Tumblr hate thread anyone

Tumblr hate thread anyone

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MY favorite.

Found the hypersensitive conservative radio fan.

Great thread OP

Why though? Why not just let people identify how they want to identify and portray themselves in whichever way they want to portray themselves?

It's not like the public image of the standard Sup Forums user, a basement dwelling antisocial angry misogynist is any better than the public image of the standard Tumblr user, a fat SJW dike with pink hair.

Get over yourselves.


This is why I hate summer

genetically there are only 2 genders and a combination of both, XX XY and XXY.

get over it and accept the mental illness for what it is

fuck the everyone is special movement, 50% of the population are in fact below average

serious waste of dubs. People can do what ever the fuck the want and dress how they ant and some people will be ok with it and others wont. Thats why theres trap threads, some people like traps while others dont. That being said the expectation society must unanimously accept retarded shit like multiple genders and fat pride is Orwellian and unacceptable. We're letting people, we're just making fun of how much of faggots they are and expressing how annoyed we are.

get over yourself.


Fag detected

>Actually believing there are more than 2 genders.

when will summer end?

Found the faggot


Mayonnaise is the best gender

how the fuck am I a fag nigger? I didn't say we should all suck trap dicks in submission to the superior race of trans people. I just said to each their own and people shouldn't expect everything should be in consensus because there shouldn't be an expectation that everyone agrees with social movements.

Shut up you dill weed

God gave you a hand of cards. The problem is, you can't change them, you have to play them. Thus LGBT are against God, thus fuck them.

oh shit nigger

People with Mental disorders should not be encouraged.
They should be treated.

Transgender is in fact a mental disorder.

you seem to genuinely believe encouraging this mental disorder is OK.

Therefor you are a glorious winged faggot.

God doesn't exist


seriously shut the fuck up. Why can't you just let people identify in whatever way they want to?

Who are you to decide what's normal or a "mental illness"? You're probably a wizard living in his parent's basement. You should just accept people who should just identify as something different because it's their life,

Its obviously an instrument fignags

Go back to plebbit faggot

Im not the one who decided it is a mental Illness you stupid cunt.

It is legitimately classified as a mental illness.

Sorry I forgot

I'm in no way encouraging the mentally ill. I wholeheartedly disagree with the whole trans movement.
Was asking why people couldn't just accept trans people and I was stating people shouldn't have to agree.

Though I will say people shouldn't be forced to disagree. While I do I'm no authority on anything.


im ok with others doing as they want
its when they start affecting my life to do so that annoys me
guess what i dont care what pronouns you want to be called
guess what i dont care if you want your own bathroom
you can live your delusions in your own bubble all you want but dont expect society to change and bend over backwards to do the same
that simple

The thing is, formally trained doctors don't refer to transgendered people as being mentally ill. In fact, it's actually pretty obvious that you only use that term to put them down and belittle them.

So I mean, you can be a dick, I can't stop you, but at least admit that there is no factual backing of your opinion, and that you're just being a dick.

What the fuck? Because transgenderism is legitimately retarded you fucking summer fag

I may be in a basement but it's not my parents and I'm no wizard (yet). At least I'm not mentally handicapped and live with a fallacy that I should be a woman even though I'm a man


>tips fedora

Mi lady

Sure, you may feel that way, but a lot of people don't. Social change exists, it has always existed, and it will always exist. You don't have to keep up, but you'll get left behind.

That's all I was trying to say and I'm apparently a fag and dill weed

Thinking you are something you are not is the definition of a delusion. There are only two genders, male and female, which are determined by the presence or absence of the y chromosome. If you have a y chromosome, you are a male. If you do not, you are a female. That is scientific fact and cannot be argued with.

Allowing people to go against facts and call themselves a gender they are not is feeding their delusions, and only serves to hurt them. People who have that low of self-esteem or that serious of an identity crisis going on need serious psychological help. What they don't need is to be pandered to via allowing them to create new genders that do not exist or 'identify' as the one they are not.

>no assault helicopter


definitely too smart to realize the reason theyre telling her this

people can do that, but they can (and should) also be mocked, ridiculed, and shunned into self-exile until they expire or change their degenerate behavior, (for the benefit of mankind, of course.)


Fuck! Is this a thing?
Sitting in my basement not being a wizard, my fucking life

You're thinking of sex. Gender and gender roles are a social construct, and social constructs by their very nature change with society.

