Be black american

>be black american
>commit racially and politically motivated crimes
>say "fuck trump and fuck white people"
>police say they're not sure if it was a racially or politically motivated crime


Defend this amerifats

Fucking up whites isn't a race crime since they deserve it for Jim Crow

You live on literally the other side of the planet, why do you care?

our news station suck dick

I'm white so I care about my fellow whites around the world.

>Defend this amerifats

No. Fuck the media, and fuck niggers.

Only british colonies have this retarded behavior. Incredible.

>there are people who literally think like this

>Fuck the media

B-but image boards are a form of media...

Hate crime charges are pretty much reserved for white-on-minority incidents. The laws are worded to be inclusive, but they're used disproportionately on white people.

I cannot defend this

All niggers must fucking hang

Making the motivations for a crime a crime itself is a fucking retarded thing to do in the first place.

lol are people really saying those niglets didn't comit a hate crime?
Imagine if a bunch of whites kidnapped a nigger and said "fuck niggers" and "fuck obama" on camera.

Except white Americans

We honestly might see every nigger enclave across america riot and even a civil war.

Their government has turned its back on whites. I predict within the next 20 years the majority of whites in the USA will be living in gated communities so they can be safe from those subhuman niggers and spics.

I was gonna ask something pertinent to this Don't hate crimes (as a charge) are one step shy to thoughtcrime?
I mean, his reasons are obviously racially charged, but shouldn't he be judged for the actions he committed instead of his reasons?

all the perpetrators in this video were enrolled in college and going to church on sunday she was 1 week away from graduating from Harvard Law and this white m*le came up to her and tried to rape her but she took taekwondo lessons in her 8 years of army service(god bless) and fended him off after he chased her and her sons who just got off of work and were about to head down to the fire department for their weekly volunteer hours, they noticed her weak due to starving herself to feed poor syrian refugees so they had no choice but to restrain him and figure out where his KKK enclave was stationed for the good of their neighborhood. the white m*le began to pretend to be special needs while they tried to give him a drink of water(their toilet was the only available source as the flint county had destroyed their normal sources) and he got mad because it wasn't sparkling rich people water

this was all taken out of context from the corrupt white agenda anti black media...

>Don't hate crimes (as a charge) are one step shy to thoughtcrime?
>I mean, his reasons are obviously racially charged, but shouldn't he be judged for the actions he committed instead of his reasons?

Yes, we live in 1984 mexibro.

Fucking meme hypocrite

It's called mens rea, the willfull intent to commit a crime is important even in civil law systems (it's the difference in between murder and manslaughter) and in this case the rationale is hate crimes damage the comunity in a more profound way than say crimes of oportunity (as besides the effect all violence produces it may also promote discrimination and/or segregation).

It's kind of the same logic that aplies to politically motivated crimes (eg insurgence or terrorism) in that it advances an agenda generally considered harmful to society's best interest.

Thoughtcrime is a different thing as it concerns freedom of speech.