Sup Forums how do I kill myself in the most painless and least gruesome way possible ( so I can have an open casket)

Sup Forums how do I kill myself in the most painless and least gruesome way possible ( so I can have an open casket).

I heard inhaling helium should be quite good.

Old age is the easiest way to die.
Just don't kill yourself.
Good chat.

Your nervous system doesn't react to helium like other gases or compounds so has no response to it being in your body thus you slowly fall unconscious before dying peacefully of suffocation

How do I get all the helium to inhale though. Judging by the amount I inhaled as a kid, it would have to be a lot.

Why do you care about having an open casket? Nobody's coming to your funeral, OP.

Just buy a face mask and a tank of helium they're obviously commercially available for parties and shit

google it 'suicide bag'

1. Open Google
2. Search "Exit Bag"
3. Assemble
4. Stream

Hydrogen Cyanide

They add oxygen to helium bottles now to prevent this type of usage.

"old age" is not a comfortable death. very few die in their sleep. most go out writhing in a final few moments of conscious agony as their body fails them one last time.

Don't do it op
You are not the only one with nothing to live for on this site

Stream it on youNow and drink bleach


no they don't. i don't know where this rumor started, but it's not true in most places, and you can still buy pure helium easily on the internet.

bruh , best way to go is with a girl riding your third eye me ;3

A single gunshot wound to the heart, Open casket.
If you do, do a homie a favor and stream it on YouNow.

Go play some Pokémon go you will find new people and a reason to Stay with us

Thanks, capitalism. Always looking out for your human resources.

Its a great day for a suicide

man I did way to much acid 3 years ago and have never really come back to reality.

Cant shake this feeling everything is wrong with this world and I have no desire to be more fuel to the system.
Also I realised a few years back no one wants to talk about this and im that weird annoying dude that spaced out hard.
Isolated myself since then and dont think im ever gonna come back to reality

fucking aye.

Cant let the robots kill themselves now can we. Imagine if our tvs just kicked the bucket when they felt like it.
Not today buddy

an international right-to-die organization in switzerland. they accept tourists. file with them, make sure you have a medical/psychiatric excuse that justifies you not having to see another doc/psychiatrist again, and they'll kill you painlessly.

i looked into suicide as well, came extremely close to doing it this way, and then my life changed so drastically that suicide seemed silly to me. but hey, if you're at the end of your will power, i completely understand, an hero if it relieves you

>plays Pokémon GO
>gets stabbed in an alley trying to catch a SYYYYYTHEER
>thnx user

because no one has it as bad as you, huh op?

it's your fucking life. I can't tell you how to live it, but really try to see what is actually going for you before you decide to be an idiot. Call a suicide hotline instead of reaching out to Sup Forums, of all places.

livestream it faggot go out with a bang and suicide bomb a school

>desperate enough to kill himself
>cares about open casket

>Play pokemon go
>Catch like 10 pokemon
>realise ill never be able to catch a gym because of meganerds
>realise ill have to leave the house alot to keep playing
>pokemon go hype ends

cant even battle/trade ur friends like whats the fucken point?


One warning for this method though. When you go to the afterlife your voice is going to be SUPER squeaky, and it'll be very embarrassing.

Combine Lime Sulfur and Muriatic acid (both available at a hardware store). While seated in the cab of a car or in a closet (any confined area with poor ventilation) combine the lime sulfur and muriatic together in a large plastic bucket. This created Hydrogen sulfide gas. One good breath of it will knock you out in seconds. Concentrated exposure to it will kill you quickly.