There's no reason why a biological male should not be able to act feminine or vice versa, or really take on the personality/mannerisms of anything they please as long as it doesn't hurt others.

kneejerk reactions
what are you going to do

>What is, "Gender Identity Disorder"?
>now known as Gender Dysphoria, so that the mentally ill don't feel bad about themselves.


Gender Dysphoria hasn't been a recognized or treated condition for many years.

obviously kill myself because some anonymous person called me names on the internet. fuck me, right?

the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender"
synonyms: sex


funny how im on tumblr right now

That's all well and good until bitches start raiding my public washrooms or squandering my tax dollars for their fucking own

Doesn't mean it's not a real condition, you buffoon.

there's a xyy there was a huge thing about them being criminals before it was diproven.

Nice one single source. You realize you're completely turning a blind eye to all of the psychological and sociological research done on the topic of gender identity, right?

Gender and gender identity are considered synonymous to many, many, people. Some of them much smarter than you or I, and all of them more empathetic than you.

>Posting cringe in a hate thread

>falling for it

I'm not the guy you're replying to but here's my view on all this dumb shit. I don't care for it and it annoys me. I hate having a little sister who doesn't even know how babies are made insist on telling me that I am an inconsiderate bigot. She is literally like 12 years old and the retarded public school system is forcing their ridiculous mindset on to her before she even knows that humans can't biologically reproduce like that. If this doesn't sound fucking disgraceful to you then I don't know what does. I'm all for people doing whatever the fuck they want but that includes people having an opinion on the fucking issue. If someone's gonna ask me what I think of gay people or say "oh look how cute they are" I'm gonna be like "they're fucking disgusting". That's no offence and I wont just go committing hate crimes or being a dick to gays but if people want to know my opinion on the matter that is it.


Medical definitions change, when something is no longer recognized, it's no longer considered a "real condition". We're talking about the practices of medical doctors here. I don't give a fuck what your dumb irrelevant ass considers a mental illness.

shove you're empathy up your ass nigger.
your gender identity is meaningless.

I can feel I should be a unicorn
I can demand people call me a Unicorn
I can get surgery to implant a horn on my head.

But I will never in my life, actually be a unicorn.

I'm a male feminist and a straight ally of the LGBT community but the small amounts of Tumblr I've been exposed to make me want to flip a 180 and go full bore Sup Forums.

>opinion on the issue
I don't think you realize that... you're the one creating the issue. Your entitlement to be able to vocalize your disgust of people who are simply living their legitimate lives in a way as normal as you or I do, to do things as innocent as find love, or to simply portray themselves in a way they are comfortable in public.. Your misguided disgust is the issue here.

I mean, I can't stop you, but society is changing, and you need to realize that there's no reason for you to feel this disgust in the first place.

Actually kill yourself

dont you mean 360?

well technically there's also XXX and XYY

Still, though, it's a mental illness to be trans, and that's one gender identifying as the other.

What bothers me the most, though is this:

Feminism (3rd-wave) started out by wanting to "abolish gender roles," but the concept of people identifying as "non-binary" gender roles means they identify as something between based on the gender-role traits they portray.

Do you know what that means?

It means that non-binary gender roles, by definition, are pigeonholing the two genders of male and female as having clearly-defined gender roles. Feminism is allowing this to happen so that it can stay relevant.

Non-binary genders allow feminism to claim that it wants to fight gender roles whilst simultaneously enforcing the male and female gender role. The two actively work against each other, so feminism clearly doesn't actually give a single shit about abolishing gender roles whatsoever.

Feminism is stupid, the current Social Justice movement is stupid, and those that have taken the time to fall into this ideology don't have the capability of thinking critically, which is why they're recruited in their teens.

People who don't understand this haven't taken the time to look objectively at the ideas they're touting as "righteous." They've let themselves become fucking stupid.

It's your fault you're an idiot.

>your gender identity is meaningless
I mean, a very large portion of how we communicate and socialize depends on the genders of the people involved, so no it is in fact not meaningless.

You can't possibly tell me you treat everyone the same regardless of their gender, because that's absurd.


my b, samefagging this hard but I didn't mean you lol. I was talking to the user to whom you were replying.

see for my idea of why you're not actually thinking your ideas through.

