By default, the movie you've seen the most time of your own volition is your favourite. Which is it?

By default, the movie you've seen the most time of your own volition is your favourite. Which is it?


total recall or the fifth element

starship troopers is probably top 5

Starship Troopers is definitely up there
If not that, probably either The Matrix or The Thing

Probably the Blues Brothers.

I've seen it at least 40 times since childhood

The Matrix

winnie the pooh

Matrix, Die Hard and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Used to watch this every day as a kid, still watch it every year or so.



whenever we went on family trips, this movie was without fail playing on every hotel's cable

transformers the animated movie
not that bayshit

starship troopers is in my top 10 also

starship troopers

The Thing

Major League or American Psycho or Fear and Loathing I guess.

probably a tie between The Thing and Demolition Man.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was The Phantom Menace, the RiffTrax of it is really funny so I watch it every few months

Mad Max, its a fucking digital drug man. Can't fucking stop man

feels good man

This one




Demolition Man is so damn rewatchable. Every time it's on TV, I know what I'm doing.

Probably a tie between Taxi Driver and Bloodsport.

Was into Tae Kwon Do as a kid, and Bloodsport was '80s gold, so double whammy for me as a kid. Watched dozens of times.

Seen Taxi Driver also dozens of times in my life, mostly because I am a depressed, misanthropic asshole who wants to kill everyone, so this film speaks to me hard. Also literally a perfect film, so watching is enjoyable on a purely aesthetic level.

Fuck you, fight me.

Only movie I've seen more than twice.

>"Welcome to The Rock!"

Fucking really, Bay?!

Wait it's Bay movie? This whole time Bay was getting shit scripts?

Waterworld, bitches

>"shit scripts"
>The Rock

Famm, are you serious?

>"I'm only borrowing your Humvee!"

Office Space or The Princess Bride, then.

if you want a quarter pound of shwag this is the poster itt who can hook it up

I dont mean that "The Rock" has shit scripts but since then Bay has been working with shitty ones.

Shaun Of The Dead

Holy shit, this movie is the definition of 90's camp

I watched this movie so much that it broke the VCR.
Kids are dumb.

die hard or die hard 3

It's just so comfy. The imagery is so beautiful and contrasted with the absurdity of the story makes for the perfect experience.

which one is better?

this for me too

No bully

Ah. I gotcha.

The Rock is bona fide kino.

except I binged more as a kid than an adult so that would mean Men in Tights is my favourite. That criteria doesn't quite work, user

Biggest adult binge move is pic related


>By default, the movie you've seen the most time of your own volition is your favourite. Which is it?

I would argue this point. I have seen much more powerful, and cinematically engaging films than F&L, I just watch F&L so much because it's so fun, plotless, and undemanding to watch.

1492 Conquest of Paradise


Mah muhfuckin nigga, the chase scene has me in tears to this day.


It's also great escapism, who wouldn't want to be a hip super-hacker and hang out at Cyberdelia with your qt hacker gf and wacky hacker friends?

>tfw you will never hack the Gibson


I just watched Chow's Journey to the West movie on Netflix and it was so, so shit. Was Hustle just a stroke of genius or something I wonder?

Not 100% sure but it's either kick-ass, step brothers, or role models.

Entirely. The only other passable one is Shaolin Soccer, and that's if you go into it expecting low level humour and bad special effects. With that in mind, those are done reasonably well in the film, though obviously not to the same standard as Hustle.

>Journey to the West
I had such high hopes from the trailer, and then watched the real thing and honestly, you got everything of worth from the trailer alone.

without question

I've watched this movie 3-4 times a year since 1995.

This is SpinalTap with commentary on

The Big Lebowski is #1 by a wide margin. Starship Troopers is up there.

>Kids are dumb.
They are, but that can't have anything to do with your previous statement because TMP is a great movie. What did you mean by this?

It's campy but damn I love it

Don't know the exact order, but I'm pretty sure the top three are Wayne's World, Ferris Bueller and Star Trek IV.

That's actually quite a sobering thought.

good taste friendo!

Back to the Future, I think.


possibly "The Mask". Watched it endlessly as a kid. Maybe Finding Nemo, similarly. Also blue streak and national security were on tbs almost constantly for a couple years.

In adulthood i try pretty hard not to re-watch too much but the stuff i re-watch is either always on tv like goldeneye or my yearly viewing of the thingor maybe empire strikes back

Apparently it would be Vanilla Sky, but I don't consider that my favorite movie.

I don't think it really counts if you were 7.

Probably, honestly Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. I saw it 5 times in theaters back when it came out and it actually made me cry once.

Got 102 screencaps on my old computer, too.

I don't speak meme, are you trying to say that the fact that people you don't like enjoy the movie means you no longer enjoy the movie?

lurk moar

This. I've seen it hundreds of times.

Let's be cops
Must of watched that movies 50 times

Mainly because there was no other movie in the USB key we kept at my gfs place and she played that on repeat since no internet or cable tv = rewatch old stuff continously

"We are going in with the first wave! Means more bugs for us to kill. You smash the whole area, you kill anything that has more then 2 legs you get me!"

Empire Strikes Back and/or Return of the Jedi.
Used to go to bed with those as background noise. Until my vcr ate my pre-Lucasfied copy of RotJ...

The guest

probably a tie between jumanji, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and inception if we go by sheer number of intentional rewatchs
(in my mind playing the movie simply because you have nothing else to watch doesnt count, it has to be actual desire to watch the thing again)

strangely, its the same for me

Prometheus or Alien.

What is this boards obsession with starship troopers

We're doing our part

Demolition Man

Would you like to know more?

The Last Samurai. Mostly because there was a dark period of my life where it and Anchorman were the only movies I had access to.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Either Aladdin or Predator

It's a tie between these two, for me.
Though I've probably watched the 3rd more if I had to guess.

>tie between Fight Club and Tron Legacy

Yes, I do have father and anger issues, why do you ask?

The End of Evangelion

I did a lot of A-B repeat in Fifth Element, if ya know what I'm saying.

Probably either the extended LoTRs or Warriors. I can live with this.

Cruel Intentions, in my teens. Can't imagine why.

Welcome to the roughnecks

>not jacking off to Dina Meyer's weird nipples in slow motion in your early teens

You some kind of homosexual, user?

The Last Crusade
Starship Troopers
Demolition Man
Groundhog Day
Hot Fuzz

Demolition man or Terminator 2. I loved 90s action as a kid

Sounds like some oldboy shit tell more

>I loved 90s action as a kid

I still love it now. Someone should do a 90's actionkino chart

At the cinema, Master and Commander 5 times, 4 solo.
At home, Ghost in the Shell like 300 times
TV episode Twilight Zone 'Walking Distance' 500+