What was Tony's biggest mistake?

What was Tony's biggest mistake?

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Killing Chris. He didn't deserve it.

He killed Chris because he realized he could've been killed but that, also, his child could've been killed had it been the car.

It was fucked up, but that wasn't his biggest mistake.

Killing Pussy instead of Paulie

Having any power. He was an incompetent Fuck wit.

Chris literally killed a guy in cold blood for no reason the episode before

Fuck him

Losing his temper. I swear, so many problems throughout all 6 seasons for all characters involved could've been completely avoided had they just kept a lid on their shit.

killing ralphie

guy was finally under his control after his son got arrowed and would have been a valuable asset if he didn't go full gabagool over the horse

Not giving Blundetto to Phil.

This one. All his killings (even Chris') were to protect his business, with Ralphie it was personal. He was a good asset. RIP

Being a softy

Please, Chris shouldn't of gotten any where near as many chances as he did. He was a little whiny bitch that did nothing but cry and do drugs.


Not getting in the fucking Gabagool robot



eating all that gabagool

Carmine Sr. was a fair and reasonable boss.

I watched all seasons in one sitting few months ago for the first time. Loved the series.

Anyway, the largest mistake, which led to his downfall he made was acting on impulse too many times.
He shouldn't tolerate Chris for so long, he made so many mistakes.
At first I hated Ralphie, but then started to like his attitude. His change was lame in terms of my preferences, but I guess it helped the business. Tony overreacted to the burn of the barn.
Pussy had to be killed.
As Tony stated himself, Paulie's loyalty was never tested, and he always seemed to me as a incompetent person with too much responsibilities on him.

Tony should have stayed on betters terms with NY gang, as that last season war was what led to his and his main lieutenants' deaths.

eating himself into an early grave the fat bastard.

more like not yaba daba doo


Well to be fair alot of unlucky shit happened to Tony that landed him in shit. Tony B acting like a free agent and shooting up New York guys a month after he gets out of prison. AND he spent years building his relationship with Johnny Sack only for John to get v& by the FBI and left to deal with fuckin Phil who hated Tony to the core. Plus that shit with Vito. IMO Tony should have killed phil when the NY guys were warring in 6B.

Going to agree this was a huge mistake.

Never having the makings of a varsity athlete.

The more important question is, who played The Sopranos game?

>Being a softy
nice meme

Only reasonable answer in this thread. Ralphie possibly, but he was too much of a hot shot


Killing Ralphie over a horse during an economic crisis after previously compromising and establishing that he was not going to kill Ralphie.

I did. I beat it.

It was a pile of dog shit.


>killing a friend because he kills a horse for money to support his son and then calling you out for being hippy-motherfucking-hipocrit
Fuck Tony.

- Sleeping with Svetlana.

- Beating up Senator Zellman wasn't very smart either.

>What was Tony's biggest mistake?

Killing Pussy

Could have used him as an double informant

His only mistake was not killing Chris sooner.

Not giving away Tony B to Phil.

As far as Tony B goes it would have been cool if Tony had actually helped him instead of straight murdering his ass, like if he sent him to Italy or somewhere to do business for Tony.

Best answer.

ehhhh gabbagol spaghetti the godfather were de strippers at eyyy tony jabroni wack him goodfellas bada bing

What? That would've been a TOTAL disaster. You think Brooklyn wouldn't found out?

Maybe eventually but i liked Blundetto, it would have been cool seeing his adventures elsewhere.

>As far as Tony B goes it would have been cool if Tony had actually helped him

This would have been cool as hell if it did happen. I want him and Tony B to wreck shit up.

Chris would've had his back

Christ, It's so obvious and so sad

Also beating that cop who was helping em out just because he was sleeping with Tony's 1st mistress

>what was his biggest mistake
being so narrow minded and stuck up about the whole therapy thing

Chris tried to kill him.

Chris was shit, just accept it.

>that last season war was what led to his and his main lieutenants' deaths.
Tony never died. Chase literally confirmed this.

Taking too long to kill Phil, and not supporting Little Carmine's claim early on.

Honestly, his biggest mistake was not letting Junior whack him in S1.

His constant support of that junkie cost much more than he ever gained, including the respect of his crew. And he never got a single thing in return for it.


Oh boy.. Here we go..

Killing Ralphie over a horse.

letting his daughter get fucked by a nigger

It all started to go downhill after that.

Letting his informant in the police kill himself through feeling unappreciated.

This. He killed his MVP.

David Chase himself stated very clearly that Tony is not dead, that the last scene -and indeed, entire last episode- is sculpted to impression on the viewer the sense of never knowing whether today will be the day, a thought that Tony is faced with every day.

What? What 'I say?

Yes but pretentious Sup Forums douchebags refuse to accept that fact and think they know better than the creator of the show.

>This. He killed his MVP.
However after Ralphie came Vito "grease the Union pole" spatafore who broke all previous records.




Getting married and having kids