I want to see people who have identity issues receive proper therapy and feel okay and accepted into their own bodies, but I'm not empathetic? I don't see it. And definitions are definitions, mate, they don't change source to source. That's the oxford definition - you know, the one that is accepted by all English-speaking countries in the world. Considering something synonymous doesn't make it so either. I can consider my pet dog a reptile, but I'd be wrong and a fucking idiot. I have nothing against these people who identify as a gender they are not, but they are clearly wrong based on our definitions and known biological facts. Arguing against fact is pointless - there are two genders. That's it. You cannot change gender no matter how much surgery or other medical procedures you undertake. As far as the dressing outside of social constructs or acting more feminine/masculine thing, that's a different issue that has been misconstrued to fit the purpose of groups advocating these gender issues. Being able to show emotions as a guy or hit the weights as a girl does not correlate to claiming you are the opposite gender.

You know what doesn't change?
the amount of biological genders there are.

Just because the mentally ill refuse to acknowledge that they are so, and demand that everyone not call them as such, does not mean that they are not mentally ill.

They still very much are.

>It's a mental illness to be trans
Professional medical doctors have not considered it to be a mental illness in a decade. It's like believing that Pluto is still a planet.

Let's not mince words. You're holding on to the past purely to perpetuate a false belief you have, because you're uncomfortable with the way society is changing.

Wow, you are a true scientist my friend.

>rate of genderfluidity


You need to look up gender in a dictionary

>>An hero


Really? That's the oxford definition? The one that's accepted by all english speaking countries in the world?

By your own fucking stupid argument you're proven wrong. You can't possibly backtrack out of being patently wrong about a definition.

OK, tumblerina let's think about this. What's more plausible, teams of educated doctors sitting down, researching and studying a condition and labeling it a mental disorder? Or a bunch of lonely, sexually frustrated land whales spouting off en mass decrying a diagnosis because it hurts their feelings?

I may not have stated it in my argument, but I do not voice my opinion on the issue unless people ask me to. In that case I am not the problem, I just have an opinion on the problem, which I am entitled to have just like you are. And if you're going to tell me that my "misguided disgust" is the real issue then I don't think you understand what the real issue is. No it is not bigots, the issue is still the whole lbqq or whatever it is community. Because each day I have to hear more shit about it in my life and until I get enough money to move out into some rural area where I don't have to deal with this fruity shit, I'm allowed to have an opinion (that I keep to myself) on the issue.

>Male Feminist
So you admit you're a cuck then?

Uhh.. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Land whales get their feelings hurt all the time, and some years ago gender dysmorphia was no longer considered a mental illness.

Found the SJW Tumblr fags.


Lol, what? That's the exact same thing I posted. Only difference is the synonym isn't shown, because I used the Google result. If you click the synonyms button it shows 'sex' as the only synonym... What are you talking about mate?

Let's be honest here: It's still in the DSM-IV

You don't read.

I don't mind trans people. I have been known to fap to them. It would be stupid of me to be uncomfortable with them existing, but to deny the reality that 0.05% of the population have gender dysphoria, which is the mental illness that defines trans people? That's willful ignorance, which I don't much condone.

I have plenty of my own problems; I don't think my penis should be a vagina. If I did, I would have gender dysphoria. If I honestly had gender dysphoria, I would have a mental illness. I would want to be a woman.

It's a mental illness. Your problem is you think of mental illnesses as bad, when they're by definition abnormal. Psychopathy is abnormal, but it doesn't mean that all psychopaths are horrible people, does it?

OCD is a mental illness; are OCD people horrible?

Is it bad to have a mental illness? No, it just is one. You can't deny that somebody who is abnormal should be noted as an abnormality; that's the point of psychology.

Maybe you should study what the fuck you're talking about instead of making sweeping claims about shit you don't understand.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to reconcile the fact that you can't fit in normal society.

My apologies user, I linked the wrong reply. My attempt was to fully emphasize that what you just did.

Keep up the good fight user

You sound like a virgin.

My son would disagree with you on that

Fine I mean I can agree with that.

Society changes though, and even the rural areas will see within time that there is no reason to judge someone simply for not conforming to our archaic views of gender.

So you admit that gender typically refers to cultural differences rather than biological ones, yes? Just as the Oxford Dictionary says.

Dude you fucked your adopted son!!!

Excuse me, I identify as an attack helicopter and need to be represented.

What other use do they have

My sides.

There's only two genders, Bruce Jenner. Grow up. This isn't Pokemon where you just decide what to keep and what to throw away from nature.
(Internet bullshit)

Choose wisely

How I fit in with society is irrelevant, when I see mindless bigotry I call it out.