Tfw you'll never be happy like this again

>tfw you'll never be happy like this again

It's all downhill from here

>the pure expression of joy on their faces
When will I be happy again

The girl is "German".

>be three years old
>go on the beach with family
>get cola popsicle from the store
>ride on a trolley and drop the popsicle on the sand
>feel unlikable joy when mommy brings another popsicle
>be 25 years old and realize that you will never feel joy like that again


it's stuff like this that makes me drink

They are so happy...I wish I could be as happy as them.

I've been drinking all day desu.

Finns raging alcoholics

friendly reminder that ronaldo is a predator

Bitte halt dein Maul, Heiko.

that kid looks like MUller

yfw when you're 27 yo, and you already lived 4 international finals.

every German boy looks like Müller

Holy shit is this real

Damn this reminded me of the time I was a kid watching my dad play in his work softball league, he got me an ice cream from the truck, naturally I dropped it in the dirt like an asshole and he bought me another. Based pops.

bunch of sad sack pussies in here. wisdom and experience is much more satisfying than ignorant bliss.



>tfw almost 27 and haven't lived at all

toppest kek
