Do you believe in Jesus?

Do you believe in Jesus?

Why or why not?

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There is fairly good evidence he existed. There is far less evidence that what people say about him is true.

Yeah. He's my gardener.

He's my uncle so yes

I don't believe in fairy tales any more

He was probably just another bhodisatva out of the infinite amount that existed

Is a rhetorical question, I'm not answering it

There is a good chance that events from baptism to crucifixion happened in some fashion but the miracles were mostly hocus-pocus.

Everything written about events before baptism and after crucifixion are all made up to justify positions held by later clerics.

In sum, the historical Jesus was a 1st century version of David Koresh and lead a doomsday cult.

Yes and Im so thankful that I know Him and Im very thankful that He died for my sins so I can live eternally with Him.

Well, except Koresh had more than 13 followers, including more than one babe.

>jesus was the first satanist and was killed for it. Later on the church slightly changed the whole story to use it for their own gains

Twelve is a 'holy' number. There is a good chance the number of original disciples was more like four or five..

This site is 18 and up

I believe in Jesus

He is the only answer to ridding all this evil

I do not believe in Jesus for the following reason: It is clear from the biblical text that Jesus is at best a failed apocalyptic prophet, as he predicted his 2nd coming incorrectly. Apologetics has attempted to explain away this devastating problem for centuries, but they have failed. So we can give Jesus the benefit of the doubt and say he was a lunatic, or at least delusional...or we can cut him no slack and say he was a deliberate liar.

Either way, your perfect godman can not lie, and he certainly can't fail at predicting his own 2nd coming, so it's all there in black and white...

That's ironic.

Hope so. Would suck to not have anything after you die. But at the same time it's such a crazy concept to grasp...


I don't know anything about the Bible but what did he say about his second coming?

yes because i'm Jesus

Well, the evidence points to him having existed, but the supernatural events are extremely suspect, like when an entire graveyard of people were resurrected in Matthew 27:51-53.
I find it highly unlikely that not a single other person recorded this happening.

So, yes I believe in Jesus, but not in the way most people mean it.


Because I was taught to.

Sure. He seemed like he was a pretty cool guy. It's his followers that suck.


in ?

what does this mean ?

if you are on about the book then its as true as harry potter is to me but not as entertaining




I asked Wodan. He laughed. So no.

I don't believe in Jesus for the same reason you or any other person doesn't believe in Apolonius of Tyana

I find the Jesus story just as ridiculous as Apolonius' claim that he was messiah

his healing hand was held back by the nail

Not really that hard to grasp.
If you've ever slept like a rock (without dreams), then you've experienced what death is like.
Hell, you were effectively dead the entire time before you were born.

So don't worry so much about being dead.
It's the process of death that is far worse.

and checked

Jesus made two prophecies in the Bible. The first was when he sent his disciples out to proselytize and stated that Judgement Day would occur before they returned.

He then had to backpedal and state that Judgement Day was certain to come within the lifespans of those sitting around him. He then added the weasel words that Christians have clung to since. "But only the father knows the exact date."

So what was 'certain to happen in their lifetimes but the father was the only one who knew the exact date' became 'it was certain to happen but the father was the only one who knew the exact date'.

one digit off >,

"I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

"Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place." (Matthew 24: 25-34)

"Even so, you too, when you see these things happening, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (Mark 13:26-30)

"So you also, when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all things take place." (Luke 21:27-32)

It is so obviously and indisputably apparent that Jesus was honestly assuring his followers at the time that the end of all things and the judgement and the 2nd coming of Christ into his kingdom would occur DURING THEIR LIFETIMES.

A bunch of stuff Jesus said only makes sense in this light. Give no thought for the morrow...don't worry about your clothing or food...sell everything you own and give the money to the poor...abandon your friends and family if they don't also follow Jesus...don't resist an evil person...all of these lines confused me until I realized you have to read them in the context that Jesus was telling people that the end literally was at hand, and that some of them would personally witness it go down. But we're still here, so either Jesus was a failed prophet or he was a liar, or he was a lunatic.


I was always partial to the lunatic theory.

The lack of Judgement Day has been troubling to Christians ever since. The number of people predicting they knew the exact date are very numerous (and all have been wrong).

My favorite is when St. Augustine ciphered out that Judgement Day was set for January 1, 1000. Christians got so worked up about this that a big lot sold everything they owned to get ready for it.

Who was the biggest purchaser? - The Catholic Church.

And the church didn't issue refunds either.

No because I'm not a kid anymore. I can think for myself.

I believe anything is possible because we know so little. That is the same reason why I don't believe In jesus.

top kek

I believe god doesn't give a shit about us. So why even call him god?

Well I guess this answers all the christfags' questions.

I believe in karmic destiny, and I believe in death.
Our lives will unravel as they will, it is a beautiful and terrible thing.

No because I don't need to

Honestly "living" forever after dying would probably be pretty gay.

The funny thing is, this problem was actually known to early Christian apologists, and they even attempted to answer this question in the later gospels:

2 Peter 3:4 - 7

They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." ... But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. "

Again, Jesus assured people that some of them would not die until they witnessed the 2nd coming and Armageddon...he didn't say "this will happen in your lifetimes, by which I mean in thousands of years maybe, after you are all dead."

This explanation is worse than the original problem because it not only admits that this is a problem, but says that the explanation basically is "Jesus is untrustworthy and says extremely misleading things regarding important matters."

