I'm just reminding all of the guys here that the average woman including me have difficulty cumming when we're fucking. And I strongly believe it's because the average sized penis is just too skinny and short to viably fill up an average girl's vagina. You guys should be educated to know that the vagina elongates up to 8 inches when we're horny, and there are plenty of nerve endings too deep in the vagina, not just at the opening, I hate it when average guys keep talking for us and saying that there is no feeling in the back of the vagina.
So please average boys, do us average girls a favor and just learn how to make us cum by using your tongue and fingers, because that skinny little dick which like 90 percent of you have is just too small for us.
So please fuck off, we like talking about big dicks for a reason, it's because we like cumming! ;)
If lesbians can come with two fingers a dick is good enough.
John Bennett
>tongue>6" dick Nigger gtfo
Lincoln Myers
have had more people tell me it hurt than it should be bigger & i fuck some cruel bitches
Julian Fisher
Oliver Young
Show us your benis
Jason Johnson
Oh look this thread again.
Seriously tho guys, don't be self conscious about your dick size. Some women have trouble using tampons their vaginas are so tiny, me being one of them. Be confident with your cocks.
Christopher Gonzalez
What's up with the ghost Jew shoving his nose in her ass
Austin Phillips
Was gonna say tits or gtfo, but then I remembered that you delivered before anyone could ask. Carry on.
Gavin Bennett
Adrian Walker
Camden Scott
Blake Howard
Camden Nelson
You. I like you. Not even gonna quote the rules. You provided functional information and only brought up your gender to facilitate that. Good job, user. Now go back to being an Internet grey blob like the rest of us.
Jayden Anderson
Bentley Thompson
I can't bend my wife over and do her doggy because of the pain through my cock.This is fucking terrible for me so don't try and tell me 8inches or above cos I'm 8 and my wife cant take it from behind and I've problems with other sluts getting sore and stuff
Nathan Cooper
>doesn't provide sources >you agree with her unconditionally because you got a small average dick
fucking small average dicklets, when will they learn?
Benjamin Reyes
Fuck you
Oliver Edwards
>speaks for all woman >being this salty >is a trap Vibrating cock ring usually does the trick. Anal play and double penetration usually works too.
Neither provided sources, no specifics were given, and I didn't "agree" with shit. Loving the assumption that I'm small dicked. Or even male. I'm a grey Internet blob. Enjoy your day.
Brayden Gonzalez
Fuck you
Jayden Smith
July 17, 2016
Ryder Gonzalez
typical whore with daddy issues agree with the dick size thing but stop being a whore
Austin Jones
John Lee
OP pls
Thomas Perez
>being so beta that you RP a girl who prefers small and average dicks on Sup Forums
''oh user your cock is so much smaller than my bf, fuck me harder with your manly little penis''
Liam Lee
Jacob Wood
fuck my man
Sebastian Wood
fuck you
Evan Brooks
I have a 8.5 inches dick that is curved downside so It can stimulate your G-spot while im fking you from behind. I don't have that problem :)
Eli Butler
Fake as fuck Women get most pleasure from the clitoris instead of the actual inside. It even hurts when it get's hit at the end, therefore guys with above average cocks are in a disadvantage. Even more so because they don't touch the clitoris with their body because their of their long cocks. Don't worry about the damn length...
Brody Hill
Daniel Evans
nice fake you faggot fuck
Nicholas Lewis
Please dont kill my mom :(
Luis Scott
No :c
Carter Edwards
hey look, it's an average dicklet who speaks for girls by saying that his average dick is what women want
fuck off loser
Angel Johnson
Levi Collins
Fuckkkkkk hahahahahahahha
Asher Ramirez
nice meme!
Camden Green
Matthew Jenkins
fuck you
Kayden Myers
Tyler Brown
Hey bitch, answer me this. How accurate would you say this chart is? Thanks.
Aaron Sanchez
Logan Scott
this shit again
Tyler Adams
It's ok femanon.
