God tier albums...
...and albums that could have been god tier if they were edited differently/done with a different approach (I'll post below what I mean).
God tier albums...
...and albums that could have been god tier if they were edited differently/done with a different approach (I'll post below what I mean).
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Too long.
Amazing beginning, ok enough middle and no ending. Could have been perfect.
I know a lot of you hate pop...
It should have been fleshed out more. It was rushed imo. Some of the songs are perfect tbf.
Well STFTB is one of my all time favorite albums, and I already think it's god tier (if that counts) but I think it would've been just a little bit better if Final Sacrifice was the last track on it.
abusive use of samples (U have too understand and Love is the message could have been left) yet almost perfect
I tried to get into it a few years ago and decided it wasn't for me. Just sounds old and basic imo.
jon hopkins is a trend-hopping hack
I haven't listen to this Seers album yet, I'll check it out, thanks.
Haha ok...? This is album is pretty fucking great though.
no is
I cant tell why this album is so praised, one of the worst Radiohead albums IMO
The songs are very distinct, direct, and easy to latch onto. They also hadn't ROCKED for a while beforehand so people welcomed the return of the guitar. It's also pretty beautiful, a good length (after the too-long HTTT) and generally more upbeat/not as depressing as literally any of their other albums
>sounds old and basic imo.
blebbiest musical hangup ever
>[In Rainbows is]one of the worst Radiohead albums IMO
There's the problem. Your opinion is shit.
>musical hangup
I don't know what you're trying to say.
Either contribute to the thread or stfu. Post your best you pretentious, insecure morons.
Aren't you mature and intelligent.
Nigga I posted about half these images.
This is the only right answer
I thought you were joking and this was going to be shit but it's really nice!
Interesting. This is the first "psy" music I've ever been to listen to.
no problem, it's a great album. If this is your first time listening to them then you shouldn't start with it but if you've heard all their other stuff then go ahead.
Hosanna Mantra
Future Days
(Messed up the first time I typed it)
Cut Across the Universe and tack on the 3 tracks from the deluxe edition (John I'm Only Dancing (Again), Who Can I Be Now?, and It's Gonna Be Me).
And make sure the version of 'It's Gonna Be Me' is the one with a string section.
>Hosanna Mantra
This is the reason why I made this fucking thread!
Thanks user.
Why SAW? it's just a collection of tracks put into an album.
Each track is amazing.
that's garbage
Californication if Ruben didn't get to it
stfu or contribute.
You. Are. Wrong.
Only 1½ god tier albums ITT at the moment
Post or shut your pretentious little moronic mouth boy.
post your top 5 jazz albums
Only if you post yours, do we have a deal?
I fucking thought so.
waiting for yours
These two obviously
Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
Miles Davis - Round About Midnight
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
I don't know much about Jazz desu.
Did you like Bitches Brew? (I thought it was horseshit)
Ah cool to see this band on Sup Forums. They're dope.
It ends pretty conclusively
No it doesn't, it just drifts until they ran out of ideas..
Hopefully this was b8 and you're not actually that stupid.
In Rainbows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I like this one better.
I'm going to go out on a limb here:
Lily is pretty solid, I dislike how she puts on that geezer accent though. She doesn't sound like that in real life or on a couple songs.
This album is a perfect 10/10 with no bad songs or filler for me
My personal fav U2 album.
It also happens to be fucking 10/10.
Would you agree this is her best album?
Nah Kid A is better.
With Portfolio can fuck off forever