the shittiest track?

because it is
inb4 sloop jon b

That's strange, imo I love it.

It's an 8.5/10 on an album made mainly of 10/10s

Meaningless number. I could say it's a 5.67/8 on an album out of 4^2/8 and it would mean just as much through our subjective rating systems.

Less use of the orchestra and studio instrumentation, more focus on simple pop songwriting with the exception of the "twist" at the end.

Sloop jon b is also great and is a fantastic demonstration of the wall of sound production technique.

I Know There's an Answer is the actual worst song

The title track is actually the worst song
Caroline No would flow nicely out of I Just Wasn't Made if not for that song.

Found the spook.

>tfw no-one can hold onto their ego.

>The title track is actually the worst song
It's not even a song, and no, it isn't. Sloop John B is so obviously the worst track that it boggles the mind to think that anybody bothers pretending otherwise.

Can we agree that the bottom five songs are
>Here Today
>I Know There's an Answer
>Pet Sounds
>Sloop John B
>I'm Waiting for the Day

and the top five are
>Don't Talk
>God Only Knows
>Caroline No
>Wouldn't It Be Nice
>I Just Wasn't Made for These Times

Almost correct
its actually

bottom give

>here today
>i know there's an answer
>pet sounds
>sloop john b
>lets go away for awhile

top five

>dont talk
>god only knows
>still believe in me
>i just wasnt made for these times
>caroline no

where's wouldn't it be nice

i honestly consider it a low point on the album

it just doesnt resonate with me on as strong of an emotional level as songs like "still believe in me" or "caroline no" though its not bad by any means and captures the whole teen essence of longing but its just a cheesy pop song really at the end of the day

>Let's go away for awhile
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that's one of the best songs you pleb

No That's Not Me??!! BEST SONG ON THE RECORD!!!

Pretty close but, Let's Go Away For Awhile is actually in the top 5 and Caroline, No isn't quite a top 5 contender.

hah, i respectfully disagree, Wouldn't It Be Nice is probably my favorite song from Pet Sounds, with God Only Knows (not a groundbreaking opinion, i know)

The single fact that it's such a happy, catchy, upbeat song with sappy lyrics about not having what you want resonates so much
Not to mention the fact that i 100% identify with the song (and the whole album desu)
Instrumentation is so great as well imo

This song just instantly puts a smile on my face

Don't get why one of the most emotionally sincere and musically beautiful songs on the album can't make the top five for the sake of a decent instrumental.

Totally agree. Wouldn't It Be Nice also makes all the sad songs later on all the more heartbreaking.

Here Today is god-tier you fucking plebs, get some tastaroonie.


It's also extremely powerful, musically and emotionally. Perfect first song imo, immediately hooks you into the album

I could honestly go on about Pet Sounds for hours. Brian Wilson put words and sounds to what i feel myself so well yet so simply, it's sometimes eerie

>i could try to be big in the eyes of the word, what matters to me is what i could be to just one girl
>went through all kinds of changes, took a look at myself and said that's not me
>God only knows what i'd be without you
come on

>drove a friend to school the other day
>put on Pet Sounds
>he fuckings asks "why do you listen to Christmas songs ?"
Fuck this


>God Only Knows
>I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
>I Know There's an Answer
>You Still Believe in Me
>Let's Go Away For Awhile
>Here Today
>I'm Waiting for the Day
>That's Not Me
>Sloop John B
>Wouldn't It Be Nice
>Don't Talk
>Pet Sounds
>Caroline, No

>Don't Talk, Caroline No, and Wouldn't It Be Nice that low

They are overrated as all hell

>Overrated as hell
They're part of the emotional backbone of the album and are hardly overrated.

I think I agree. Or Caroline, no. I know I'll get shit for that. Sloop is the second best

Don't Talk is the only musically interesting track out of those three, but it's watered down by the dynamic monotony

Wouldn't It Be Nice and Caroline, No aren't musically interesting? Those chord/key changes and arrangements are beautiful man.

They're still pretty run of the mill. They just can't reach the heights of God Only Knows

>They're still pretty run of the mill
How so? None of these songs are simplistic by standard pop terms.

>standard pop terms
Not him, but that's like saying shit with sprinkles is acceptable

To be fair, the
>I wanna cry
part does sound kinda Christmasy

Yeah, but WIBN and CN are far from shit. They're brilliant songs in their own musical rights and in the context of the album.

Why do people hate the title track so God damn much, I really like it

I don't get it guys. I just don't get it. How do i into this album?

here today is probably my second favorite song right behind i just wasn't made for these times. love that song.

that's probably my favorite one off that album.

>pretending that Don't Talk is good
