Dear /b

Dear /b
Do any of you anons get rid of your ass hair? If so, how? Are there any alternatives to the old razor to pucker? Also, redness is soreness from bike riding



You dont want to. It makes it sweatier, hotter, and chafe easier.... Not to mention you wont be able to fart silently.

Thats why girls dont fart

Wax bands, takes 2 min

lol wtf

don't get rid of it

You have diaper rash, you filthy cunt. Try washing yourself every once in a while, stankass faggot.

not op, but i remove them from the time my hair grew so long that shit got stuck in it

Theres the stuff called "Magic Powder" or something liek that, its for thick black hair. Anyways you mix up a paste of that, slap it on, leave it for 15mins, and wash off in the shower. Works amazing, and doesn't irritate (I've done my balls and shaft with it too... there it can get a bit sensitive).

It's actually called "Magic Shave" you can get it on Amazon.

Duct tape works like a charm.
If dubs duct tape your bunghole right now. Post smooth result.

The N Word

The dubs of justice.
Duct tape that turd cutter OP.
Dont be a faggot.

Nice butthole dude you a stinky boy?

beard trimmer and a mirror. don't shave it.


Deliver OP
I bet your butthole smells like when you keep Nickels in your hand too long.

Just fucking use a razor.
I hate the feeling of a hairy ass and shave my ass all the time. I never cut it and I do a pretty good job doing it without looking in the shower.
I've been doing it for about 9 years now, although I used to use nair sensitive removal cream for a while too which worked really well.

On a side note, how do you guys keep your asses from getting sweaty?


i just use a beard trimmer

Nah, most girls wear thongs, thats why they dont fart
