Just finished this
Just finished this
Other urls found in this thread:
White Collar
Rewatch it again and again
Breaking Bad, The Americans, Banshee, Mr Robot, Homeland, House of Cards, Orphan Black, Better Call Saul.
You're welcome.
The Americans. It's maybe one of the best shows on television and it's extremely undervalued.
with this
This. Profit is fucking amazing.
I didn't enjoy Mad Men the first time watching it, and I watched the whole thing over the course of it's run.
Did I just not "get it"?
Felt like a soulless soap opera to me, more style than substance. Gossiping, marital problems, and everything felt cheap and like a manufactured rendition of the era, not a realistic portrayal.
If you want realism go look out the window.
>Felt like a soulless soap opera to me
basically what it was
plebs think its deep because they reference events of history, and sometimes theres a touching moment (le carousel) or random tragedy (lane suicide) but overall its complete filler pleb trash
Overrated show honestly. One of those shows where people only watch to "connect" with attractive people going through "hard" times.
Honestly the people who like the show are suburbanites who can't handle actually gritty and meaningful dramas, so they watch this bubblegum pop garbage, and pretend to be "patrician" because of it's high budget and "premiere cable television" status.
Enjoy a Coke
mad men appreciation threads are like a containment zone for plebs
I'd like to buy all the losers ITT a Coke
Exactly, I really enjoyed Breaking Bad. Now that was deep.
Aaaand ya blew it faggot. Congratulations. This was actually a pretty clever/subtle bait thread before. But now that's too obvious
Get your life together and find work as a copywriter for a recognizable consumer brand
I'm just memeing like those other plebs.
>mad men thread Saturday afternoon
I now know not to try this. Better to post when the kids are asleep.
Breaking Bad was actually deep though
You will never understand the deep despair of a man with cancer, whose wife is cheating on him and doesnt love him, whose son is a fucking aspie, whose career went into the toilet
Breaking Bad is about taking all life's disappointments and using them as fuel for the fire and coming out triumphant
Mad Men is literally about nothing
>Breaking Bad was actually deep though
>Mad Men is literally about nothing
That's where you're wrong.
Boardwalk Empire is better desu (and in a similar vain)