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>mrw gotta jack it before mods get here

fucking penis inspection day.


> Hmm, yep, that lil niggas get some.

im glad they got rid of penis inspection day it was the worst

> mfw i only got C+ on penis inspection day

>aw man, I wish I was getting some...

I'd always be sick that day so I could do it in private in the nurses office instead of the gym.

So... is penis inspection day a real thing? or was it in the past?

PID occurred during the 1940's, and was followed by mandatory fingerbox inspection as well.

It is real, you have to pass penis inspection to get your scrotum warmer license.

Are you telling me that my gym teacher wasn't supposed to do a PID? But I got a 3.9 on the the cum taste test!

hah faggot I got a 4.0!

You are shitting me..?

You and your electrical bullshut.
I got my grandpa's scrotum warmer when he passed away, no batteries, no cable, it just works.


Tom Cruise standing on the table?

>how to go sterile 101
I'm proud of my penis, even if I didn't pass

oh i used to have one of those except it was made out of glass and didn't really warm my balls instead it shattered and i had to go to the hospital on Easter and i lost both of my testicles and half of my penis but it was ok because i didn't end up paying any hospital bills and i was able to go home and have Easter dinner with my family so it was fine


>haven't seen a young firm ass that ripe since I fucked that preschool boy during that late night pinata party

> mrw I'm the only hittable pussy in the room but everyone's looking at some 8 year old's ass instead