What would you say to Taylor if you knew she was reading this?

What would you say to Taylor if you knew she was reading this?

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Tits or gtfo

You have no ass, a horses face and your music sucks. I hope you die soon


Roll for tits

those folded down ears on that cat look stupid.
also show us your tits.


That i kinda miss her more country music.

it's a scotish fold, they naturally are like that

I would say that her pussy is cute as fuck.

please never be a coalburner

That I'd date her just to get a song made for me.

Mossad was just confirmed for doing 9/11.
So Israel. The JEWS DID 9/11

Incase you didn't know tay tay. we all want to bone you.

i bet your a insufferable bitch tho.

don't care what it's called, it looks stupid.
and I really do think I'd enjoy seeing her tits. I think a lot of us would.

so do you like have a manager that decides who you should date next?

I like your stuff. If I wasn't gay I'd impregnate you in the missionary position.

Fucking disgusting.

I love you Taylor.


I think most of her songs are shitty, but she's pretty chill as a person

What would it matter if Taylor Swift read this? She doesn't fucking know who I am. Even if she did, she wouldn't fucking care.


An insufferable*

If the next word starts with a vowel then you use "an". If not you use "a".

Dirty fucking cockroach poster

I don't know, I don't think she'd really care about what I have to say anyway, It's not like I'm going to make some profound statement that's going to change anyone's life and I think she already knows that she's pretty and successful and effects the lives of millions of people around the world. so I guess I'd just say "Hi"

yeah do this

Would you please tell your security to STOP FUCKIN' HARASSING ME when I fish off the rocks in front of your RI house.

they're always nice to me.

if you come back again ill have you arrested

I agree. It's like the time I told the cashier at the grocery some of the bottle of coke zero weren't filled up as much as they should be, she didn't fill them, what good was it going to do for me to tell her, she didn't give a fuck

I want to lick your pussy and asshole

I work in a liquor store and I get the same shit. Granted one time there was a legit leak ao I thanked the person for pointing it out to me so I could put it under breakage. But honestly, couldn't give less of a fuck about people's complaints about the product.

Come back to country

I want to make you my sex slave and fuck you every day. Hell there wouldn't be a moment in the day you'd be resting. When I'm not fucking you I want your mouth constantly on my dick and balls

We should send this thread to her


>if you come back again ill have you arrested

It's public property.
OK, just barely.........but it's still public.

Fuck a nigger already Tay. You know you want to.

You were the most beautiful in glasses in the "you belong with me" video.

What pube fashion do you generally sport?


More like this pls

You are dead to me. Shame, you got nice gams.

I'd ask if she enjoys watching Bob Ross painting series


That she's right to think about her life and not worry about love and dating so much.

who doesn't


Wanna see my kayak?

yeah, true.

your music is lame and pedestrian. stop claiming credit for appropriating rap and other pop culture snippets and acknowledge that you could do much better songwriting.

I never heard any of your stupid songs but my seed is pure and its yours if you want it.

Don't be afraid to stand up to the Jews in public.

why don't you go fuck a horse, you know you want to. you retarded porch monkey faggot

I'd say she seemed like an good person, since most celebrities are awful people. Also that she should go back to her musical beginnings, it's much nicer than the stuff she puts out now. Her current stuff is pretty good, but not as good as the old.

Westerly Sup Forumsro?


Used to like you Taylor, but then you became a cheating slut. So fuck you.

I agree with this post and you should conceal carry so the next time kanye jumps on stage with you, unload that clip into his nigger face and say you thought he was attacking you and you should use the word nigger openly during acceptance speeches and televised interviews

Who will you date next?


prove your taylor

I'd show Taylor my glorious meat scepter.

Nobody saying they are Taylor

Why do you ask, Taylor Swift?

I'm in love with you please smile at me or I'll kill myself.

Loki beats you doesn't he?

I'd ask her to squat over my face and take a dump on it so I can watch the turd come out of her anus

the flat butt girl

Here, I write you a new song. Take it, I release it to the free domain for you to utilize without legal action:

>Oh hey! What up!
>Here comes that boy
>Saw him at the swap meet
>Wanna give him slap boy
>Maybe he shouldn't have sang that song about me
>Or maybe he shouldn't talk about me
>Because I'm a fierce girl
>Rich girl
>At home, Lilo and Stitch girl
>Time for the break down
>Now if you are reading this
>You must reply in 5 seconds
>or your mom is going to die
>All the hot boys wanna fight me
>And no one loves me more than Kanye
>Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
>Oooh Oooh Oooh OOhhhhhooHOHoHOHOHoh

why is nobody checking?????
b is really dead

there wasn't even an implication that op is taylor, sorry bud.

who cares, that's the best for fucking from behind. she wouldn't even need to bend over

fuck you

nice quads my dude and those dubs behind them aren't half bad either


i can tell your alot of fun at parties


You rock that master plan you fellow INFJ you!

Witnessed Trips, and DubsQuads

ur funny


please pet the kitten

why u go through so many boyfriends?

You're a stuck-up twat, your music is beyond useless and you're a fucking bitch.

Her and her cat are both cuties

How can those cats hear correctly? Is that just some birth defect that people thought was cute so they kept breeding cats that had it? That's kinda cruel if that's true - what if the cat had trouble hearing, or could not properly ascertain the direction in which sounds were originating, just because people wanted cats with "cute" folded ears?

It's like those cats with short legs that people started breeding in the 90s:


it is a scotish fold

it actually has some pretty significant amount of genetic diversity

its just a simple genetic trait similar to japanese bobtails and has no negative effects other than it doesnt lose its ears to frost bite as easy as other cats

Im a raw foodie and i will fuck you so hood baby. Mad good, like i will cream your asshole, pussy, and kiss your neck while i pump you hard and fast.


I'd recite this piece of poetry

>Roses are red
>Violets are black
>Why is your ass
>As flat as your back?

Actually it's determined phonetically. Or rather, the vowel sound, not the vowel. E.g. you would say an hour, not a hour.

no squats

it's a sad day when you have to check your own posts

Get a younger bf

Who cut your hair doll?

Niggers tongue my anus.

Marry me TayTay


Taytay look at my bumbum

>Happy smiley Mr Hemmerhoid Desu

Niggers Tongue My Anys