How does that make you feel?

How does that make you feel?


they were just as savage as we were

Like a king.

>100 million indians dead
That'll put a dent in the beer sales.

It was either them or us

>100 million


Good and I have native blood


I'll bet smallpox is really embarrassed though.

Well the holocaust had 600 billion so, who cares

The native american population has never been that high. Pre-colonial native american population was only around 2 - 5 million.

The slaughter of Native American's is a tragedy, but someone is pulling these numbers out of their ass

100 million!!!

Apparently we have a lot more work to do!

>600 billion
Here's your (You), you've earned it

The past is in the past.

Quit crying over past shit and focus for the good of today's and future humanity.

This is how blood feuds are made, endless wars start and spineless regressive liberals are created.

>le 100 million american history genocide meme
Just a reminder that rape, pillage and conquering has been a part of literally every fucking civilization's history on planet earth. Why aren't you crying about places where it's actually happening to this date instead of something that happened fucking 200-400 years ago?

do you people collect "your" (you)'s?

Dumbfuck there wasn't that much people in the 1942s

Savages is the correct term for them

The majority weren't the in-touch with nature, spirit warriors. They aren't noble, they aren't interesting, they are lucky they were given land, it could have been taken away without a second thought.

That means there shouldn't be many left to get rid of

>well over a hundred years before I existed.

I really don't give a fuck. It happened and nobody asked me if I approved because I didn't exist.

How does that make you feel OP?

Hitler killed 500 trillion Jews in the gas chambers.

There is no comparison.

We killed all the good ones. The ones that fought died. The pieces of shit that sucked soldier cock for bread lived to breed. Those are the ancestors of the red niggers that we have living off the government tit in this country. You guys don't realize that you get 12k a year in this country just for being Indian.

The whole american continent, north and south america. Not just the USA.

At least 500 trillion Jews, Maybe more.

dude i just gave you a (You) and no thanks?

makes me feel darwinistic

>native americans did not evolve to be able to resist diseases the europeans brought with them
>died out
>human gene pool becomes stronger as a result

I think that many cultures and lives were lost but that's the way evolution works, the strong survive and the weak don't. It wasn't a man-made genocide

Couldn't care less about those whiny fuckers.

Not asuch as ur shoving up urs tho :)

Not many fucks given

Including civil wars and diseases that had nothing to do with Europeans.


Kill them all

I thank you on behalf of him, because I can always appreciate a (You).

very good, fucking always hated indian scum, grew up with pieces of shit mewuks in my school, fucking stinky scum

*tips fedora*

First off, it wasn't 100 million, more like 1 million or around there.

Did they kill others for territory tho

Well, obviously not...

I'm a quarter Mohawk and I feel nothing.

Thoughtful I guess. The 100 million part is ylyl-worthy.

But hey that's the fate of your people if you're willing to fight other native tribes because that nice white settler said that you could have their land. Meanwhile that settler's plowing his fields, your ancestor's land, he legally obtained from his guvment and probbly plowing a few native ladies while he's at it.

Maybe they'll get to come back as a member of a more advanced civilization.

FYI the vast majority of the natives were killed off by all the sexually-transmitted diseases Columbus and other Europeans brought with them. More people would know about it if they had any kind of written history.

We did it once and we will do it again.
>looking at you niggers

My 1/64th Cherokee cries out for blood

Amused. Such obvious bullshit.

I'm gonna need some documentation to verify this, specifically written.

I'm kind of annoyed that I'm an 8th Mohawk (I say mohawk, just because it makes more sense than one of those little shit-tier tribes no one has heard of)

Okay, I'll provide that documentation when you prove that 6 million jews died in europe during world war 2 at the hands of the nazis.

Ol' Hickory 2016

to quote your favorite political leader.."at this point, what difference does it make"?

The estimations of native americans to inhabit the americas that were effected by european pathogens did not come near to 100,000,000.

22,000,000 - 30,000,000

It's for the better. The Spaniards didn't exterminate the natives instead they mated with them and produce Latin american countries. Just see how well that turned out. If they had wiped out the natives just like the English did, South America wouldn't be a shithole like it is today.

Envious. I wish we killed that many in Canada.

>ooo gotem

But I'm not trying to prove that. Maybe there weren't, I don't really care. Burden of proof remains yours, duderino

There were never that many natives. Cut that value by 2/3rds and you might be accurate. Do not fall for the bullshit lies.

Also, we're not done playing cowboys and indians yet....

Daily reminder that the Native Red Bastards were actively engaged in slavery, genocide and warfare for generations before we showed up.

Daily reminder that once again, the brave Europeans saw the locals, took their land and completed their most deeply wanted goals in a fraction of the time.

Under budget and ahead of schedule.

There were absolutely not 100 million in what is now USA

>>actively engaged in slavery, genocide and warfare for generations

You act like everyone else wasn't doing the same thing.

Feels like niggers are trying to do anything they can to trash US these days.
Dragging Native Americans into it is to be expected I guess.
Nobody, including them, gives a fuck about your retard black assets though.

They were kicking the shit out of each other before the white man arrived. Just because we did it better than them they get all salty.

wtf I hate horses now

Really glad that im white. I couldn't imagine being anything else.

That open borders are a bad idea.


Read the whole post user and think next time you respond.

The red, feathered bastards most deeply held goal was to kill the 200 people over there on the other side of that hill, something his tribe had tried to do for generations but was too weak to do so. We show up and do it in a day along with dozens of others.

>mfw it's about to kick off again.

Fucking lost, man it feels good to be white

tens of millions of 'white' north americans have indian ancestry--primarily cherokee, suwanee and related tribes--and don't even know it

it's fashionable for african americans to claim amerindian ancestry, but this is a myth, but most have european ancestry (which seems to mortify them for some reason)

people do all sorts of things when they run into each other, like starting families, fucking, raping, pillaging, murdering and--even eating each other

all human beings outside of sub-saharan africa have neanderthal genes and those of other early human species like the denisovans (in the case of tibetans, melanesians, aboriginals, southeast asians and new guineans)

that should have clued you in by now what usually happens

most amerindians were killed off--accidentally--by diseases brought over from eurasia to which the inhabitants of the new world had little resistance. 90 % died (it is estimated) without ever having seen white folks or black folks. most of the ones who actually survived had, meanwhile, outbred with the new colonists, conferring upon them a great deal of immunity and better survival under the new conditions. some amerindian genes also ended up in the black and white colonists, too

there were a lot of cultural exchanges, as well, as each group assimilated what they could use from one another.

you portray it as all bad, which it was not. the civilisation brought to the new world was vastly superior to anything the americas had and certainly preferable to the errant nonsense that was going down in mexico, right?

only bad thing the americas gave US was syphilis (possibly) and tobacco (definitely)