Situation for you guys

Situation for you guys
>In Illinois for work
>Be 19
>Staying with family from the job
>Family has 2 little girls
>One is 9 other is 13
> 13 yr old is a brat
>Randomly smacks me across my head, punches my temple, made my eye break a blood vessel one-time and my eye was blood red
>Broke my property including my laptop
>Parents absolutely don't do a single thing
>Talked to them about it and they still don't do anything
>I don't want to hit a 13 yr old girl because everytime I try and do something like hide her phone or what ever I get yelled at, like innocent stuff to make her fuck off
>Finally fed up, and don't know what to do
Help Sup Forums I honestly don't know what to do I want to go home but I can't until a few more weeks, been a hermit in my room to avoid them all for a week and the parents asked why I'm in my room so much and I just ignore them now.
Tinder whore poop shoot for compliance

Shiggy diggy. Not really sure what to suggest here.
What about the younger one? Any chance she can help you?

Where abouts in Illinois?

She's picked on too, parents just let the older one kind of do her own thing

Southern like fucking bum fuck no where


Start putting open tuna cans in her dresser drawers so she smells like tuna

does her with X, that or K or something

So, basically, you and her have something in common. At least that's.... good?
I'd say hang out with her more, for sanity's sake.

At least you'll get human interaction.

Those parents not doing anything, is really REALLY bad. I grew up without any early on discipline, and I turned out like a fucking dick fuck with so little discipline it hurts.

Eww man I live in the Chicago suburbs. Anything South or west of Chicago turns to shit. Sorry about that man but no help can come from me

Carbondale or lower?

So I should add, if you want to fuck with the older one without getting in trouble, we'll have to think of some stuff you can do, that won't really be easily pinned on you.

Obviously nothing too insane, but enough to piss her the fuck off and what have you.

I know.
No me and her are fine, we watch movies and shit and I teach her about astronomy and chemistry, because she loves that shit and I'm majoring in astronomy in college

or you could fk their computer to make it seem like it has a virus. if you have your laptop, they would have no reason to suspect you. Then you can trick them into taking X


I'm not gonna mess with their property, I'm staying at their house while I work.

You sly dog ;)

Awesome dude! Sounds like a nice lass. It's great for you to help her get to STEM at a young age. Keep at it!

This is actually a great idea. I'm sure we can come up with great computer shit, and they can't easily blame that on you, unless you're normally tech support, at which point you're the one to blame for everything :^) (Experience...)

Has to be, you know, without them noticing...

ecstasy. find someone to do that and get her hopped up on herself. If she starts the habit young she might get caught and itll be fucking hilarious.


While absolutely hilarious, this one's pretty fucking cruel for the level of shit she's doing, that is assuming it entirely fucks her up.

Plus, it probably wouldn't happen by the time he's gone.

About 1 hour north past st Louis

you'd be surprised how well it works. or slipping caffeine pills in their food and drink to make the parents discipline them for being to hopped up. Lol my cunt of a roommates little brother got sent to boarding school after 2 weeks.

My parents sent me to military school years ago for an entire summer, which was back to back with my other school years! It was absolutely fucking terrible, and yet, one of the best times of my life.

Haha yea, the older one is like a pre hardcore Bible thumper, like creationist shit. Then the younger one is on the fence it seems so I'm trying to keep her interested in science so she doesn't turn out too bad

Haha, I'm saying like what stuff could I do just to tell her to leave me alone.

Nothing you can tell her, she won't listen. I've still got to think. We're brainstorming a little here.

If you really want, you can try slipping her shit, but it's not my top suggestion.

I'll keep thinking!
Feel free to bounce ideas off of us as well.

Also, god bless you for teaching the younger one. :^) (KEK)

So its decided, pop caffeine pills into everything. just balance it out so she is just hyper and not jittery. The idea is so that you don't get caught. Just make it seem like she stole sodas from the fridge at night before bed time or something.

I don't wanna get caught and then have to explain to my father that I dont have a place to stay

Well like the only time the parents get mad at her is if she does something to them, they don't care that they are hyper or what not.

Right, so, any way you can do shit (indirectly, but that affects them) to the parents, and blame the bitch successfully?

thast the point. Make her so hyper she wont get to bed. trust me, thatll annoy them. Especially if they are trying to sleep. See my train of thought? make it a bigger nuisance than the family pig

Well like what?

I guess but how would I slip those to her

drinks, food, liquify, injection between her toes, snorting, whatever. its not that hard. just crush it up and drop it in a soda.half a pill at her size

Prepare a powder, when she has an open drink, quickly drop it in and mix it with your finger when nobody is looking.

Walk away, ditch the thing you had the powder in, wash finger.

Like also I've taken her sim card on her phone blocked her Mac address from the router to her phone and ipad, so she is literally cut off from the outside world.

Yes, do this.
Get the mac addresses of her devices and block it on the router.

You could try and do other things that slightly impede the parents (with technology), and blame it on her using her devices all the time/ hogging/ wasting shit.

A bullshit lie, but hey.

he knows that, you act like he has never dated. Give the man some credit

Like sorry but that seems a bit dangerous for me haha

You are such a dumbass.

The little chika is hitting on you. Flirting.

She is using the excuse to make contact with you.

Why are you getting yelled at and by who?

Why are you so beta that you hide her shit.

just do powder in a drink. its really fkn easy trust me. especially if she makes you bring her a drink. save it in your back pocket and say its for study if caught and ditch plan. that way if you get a chance and grow a pair you can begin.

spank her hard


What work are you doing exactly?

This tbh. She would probably do anything you told her to.

You know what, this guy might be onto something.

Make a move on her, see what happens.


Like - do this RIGHT now, and let us know how it goes!

just say she likes black people. In that area, thats all you need to get someone to be hated.

No, I didn't mean to tell him to fuck her or anything, just that that is why she is doing it...


>13 yr old pooper ain't my game
>It's more aggressive than elementary flirting
>Because when I tell her to fuck off when she hits me the parents don't like that
>I hide it to get back without getting yelled at, I don't think a 13 yr old should be snapchatting every boy from her school


post her snapchat. let Sup Forums do the rest. she loses phone privileges. (Post tomorrow in a different thread so no white knights happen)

Thank god, you have a brain (As far as not being a rapist goes).

That being said - if you really think it is more aggressive than that, what you need to look out for is, the 2nd most likely reason a child may do that - she is being abused herself. Look for inappropriate interactions between people and her, it could be anyone, the mother or father, or literally anyone.

I take back my former claim, this guy is right.
She's probably being abused.

This this this this omg user you're amazing I love you I would of never thought of that fuck yessss

Even though a white knight could hit, I don't trust you guys enough.

Same guy who said it could be flirting.

It all depends on circumstances we just don't have access to, if OP could provide more information - we could get more insight into the situation.

What I'll do is post it in one of the Snapchat whore threads, and no one will know which one haha

What do you need to know?

cause you aren't fkn thinking. Just drop a name in a post them hate them or a snapchat spill thread. just the name nothing else. OR!!!! you could use false info and say something like she cheated on me and sent another guy nudes or she was sending nudes to the guy i like. whatever. its easy.

I'll do this. This is better than drugging her and the Chans get a 13 yr old Snapchat everyone wins.

you can still drug her you know..... just saying. like just a bit of x. just a bit.

To add onto this, we only have a couple instances of the behavior.

But, OP, does any of this match up?

- Extreme moods?

- Poor relationships with others?

- What is her sleep schedule like?

- Is she speaking about sexual things?

- Drugs/speaks sexually

- Behaves differently around one or more individuals and the relationship to the individual(s)

Don't live with your parents / kill yourself