Why do Italians have so many autistic food rules?

Why do Italians have so many autistic food rules?

>no chicken on pasta
>no chicken on pizza
>no milk in your coffee after noon even though cheesy food and milk by itself is perfectly fine
>no protein in breakfast ever
>you may drink water before an espresso but never after

>you may drink water before an espresso but never after

now i know how americano was born

>no ketchup on pizza

this is most retarded one

Never heard of any of these tbqh

>Italian when he sees me eating a full-english in the morning

this, also, mustard.

Didn't know these stupid rules existed in other places.

WTF I hate Colombia now

Do Slovaks really put ketchup on their pizza?

>no chicken on pasta
y tho?

Yep, ham+corn with ketchup is most popular pizza

but ketchup is optional t bh, lot of people dont use it

Yeah, they're poor

>no chicken on pasta
can confirm
>no chicken on pizza
can confirm
>no milk in your coffee after noon even though cheesy food and milk by itself is perfectly fine
>no protein in breakfast ever
>you may drink water before an espresso but never after
false, or generally untrue

>no chicken on pasta
>no chicken on pizza
Somewhat true but I've been to kebab places that put chicken on pizza and I tried it and it was ok
>no milk in your coffee after noon even though cheesy food and milk by itself is perfectly fine
mostly women and gays drink cappuccinos in the afternoon, so you're free to do so but people will think you're a faggot and laught at you
>no protein in breakfast ever
Never heard of this one
>you may drink water before an espresso but never after
Never heard of this one as well
>ketchup on pizza
I've only seen romanians do this so I guess it's an east euro subhuman thing to do

>ham+corn with ketchup is most popular pizza

>tfw you lived in eastern europe and your host thought that spaghetti sauce was the same thing as ketchup

yes as I said, eastern euros are animals and eat like such

Do not cut your fucking lettuce, FOLD IT YOU FUCKING BARBARIAN

I'm not Italian.

>no chicken on pasta
Because it'll taste like shit.
>no chicken on pizza
Because it'll taste like shit.
>you may drink water before an espresso but never after
Don't drink cold stuff after hot stuff, it's bad for your stomach.

>eating a full-english in the morning

Wow, just wow, could you like, not?

Will Bongs ever recover?

>no chicken on pasta
i usually eat it and it's alright

>no chicken on pizza
i've done it, i'll do it again and they can't stop me

>you may drink water before an espresso but never after
i always do it and i do just fine


I have to admire how principle-oriented they are.
It reminds me of an anecdote that a family friend had.

>she goes out to some restaurant in Italy and orders a seafood pasta dish
>when it arrives she requests to have some parmesan on it
>the waiter sternly says no
>thinking it's some sort of misunderstanding, she tries to get him to do it some more
>he keeps saying no
>asks for the manager
>waiter brings the manager over
>confused, she mentions the whole thing and asks him for parmesan
>the manager says no


my fiancee made me a full English this morning and it was amazing

I don't have any English ancestry but I really like British cuisine

I'm an Angloboo :3

>>no chicken on pasta
You mongs can't make pizza for shit

Also BBQ Chicken pizza is amazing

For a second I thought that plate was a tortilla. Would a Full English Breakfast Burrito be the ultimate culmination of American food?


>no chicken on pasta

What? Chicken pasta is great

I live near that Pizzaria Bate Papo lol

Personally I would love it, but even in San Diego, home of the best burritos, it would not fly.

Stay salty Serbshit

haha he said "shit" after nation name what EBIN bants
Now fuck off with your disgusting food

>not appreciating the culinary pun

Are you mad because you dont have a qt3.14 making you breakfast?

get someone who can cook

What do you eat for breakfast in the Balkans anyway? Cheese burek and yoghurt?



Umm wops put chicken on pasta, its called chicken cattitore

And that would still be better than the shit in your plate
Pastery, Burket/Pita usually, tho it can be anything

she made these pies from scratch. even the dough.

pumpkin pie was pureed from a pumpkin too

jamie oliver is goat for traditional british cuisine. beef wellies are awesome

I work with a bong and he thinks im mad because I like what he calls "cafeteria food"

to me it's exotic m8

What do Slovenians eat for breakfast?

>says Luigi while eating pizza with french fries as toppings

i eat pizza with ketchup and mayonese lul

i bet she didn't even grow the fucking pumpkin herself lmao

That looks good but american beans always have a weird colour to them, like a darker colour. looks weird. also you wouldn't have those types of sausages typically but i guess its the same shit

Jamie oliver is a hack.

do italians hate chicken

>>no chicken on pasta
Because it's fucking shit and you should kill yourself if you do
>>no chicken on pizza
Because pizza is already a dish and white meat doesn't blend with cheese unlike red meat
>>no milk in your coffee after noon even though cheesy food and milk by itself is perfectly fine
Because cappuccino is usually for breakfast, but you can have a caffé macchiato whenever
>>no protein in breakfast ever
>>you may drink water before an espresso but never after
Because you should wash your mouth of other tastes before having a good coffee, if you drink water after that you're saying "this coffee was shit and I need to wash its taste off my mouth"

>ketchup on pizza


what do you eat chicken with? fucking alone? are you so weeaboo that you can only eat it with rice?

What is full-english mean other than all the typical breakfast foods crammed together?

Sausage, egg, beans, bacon is the base then you can add

>Black pudding (usually in the North)
>White pudding (Mostly North Ireland)
>Tomatoes (usually roast)

This with veg desu

Italians are just salty that Americans make better versions of all their food

>chicken alfredo pizza

its all my roommates eat anymore

shut up you limey cunt

But that looks really nice.

how does one fold a sphere

What shit Italians have you been talking to?

The only food rules nonnas here will enforce with their spoons are to pray before eating and to not fuck with their sauces.

>no ketchup on pizza
May God have mercy on your wretched soul

Shut up, it tastes fine. Especially with pizza covered with Edam cheese.


I only had a full English breakfast once in my life, in London, but it was amazing.

You should know the answear considering you live in the Balkans yourself

Bantz or ignorance?

They're semites.

>no chicken on pasta
>no chicken on pizza
Sound like bad combinations but if you like them eat them, who cares
>no milk in your coffee after noon
I actually discovered this is a thing from Sup Forums
>no protein in breakfast ever
Our breakfast is usually sweet, i don't like the idea of eating savory food first thing in the morning
>you may drink water before an espresso but never after
I do it all the time because coffee is disgusting and i need to wash that shit away


This is much better and equal in price (if price is concern, you should be eating oats, poorshit), but suit yourself.

Because our food is based and not a shit mix of ingredients like that disgusting french fuck

good post

I agree
pretty much everybody here eats pizza with ketchup no one care about these "food rules"

Ketchup on pizza is acceptable if there are fries too, but only kids eat it

>no chicken on pasta