No, it would be insane to believe in something that doesn't exist.

you died before famz?

Jesus is kill confirmed

If you don't mind me asking, why do you think that?
When I had the actual realization that I, and every thing I've ever known will die or decay it was very liberating.
It's like reading the last page of a book first, you know exactly how the story will end.
It's heartbreakingly beautiful that no story can escape that last page.
It's so final, I find it very comforting.


I believe he was actually a person. But not necessarily like the religious fucks think. I think he was actually a human/alien hybrid. trying to unite the world under one "religion" but it went sideways.

>forever with the same wife
>your kids all gonna be just as adult as you
>everyone is the same dumb christfag

at least u can watch the mudslimes burn in hell

no, provide me some valid, objective evidence. then i will


I'm not fucking stupid.

no i'm not literally retarded

Yeah, cause when you go deep it comes to the Big Bang. If that made everything did it make itself or did something else make it?

I think he existed but I think the legend of him is largely an exaggeration.

Do you believe in Finland

Why or why not?

>Do you believe in Jesus?
>Why or why not?

Because I'm not a 12-year old or a nigger.

That veered into crazy town quickly. I guess it's not as bad as the majority accepted idea though.

>Do you believe in Jesus?

I think he probably existed. An anti-Roman activist in Palestine, but I'm skeptical that he was conceived by a virgin and resurrected 3 days after he died.

My reasons?
- Virgins don't give birth
- The dead don't rise from the grave
- If God wanted to forgive my sins he could just forgive them w/o subjecting his son, my brother, to torture

On the plus side, the Heebs at least knew how to deal with gayz.


And honestly do christfags realize how much religion can really ruin a personality?
After my parents got divorced my dad went crazy with the whole Jesus thing and now he just sits in the living room watching conspiracy videos about how the world is about to end any minute. He harasses my younger siblings about Jesus stuff and uses the bible as an excuse to point out how 'horrible' of a person my mom is to the point where they cry
It can honestly make a person go nuts and completely justify it at the same time and because it's such a widely excepted thing he has friends who encourage the way he is.
I'm sure he's not the only case of people being crazy because of religion and I'm sure there are people who are worse (also I know people who aren't so crazy and are religious) but honestly wouldn't things be so much better without assholes going off about religion


Cuz I'm Jewish like most Sup Forumsros.

Lost a lot blood once.
The feeling is quite similar to what I described.

No. I grew up in a family of Jesuits, studied history as an adult.

I prefer archaeology and history at this point.


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|] beep beep!


No, because the history of every facet of the bible story and the amalgamated christ character has been dug up, hashed and rehashed to death, and it doesn't matter. Believers won't look at it, the few who do simply consider it a test of their faith and dismiss it, and those who are purely interested in facts and historicity aren't believers anyway. Vatican scholars moved on ages ago, while the plebians cling to the new christian mythology they've been fed.

You either believe the religion, or you study it objectively. Not both.


eh. i wasn't using it anyway.
fuck your faggy chain letter bullshit

believe body is your temple and there is a higher power.

Fear not, for that is exactly what the rest of us have been doing with our dicks for the last 5 years.

I don't believe the land there is the final, finished land.
It still continues on underwater, as well as in three other directions of east and west and south


Fake and gay

Wow thate's so cool. How were they able to copy Christianity if they came before? smh god is grate

If he existed, at best he was a deluded jewish preacher, fully expecting the world to end in his generation. It's only been a little over 2000 yrs and he still hasn't showed. He has caused the death and torture of a lot of people though.

The story of Jesus was never meant to be taken literally. It has been misrepresented by the Church for various reasons of their own design. But that doesn't mean you can't take something away from the story. What you can take away from it is that standing up for what you believe in can be difficult, but ultimately rewarding - of course, in Jesus' case he suffered, but if your cause is just, is it not worth it?

>How were they able to copy Christianity if they came before?

This question was asked by such luminaries as Augustine.

The stock answer priests were instructed to give was "Satan did that to test the faithful."

Fucking this. I believe that Jesus existed, but I don't believe all the "Holy spirit" bullshit and the walking on water, etc

Any Jesus questions should be given to the great spirit of Christopher Hitchens:

Close. The bible distinctly refers to at very least 5 different people as the christ character. So in that sense, sure, "he" or rather "they" probably did exist. But thoughts, words, and deeds attributed to him come verbatim from every other prominent religion in the roman empire of the time. Those religions that had more power, influence, or wealth, have tenets featured more prominently in the scriptures. You'll notice the Jews got the first five books of their Torah slapped right up front unedited. Well done, Jews. Too bad about that backfiring on you though. Ouch. These were united with the express intention of uniting the world under one "religion", and Constantine was that monster who had the vision "Under this sign I will conquer." It went sideways when they went out and conquered. After a thousand years of plunging the world into a state of constant cultural war and genocide, long outliving the empire, romes power shifted from the instabilities of government to the eternal seat of power in the church, which then meddled in every nations international politics for its own interests all the way up until the 1940s in Europe and to this date in countries across africa, south america, and asia, sometimes to immediate beneficial effect, sometimes to immediate disastrous effect, but always to their long-term detriment.

Regarding gods, if there is one god or twenty gods, the only certainty is neither they nor the universe they're tasked with creating bears any resemblance to the one we live in.

It makes a great human-interest piece though.