Grow up thinking Britain is a first world country

>grow up thinking Britain is a first world country
>travel to America
>the standard of living in the states is loads better
>realize that Britain is actually pretty third world
>have to go back to work in my third world shithole after holiday

life is suffering

it's your fault for living in some northern shithole

North has awful economy, weather, and infrastructure.

South has awful cost of living, people, and crowding.

Both are equally miserable.

Also, I'm no northerner

Come here boy :3

Italy is even worse

why are you so rude with me? ç_ç

>realize that Britain is actually pretty third world

Grow up in Scotland.
Never once thought we were first world.
Second maybe.
Not third though, we ain't no nigga/paki tier country.

Where do you live exactly in Britain?
Because some parts are pretty thirld world, yes.

babbies first proxy


also please fuck off you inbred northerner



Well, at least not as awful as Russia.

Post a picture of your passport with face showing, faggot

What is that gadget?

Why would I post my face? Do you take me for a fool?

my kettle

Why is it plugged into the wall?

Americans work live slaves, have no idea what a welfare state like yours is and seem to live in their own little bubble. I mean, is it really worth it for you?

>live in a shit part of Britain
>refer to it as "Britain"
>visit a nice part of America
>refer to it as "America"

fuck off then if you think it's so shit

What you call slave work is easy work, I get paid 50 bucks an hour and I fucking love my job

>what a welfare state like yours is


>have no idea what a welfare state like yours is

You think a big brother welfare state is a positive?

Welfare is easy as fuck, America system is so easily abused. My friend literally gets free food just by lying to the government and welfare pays so much and you just say please and the government gives you money, house, food, and medicine

Fuck this system

Because unlike Brazil, we have a thing called electricity.

I gladly would, but emigrating to the States looks hard AF

WTF why don't you just heat the water on the stove?

Don't worry, it will collapse

>heating water on stove

Jesus, Brazilians are apes.

I'm afraid not, the government is actually benefiting from having more people on welfare

>why don't you just heat the water on the stove?

Thread is over guys, Brazilian user proves that our country is first world.

T. Yank on holiday

nice proxie shitface. The US must be one of the most expensive places on earth, I always wanted to go back and go somewhere away from the coast line to see if it was any different from what I know (traveled both East and West coastal cities).

Everyone drives a bathtub with weels, houses are made of cardboard and food is expensive as fuck, once I was in NY working for two weeks assembling a KRYON facade and spent all my pocket money just by eating there.

>I always wanted to go back and go somewhere away from the coast line to see if it was any different from what I know (traveled both East and West coastal cities

Are you retarded. Of course it is. The cost of living outside of coastal meme cities like NYC, SF, and LA is a small fraction of what it is there. You visited all of the (by far) most expensive places in the US.

>thinks large coastal cities are representative of the cost of living of an entire country

It was surprising to you that New York City is expensive? Are you actually retarded?

my father is from a former britbong colony and the only thing he ever drinks is tea or beer, he still heats water on the stove.

Tbh I've never seen a kettle in Cuccatia

pretty sure everyone has a kettle in dad's country tho

He's obviously Euro if he writes dates like that.

>learn one of the Latin American versions of Spanish
>sail to Mexico with ISIS militants
>immigrate to US through southern border
>if questioned by border patrol, pretend you don't speak English
>also turn militants over to DHS for extra legitimacy points
>once your home free, revert to British self
>get hired in Hollywood immediately

You have 15 days.

what I mean is that your entire coast is expensive as fuck to live in while in Spain (for example) you just have to keep away from areas like Madrid and Barcelona to find a better housing situation and lower taxes too, filling a shopping car is also cheaper here, going to a restaurant (not mcdonalds type) is also cheap, cheaper schooling, free healthcare, etc.

lived in queens for 2 weeks while working in manhattan, expected it to be a lot cheaper than what I found since it was nothing but a frozen shithole who looked like a cardboard housing area, also travelled to Newark because there was a portuguese engineer with our group and he invited us to that area because there was a huge portuguese diaspora neighborhood there, also expensive but cheaper than queens.

>lived in queens for 2 weeks while working in manhattan, expected it to be a lot cheaper than what I found

So you ARE literally retarded

>entire coast is expensive as fuck to live in

You could not be any more wrong. As long as you stay out of large cities, the cost of housing and living is cheap as fuck in the US compared to western Europe.
