Is AMWF the future?

Is AMWF the future?

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Only in your nation, ya minger cunt.

no, wmbf is

That girl certainly isn't white

maybe one day when genetic modification becomes mainstream

Well if we're being realistic then Indian man, Chinese female is the future because that kind of couple reflects the actual demographics of the world.

thats a really cute pic, dad hanging out with his daughter

yeah, daughter

>women are attracted to wealth
>Asians in the west make more than white males
>China is rapidly developing, creating hundreds of millions of rich chinks
>white women are still seen as the most desirable women
>rich men are the best at attracting desirable women
AMWF is just natural selection doing what it does best, ensuring only the most fit individuals reproduce.

wow, i hope when i am as old as him i will also fuck exotic cuties

Is that Vieri?

German on holiday?

Finns are not white, pal.

What a lucky man fucking that THICC body in his old age

Is this a joke?


Haha socks and sandals


people sure do love whites. how is this even supposed to trigger a white person

Is WMAF common?

If that's the case why would you get a Chinese son
Everyone would just get white kids

i love these threads

Finnish girl with her masculine Korean beau

Looks Russian. He can have her and nothing of value was lost.

Their penises are too small.

Sex tourism IS the future.

Beautiful Finnish female with her born and raised Chinese stud

She's 100% Finnish.

for every AMWF there is like 100 WMAF, at least in aus. So nah, not really.

can you upload your collection somewhere?

closer to 1/1000 here

Another Finnish female that chose the yellow man. Hmmmm. I wonder why?

And you did say that you "love" these threads anyway.

You idiot. You can't possibly know if she is racially mixed with Russians or not.

>with her born and raised Chinese stud
Holy shit he's hideous. I'm not even exagerated when I say all ofy East Asian friends look better than him. Christ he got beat with am ugly stick.

Okay now the previous one...she looked only somewhat Russian.
This one? She looks so Russian it's almost like she's straight from fucking Kazan.

Stop trying to troll Finns with AMRF couples because it's sad.

Was just in America

The only time I acctracted a white girl was when I was wearing flashy asian necklace and was faking my extroversion and confidence

too much work to get white girls :/

Same in NYC. I noticed her though a lot of the white males are Jewish.


>flashy asian necklace
Did they happen to be anime and manga fans?

i'm glad if others like white girls too ^___^

They pick and choose if they are or not when they want to.


Don't these guys' families loose their shit when their sons marry foreigners?

as soon as I clicked on the thread I predicted either an australian or a canadian flag and I was not disappointed


nope white girl never find asian attractive

they do thanks to k-pop

That's where you're wrong. I found plenty of Asians guys around here attractive way before I even knew K-pop and J-pop existed.

My dad didn't care and my mom had a silent look of dissaproval

My brother married a canadian...

r u girl

Every fucking day with this bullshit

r u girl

Please be in America(Australia)

All eastern ching chongs are free for western men

Just look at what's happening to Japan's herbivore men and their carnivore women. They're even the leaders of Asia

>you will never be a male prostitute in Japan

am I western man?


Nanjing No 2 when?

Yes, I am a white girl.



Lol, you don't have to, doesn't change the fact that I'm a girl.

That's gay.

Nothing gay about being a girl.

I guess ill just post this I see this shitposter

Asian men are the least masculine.

>black men rating black women
>black men rating white women
lol butthurt
>black women rating white men
lol butthurt

Chink here, you fucking gweilo stop stealing our women, thanks.

>t. /r/asianmasculinity

Rofl, our race is the best at sex, good luck trying to get your women back

He's some retired pro athlete iirc. So he's probably still in great shape.

Surely these numbers don't represent actual society. Does that mean BMWF is just a meme?

I think there's different statistics from the website, but these are the "Lets Meet" scores as it mentions at the top. This isn't something people were questioned on but something they did on their own.

here's a better one

But BM/WF is still the second most popular interracial pairing after WM/AF for some reason. There's got to be a reason why.

Because a large portion of white women have no self-respect. There's tons of decent looking single white males they could be dating instead but they rather waste their bodies.

Got any stats on that?

That's probably only marriage. The ones I posted were only for "Meet Ups", which I assume are hook ups. I think I read that even though Interracial marriages were increasing, it was only about 2.4 percent since the 1980's. Latino population is rising, I'm willing to bet that will soon outpace the BM/WF numbers.

No, asian men probably the worst off race/gender along with black women.

>Because a large portion of white women have no self-respect.
Yeah women are whores and water is wet. What else is new?

>There's tons of decent looking single white males they could be dating instead but they rather waste their bodies.
True true.

I read it on wikipedia

>he ones I posted were only for "Meet Ups", which I assume are hook ups.
Meet ups are for everything.

>Latino population is rising, I'm willing to bet that will soon outpace the BM/WF numbers.

pls be my gf

Sorry m8, I don't do Latinos.

>Meet ups are for everything
Yes, just like how Tinder is for actual dating and money sending on Snapchat was for business only.

Its not

I look asian

I don't get the point you're making anyways. Marriage is just as bad as hook ups considerin its perm.

>Its not

I'm saying that it can be advertised however which way, its only going to be used as a way to fuck. The only reason I mentioned them being different is because I thought people should look at the averages of both, and not just one to determine everything. Black and White marriage may be the most common, but its far from the top when it comes to hook ups. Both are relevant statistics.

Because there's literally no reason why it would be.

>I'm saying that it can be advertised however which way, its only going to be used as a way to fuck. The only reason I mentioned them being different is because I thought people should look at the averages of both, and not just one to determine everything. Black and White marriage may be the most common, but its far from the top when it comes to hook ups. Both are relevant statistics.
Fair enough. Only the egdelords on /r9k/ care about this kind of stuff anyway.
When it comes to hookups its much more individual than race.

>Because there's literally no reason why it would be.
Well America becoming a mongrelized nation is one.

It's not just about looks. Girls I know that dated Latinos ended up as single moms. I'll pass on that.

What's AMWF?


Chinese and Korea men? Not really unless is handsome tall and westernised.

White girls however love all Arab guys even the worst of us

arabs have great hair but aren't they like 170cm tall on average?

I'm a good guy, I swear

asian male, white female
i think

Height doesn't stop the jihad dick. If you go into Arab suburbs in the Western world (except for Germany and Sweden) they are well dressed, muscular and have masculine dispositions, while other Asians tend to be awkward

I'm 191 cm.
In poor Arab countries like Yemen and Iraq the average height in around 172cm but in the gulf it's higher. Probably around 180. We're not tall but we're not short either.

>maybe if I reply to enough people it will become true

>le height meme
height literally only matters in the US of A

That's strange. Most Arabs I've met were 5'8 at the least.

Is this what manlets whisper to themselves on sleepless nights?

A girl that excludes a certain race is mostly likely ugly on the inside. She shouldn't date men at all if she's honestly concerned about being a single mother.

Tell me then Mr. Chang, do you see more Arab men with white women or more of your kind with white women?

Do you also see more of your women with white men or more Arab women with white men?

You know you're losing. Shut the fuck up!