Any medfags here? I'm experiencing pain in my lower right abdomen, it started yesterday morning...

Any medfags here? I'm experiencing pain in my lower right abdomen, it started yesterday morning. Initally I thought it might be my appendix, but ever since has the pain been fading, I think. I still go to the toilet okay and haven't lost my appetite either. I'd like to avoid the hospital for as long as possible, ironically, I myself work at a psych ward. So, what's up with me?

nigga you just take a stool softener and some antacids and stop being a bitch

If the pain lasts longer than 5 days and continues to get worse, I'd worry. If not it's probably gas. Are you female? If so could be ovulation or just reg pre-menstruation stuff.

Could be gallbladder?

Emergency Medicine medfag (resident) here... Have you checked for a fever?

My appendix exploded inside of me , this is how it started ... Go to er is what I say ... I almost died.


No idea.

No fever.

How long did you put it off?

Not gallbladder, usually hurts in the shoulders or upper back, chest oddly enough.

Be careful, I once had the same kind of pain and a slight diarrhea for two days. Then it subsided, but one month later I had the worst pain I ever experienced. I had my appendix removed in emergency and was told it was one day away from it bursting and a peritonitis.

So at least ask a doctor, plus the right side is very characteristic.

I went two weeks after it ruptured. Was living hell at the end , the infection from the rupture walled it's self off caused an obsobstruction pressing on my spine. Go get checked out before it blows is my advice sometimes can be treated with minimal surgery or medicine. When mine popped I shit about a cup of blood

It's probably nothing dude, if you notice lack of appetite, feeling lethargic or fevery then it'll be time to worry. If you haven't pooped though, then that might be it. Could also be Diverticulosis.

I'm the ER medfag that asked about a fever -- Right, lower abdomen pain is one of the most common complaints we see in the ER. It's also one of the hardest to diagnose without the diagnostic equipment in the ER.

You need to go to the emergency room. It may be nothing... But it also could be life threatening if left untreated. Go to the hospital, seriously. It's better to spend a few hours in the ER now and have it be nothing serious, than wait and spend a considerable amount of time in the hospital or OR.

To drain my abscessed infection I got a metal rod stabbed through my side a drain installed a ecoliyinfectio plus half a month in a hospitol

Eh, I've got work later today anyway, gonna let a doctor over there check me out, I'm still gonna avoid the ER for as long as possible.

Thanks for your input!

I would worry about appendicitis or pancreatitis before gallbladder, but it's the transient pain he's experiencing that's concerning me. You have too much 'stuff' inside that part of your body to let anything go.

Your welcome! Just please make sure to get it checked out. This will sound like a weird question -- are you having pain anywhere else? Left shoulder?

OP here, one more thing. It doesn't constantly hurt, but only when I make sudden movements.

OP have you changed your diet. I started eating a lot of nuts and sunflower seeds not too long ago and I went through a week of hell because of it. I ended up pooping a foot long log of shit that felt like it was made of gritty clay. After that everything been fine and I went back to my shitty diet and I feel fine.

Only my stomach.

That kinda sounds like muscle tbh, like a pulled muscle.

Come to think of it, I have changed my diet. But not by much. Definitely haven't started eating nuts or sunflower seeds. Although I am shitting more than usual I think.

Mmm now that right there sounds like diverticulosis. Lil tiny pockets in your bowels and eating nuts or seeds makes your belly hurt bad.

Prior to experiencing the pain, I had held in my pee for a bit too long I guess. Drank shitloads of water before going to bet and when I woke up, it hurt like a bitch. Had some morning sex with my gf too, which actually was really painful.

It might be a symptom of enlarged liver, have you been exposed of any toxic substances, consuming way too much alcohol in the past months?

Get your enzymes checked ASAP for further clarification or stop consuming alcohol for a good 6 months.

Changing your diet too quickly can cause all kinds of problem. My mom started eating non-boiled veggies and she started shitting blood. Just that simple change can cause problems. Doctors told her to go back to her old diet and just eat more of the healthy stuff she had before without actually changing her diet. Also your pancreas some times can't keep up with changes and you end up lacking enzymes and stuff and you can end up with obstructions. Try a stool softener and a doctor told me number one thing is to drink a lot more water.

I have been trying to stay away from alcohol for as much as possible in the few months. But, I drank a half a bottle of wine and downed a 0.25 Xanax before going to bed, and in the morning, pain was there.

We work through something called PQRST --
Provocation -- What causes the pain? What were you doing when it started? What makes it feel better/worse?
Quality/Quantity -- Constant or does it come and go? What kind of pain -- stabbing, aching, etc...
Region -- Well, region.
Severity -- Pain on scale, 1-10.
Timing -- Sudden or gradual? How long have you had it? If you have episodes of severe pain, how long do they last?

Those are usually the first questions a doctor will ask. It won't necessarily diagnose anything, but it can rule some of the most severe stuff out. Truthfully, I think you'll probably end up having some blood drawn and maybe an ultrasound.

Good luck! Hope everything works out for you! Feel better, man.

sorry for my english, i will explain my case.

Like 1 year ago, i started to feel lower right chest pain, it would come and fade away as you described. But one day the pain was so intense i really was worried thinking it might be appendix. I went to the hospital emergency room and i was checked with blood test and x-ray. The blood test showed that i didnt not have any intection at that moment and everything was normal. Then the doctor asked if i went to the toilet this morning, i said "yes, why" and showed me the xray. On the lower right part of my chest was this accumulation of shit, and this is what was giving me the pain. They gave me some medicaments to help with the obstruction, and after that i started to feel better. But still to this day, whenever i have a little pain on my right side i start to feel paranoid about appendix.

Btw, for the 2 months prior to the incident, i started a new diet and forced myself to eat alot (im a skinnyfag) and like other user mentioned, that change on diet might have cause it,

Provocation - Sudden movements or coughing. I just woke up. Lying down makes it better, walking makes it worse.
Quality/Quantity - It comes and goes. Aching.
Region - Abdominal, lower right side.
Severity - 2.5-3
Timing - Inbetween sudden and gradual. Roughly 26 hours. I don't have episodes of severe pain.

How good did that shit feel though when it finally happened?

Asking the real questions.