Dividing Polynomials Help (4x^3-6x-11) / (2x-4)

Dividing Polynomials Help (4x^3-6x-11) / (2x-4)

I got 2x^2+4x+5+9/2x-4

My teacher says its 2x^2+4x+5+16/2x-4

I think she is wrong?

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go to /sci/

ok :-)

Give me source on pic and ill help you out


its 2x^2+4x+5+9/2x-4 your teacher is retarded


I am getting 2x^2+4x+5 with a remainder of 9. X roughly equals 1.7520.

Your teacher is wrong

Proper answer with quotient and remainder would be 2x^2+4x+5 *(2x-4) + 9 where 2x^2+4x+5 is the quotient and 9 is the remainder.

>I am getting 2x^2+4x+5 with a remainder of 9. X roughly equals 1.7520.

I dont think you understand how Polynomials work...

These are the correct answers in the correct format. You would get this answer weather you did synthetic division or long division which is the only way to solve this problem.

I solved the equation and went a step further and gave him the proper value of x incase he ends up needing it.

That a smart thing to practice, especially if he plans on taking calculus.


You can't know what x equals here because there is no other side of the equation.

Who the fuck is this bitch?


No, but you can know where on a graph x will equal 0 and that is useful information when you take calculus and linear algebra.

you're good OP

Dude just use wolfram alpha lmao

Go ahead, plug in the x value i provided and solve the equation. Then do the proper adjustment and plus in the x value for the answer. You will see that the solutions are the same, thus proving your solution is sound.

if your teacher gave you an answer and you doubt it, all you have to do is goddamn multiply, you stupid fuck
don't you know shit?


When i say proper adjustment, you must subtract 1 from the original x value. It will be a little off because i only went to four decimal places but you will see that you get the original equations answer, plus 9.