I think I found an ancient relic whilst digging for treasure

I think I found an ancient relic whilst digging for treasure.

Do you know what this is?

This is the other side.

Looks like some sort of metal went round the carved bit and through the hole.

But... why?

It if for burning shit to scare away mosquitoes.

Probably made by Incas.

I know there is an archaeologist out there.

Woah. Thats one ancient finger box. You could sell that for millions.

Want to buy? I might sell for the right price.

Ancient Indian diaphragm

Searching Incan Incense Burners yields no results.

wat is a finger box ?


Ask your buddies, guy.

Middle Tennessee


Ancient Indian diaphragm yields no results!

maybe something to do with agriculture or from the civil war. was it in your backyard? in a field?

it's a cast

He's not your guy, faggot

1923 ford water thermostat for a car

in a rather remote, lightly wooded area.

Dude. It's a bong. You put your weed in there.

Looks rather similar but not quite!

For what? I'm searching for stone casts but not getting anything similar.

He's not your faggot, buddy.

i think it's for indian jewelry