The one true king of Azeroth edition
The one true king of Azeroth edition
First for shills GTFO
What's up with the shilling.
>a general
Come on, I'm excited for the movie too but there isn't anything new to talk about.
Why would anyone be excited about this?
way to pic the worst possible picture for a thread OP abandoning ship until you make a proper one
There are no good pictures of this movie.
>Come on, I'm excited for the movie too but there isn't anything new to talk about.
Four new leaked scenes:
>WARCRAFT Movie Clip "Medivh Finds Khadgar Snooping In The Library" - Ben Foster, Ben Schnetzer
>Warcraft - "Lothar and His Soldiers Are Attacked by Orcs in the Woods" Clip
>WARCRAFT Movie Clip "Durotan And Orgrim Discuss Siding With The Humans" - Toby Kebbell, Rob Kazinsky
>WARCRAFT Movie Clip "King Llane Asks Garona To Help Them" - Dominic Cooper, Paula Patton
What's there to discuss, the cheap CGI, the B-movie actors nobody knows about or the cringeworthy ''dialogue''?
Thats like a week old now
warcraft has a general now? cute
Don't worry m8 Blizzard shills a fuckton on Sup Forums also.
>What's there to discuss, the cheap CGI, the B-movie actors nobody knows about or the cringeworthy ''dialogue''?
The shills are coming out in full force. How much does Disney pay you guys?
It's truly amazing how great the visuals look in the trailers. The final result will look even better. Most CGI is crap compared to Warcraft, mainly due to diminishing returns for other studios, but Blizzard is going all out for 2 reasons
1.) The movie will look amazing, and will hold up for generations to come
2.) The assets will all be reused when Blizzard makes World of Warcraft 2. We're within 4 years of the average desktop being able to render those graphics in-game, whether VR or not
World Peace will be achieved when Blizzard releases World of Warcraft 2, and every other person on the planet will be wearing their VR goggles, truly living inside the World of Warcraft.
BvS made 900 million and the only thing Disney did was bribe some reviewers.
You think anyone at Disney knows this movie exists?
What does it all mean?
Warcraft will probably win an Oscar tbqh.
>Warcraft will probably win an Oscar tbqh.
Can't wait. All these capshit shills on Sup Forums are gonna get BTFO
When Warcraft makes like 10 billion in the box office I think they should hire James Cameron as the main character.
Will the war of the Ancients be brought up in this film?
>10 billion
nigga warcraft will make 100 billion in China alone.
Prequel trilogy? (I hope)
I just want a Warcraft 3 movie. Imagine a live action culling of stratholme
>using old unofficial pictures
It would be pretty bad.
Fucking your mom was pretty bad, that would be awesome.
I'm sorry, but fucking my mom is GOAT.
You probably just have shit taste.
Epicenter Moscow will have a presentation by Duncan and Rob tomorrow.
All jokes aside Duncan and Rob seem like genuine bros and are very passionate about the movie.
Can't understand the hate some people have for this film. Do you want nothing but non-stop capshit films over the summer. God forbid we do something new and fun.
There's nothing new and fun about this.
Name one movie that has the same premise as warcraft
PROTIP: u cant
You mean generic fantasy movie #763464524632456?
>he can't name a movie
LOTR, The Hobbit, Clash of the Titans , Percy Jackson, Conan The Barbarian, Kingdom of Heaven...
Same shit, different name, all neckbeard-bait flicks.
None of those have the same premise
Hell, not even any of those you listed have the same premise
Generic medieval fantasy flicks, AKA nerd-bait.
All the same type of trash.
>muh orcs
>muh elves
Fuck off.
LOTR? Orcs were pure evil and nothing redeeming about them.
Hobbit same
What the fuck are even the rest of these names. Any of them portray a big war with both sides being portrayed emotionally and there is no clear good and evil?
They portray neckbeard fantasy flicks.
>Gets called out for being wrong
Yep that's pretty much the response I expected
Wow literally none of those are the same premise as Warcraft, you're a fucking idiot
But Warcraft is a neckbeard generic fantasy flick.
Says the butthurt neckbearded ex blizz fan. Man you're fucking sad. Really.
>kingdom of heaven
That was based in the real world with no fantasy elements you fuckwit
But i've never been a Blizz fan.
Why would I play the official neckbeard game that WoW is?
You're delusional to think Warcraft is "generic" cuz it hasn't been done before, and sure as hell isn't generic.
The plot might be different, but it is a neckbeard fantasy movie.
According to your logic, all fantasy films are "neckbeard". Honestly you're probably the only neckbeard in this thread, and autistic ontop of that. You're truly pathetic. Do you go outside?
>OP desperately wants to have a general with lore discussions like /got/
Won't happen. Warcraft lore has been shit since WoW started
and GoT has been since since s3
Warcraft isn't WoW lore you dumbshit
Good thing this flick is about pre-WoW lore.
I came for the shill counter-shill bants.
Warcraft looks good though. I hope you'll all be going to watch it. And remember, if it isn't successful at the box office, there won't be any sequels. Just sayin. ;^)
Hasn't this movie been released and buried yet?
>Kingdom of Heaven
>Fantasy Flick
Is this the American Education system at work again or are you just that retarded?
Because a population roughly the size of America has played wow related games in the past 25 years.
Nah, it'll happen in a few weeks.
Ignore the shill threads.
It's not. Pre Wow the Orcs that invaded were irredeemably monsters that just wanted to conquer and rape and pillage. The humans just wanted to defend themselves. Even in 3 the only good Orc that didnt' have that attitude was Thrall, because he was raise by humans. It wasn't until WoW that they reconned it into "muh noble savages" and Thrall's life being treated like garbage but overcoming it because "muh noble savage so intrinsically good the evil white man can't make him bad".
Clips look good desu, particularly durotan and orgrim's convo
Why are alliance fags so obnoxious?
damn i really wanna see this but nobody will want to see this movie with me and i wont be caught dead going to see somehting like this on my own.
>release a movie for which the target market is autists
>forget to shill it on Sup Forums
>That was based in the real world with no fantasy
A small part of my soul dies everytime
>orcs are pure evil and nothing redeeming about them
Confirmed for knowing nothing about the plot of warcraft 1