I am about to drop 140€ on this shirt

I am about to drop 140€ on this shirt.
Should I do it?
>charge 140€
>won't print the number on the front of the shirt

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You should do it if you can afford it and you really want to have the shirt.
Shouldn't Eder have an "É" at the beginning though?

They won't print letters like É.
Not even the real shirt Éder used in the game has the É.

why would you get the match jersey and not the replica jersey which is like 50 euros cheaper?

Just buy the copy in aliexpress

I paid 100$ for a authentic match Jersey with no name.


Wait wtf

Why wouldn't I have the real deal? I plan on having Eder sign it.

Because he's a fucking idiot.

Why are soccer jerseys so expensive..?

figured you'd want to save money, but whatever.

Uncalled for...

Do it senpai.
>can you afford it?


At least you called it a shirt and not a jersey.

And yes go ahead and buy it you'll be the talk of the town when you wear it at the annual cow milking festival.


yeah sure

Or dont buy it. Just know that guadalupe will never love you if you don't.

jersey boiiiiii

Good goy! You wouldn't want a less-than-authentic shirt wearing experience, now would you?

Just go to aliexpress

how does it make you feel buying a jersey after the fact your team won?

I'm not going to wear it, Eder will sign it and I will frame it. In 50 years I'll pass it down to my adult son, who will then pass it on to his son, so on and so forth.

>a shirt with some other dudes name on the back

That's like the ultimate cuck heirloom

isnt that like the average monthly salary for you guys?


Nice meme
Do you think everyone is poor here?


>not even wearing but downright enshrining a shirt with another man's name in your own house

No, no, seriously, do you really not see anything wrong with this?

Nothing wrong with acknowleding heroes.
My gf has a picture of Götze on her nightstand, makes me proud everytime I am with her.

You cheer guy's names and post their images on a Japanese anime board. What's the difference?

This is actually a wise investment - if its a legit shirt that's signed by Eder and kept in great quality years down the road its going to be worth a lot to some autistic rich Porkchop.

t. cuck

Just buy that shit for less than $20 shipped on Aliexpress. I bought a Ronaldo shirt this morning.

>my girlfriend has a picture of another man next to her bed
>I am ok with that
>it actually makes me feel good

Wew lad



Not to play devil's advocate, but don't you have better things to spend your money on?

Bruh it's called aliexpress lmao I got like 20 shirts from that place

If you're gonna frame it you might as well not get the front number right?

>costs half a euro to make
>charge 140 for it


What's the difference between this one and the ones you buy at sports shops?

Aren't the ones in sports shops also real?


fucking madness

I would buy a jersey as well, but it's fucking nike...I don't like giving money to USA.

>140 euros por uma tshirt


Pretty sure you can get that for 70-80 unless they're completely sold out.

>mfw me and a friend of mine are also going to buy one

I am about to drop 140t worth of nuclear bombs on this shit.
Should I do it?
>wins only one game in the first 90 minutes
>still win the tournament

nigga you mad as HELL

Just shitposting desu senpai

It's your fucking money.


How can you seriously think about buying a shirt that says EDER instead of ÉDER?
This is an absolute no no.


ok, that's cool famski, cheers

>wasting 140€ just so you can give a shirt to your wife's son


Are you faggots gonna take turns wearing it or something?

just go find one on aliexpress or some other chink site, you pay like 15 usd for a jersey that looks exactly like the 150 dollar one

But you could get the whole kit here for only 66 euro uksoccershop.com/p-73597/2016-2017-Portugal-Home-Nike-Mini-Kit.html

pay debts

Why do they call it a shirt not jersey

Seeing as Euros will be totally worthless in a couple years, I'd say go for it.

get this instead

>be 2018
>through meme magic and channeling our power to TSUnaldo-sama, Portugal wins the WC
>remember that Poortugal user who shelled out 140 yuropdollars for a essentially worthless shirt

i'm looking forward to the livecam where you an hero.

also i got a Germany Shirt with print for 60

Truly the reincarnation of D. Sebastião

Because we're not fat faggots.

>buying into the cancer fabric jew

that's the children size, genius

wew la

140 wtf

No need




Wearing another mans name on your back is one of the most Beta things you can do.