I've murdered and eaten five women across europe. If I have one request, it's that you eat more fruit.
Daniel Peterson
Then please her user
Nathan Lopez
Shitty fake.
William Wright
fuck you
Elijah Miller
Luis Hernandez
The poster was a girl, wtf, can't you see the username or do you not have a gold account??
Ryder Moore
Not who you are asking, but it's highly innaccurate.
4.5 and 4 is enough for 90% of women.
8 and 6 is too much for 80% of women.
Google it, studies are there.
Andrew Brown
Ethan Ward
Watch out guys it's a trap
Parker Cox
>pretending to be a girl who likes small dicks
average dicklets are so sad
Gavin Johnson
Check em
Aiden Myers
>Implying any man has ever cared whether some bitch cums 2/10 made me reply
Angel Bailey
>4 - 4.5 inches is ideal holy shit, fuck off with that you microdick loser
Cooper Russell
X and Y respectively? Also, "enough" doesnt mean "ideal" Women might be able to cum from 4.5 and 4 buts its not going to be very great sex.
Ayden Jenkins
Completely inaccurate.
Any woman telling you differently is because she's cheating on you and doesn't want you being suspicious.
The best way to make a man submissive and cuckold is to tell him his dick size means something
Ayden Young
I care, because I'm not a faggot like you who can't make a girl squirt.
Christian Watson
Matthew Robinson
t. man with no girlfriend
Aaron Sanchez
Ryder Richardson
Whos that in the webm ?
Oliver Russell
I love how guys say we're dumb for not knowing how to measure your dick and when we believe you when you tell us that your dick is 10 inches long.
Protip boys: we're lying so that you don't get your feelings hurt ;P
Isaiah Thompson
nice shitpost, retard. I didnt ask about your stupid cuckold shit, I asked for data about the fucking information on the chart, if you think different penis sizes aren't more/less pleasurble for a woman you're a fucking moron.
Jaxon Howard
Wow you're beyond delusional aren't you.
Well you won't know actually, that's the problem with thinking you're right and refusing to see reality.
Enjoy your bliss, I'm sure it's overwhelming
Nathaniel Stewart
may you be raped by the filthiest niggers you dirty whore
Jayden Ross
What is this amateur-hour trolling?
Is there no pride in workmanship? Is there no embarrassment at this low-level of trollcraft?
Shame on you Sup Forums. Shame.
Leo Rogers
>not having gold account >talking to a girl like its a guy
Ppl do this in 2016?
Jaxson Brown
why do you have t-rex arms
Nathan Perez
enjoy pretending that girls actually prefer small dicks over big
must be sad to be you
Zachary Martinez
you fuck
Dylan Sanders
rest of the crap from this set ?
Jayden Howard
Nolan Howard
Thanks femanon.
Lincoln Garcia
Asher White
>I strongly believe it's because the average sized penis is just too skinny and short to viably fill up an average girl's vagina.
Nah, you just have a huge loose stretched-out floppy cunt because you're too lazy to do your kegels.
Nathan Fisher
Mama nooo
Colton Gonzalez
and your tits get mistaken for moles when you take you shirt off
John Smith
are you seriously getting mad at a picture?
Jayden Jackson
on a side note, this webm though
Henry Gray
Fake. Nice titties though.
Jack Garcia
it's a good webm, that's why I'm constantly posting it.
she's too cuteeee!!!! ;3
Joshua Evans
Adam Wood
lmao those are some quality titties you fucking retard.
Jonathan Smith
I hope you get tit cancer.
Carson Bailey
Caleb Morales
Crazy fe9h
Asher Clark
Women get worse and more toxic with each new generation I'd rather be happy and die old and alone then deal with a woman's mouth and mind games the new generation of women are sick disgusting twisted creatures that would soon as fuck you over than to actually give two shits about anyone. Just broke up out of a relationship with my gf and I am much happier now made her cum on multiple occasions in the 100's of times that we had sex over the last year problem is she is toxic and is a complete slob that said she was in love with me but I just left her as just friends.