Culture Pals - /cp/

Culture Pals: Look alive out there edition

Come meet qts from around the world, practice your bants, chill with the lads, press F to pay respects to the threads who didn't make it to bump lim, make memes, yell at koreaboos, recruit people from , get cucked, get b&, get v& ;^D

SIGN UP (to the barely functioning website) NOW:

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First for getting cucked by sugar daddies

Nice thread

Do you have some love for me?

If your qts are getting paid for sex, you should find new ones.

I'm not gay nigga

Do I have to remind you that you are posting in /mailorder bride general/?
I can smell it from here!

Trying to get nudes off a huge tit Chinese girl
Fucking hate the people but some of them are hot

I think you're talking about yourself senpai :-)

Post pics
>He doesn't realize you're quoting Die Antwoord....

>Listening to the audio embodiment of AIDS

>Living in Aidsistan

Does light red mean not seen and white mean seen?
I've never understood the difference



WOAH! Chinese with milkers!!!!
Is she, dare I say, "our qt"?

Is she gold digger?

No idea only exchanged a few messages so far
Suffice to say she won't be getting anything from me

Her profile is /Xing0801 so don't visit or message that profile! Stealing qts is not cool lads!

Thread needs more Swedes

This bitch is fucking psychotic. Bully her:

Fucking savage.

We should bully you for talking to a MLG faggot

She contacted ME, user

Don't show it to rico, he will probably die from butthurt.

Why even bother talking to this hideous abomination?

We should bully you for having a profile that attracts MLG faggots.

She keeps visiting my profile.

So what? Ignore her, why waste your time talking to people that you are not interested in?

I AM ignoring her you dumb fuck. You keep talking about it

You did not mention that before, so why would you even call me dumb? Typical dumberican.

Holy shit you guys, things are about to go down.
I created a vk for my fake korean, but now a certain russian girl who has her own "community" posted something about my fake profile and she has like 3k followers. They are all bothering me and writing shit about me.

Kill me.

Russian bro's I need your help translating some shit. Google translate is useless now!!

>talk about her on Sup Forums
You're the dumbfuck here, dumbfuck!

I wanted to go to a supermarket, but I can stay for 15-30 minutes if it is urgent and worth it.

WOAH! Did she post that you are a fake?

Дoбpoгo вpeмeни cyтoк~~ Хoчy paccкaзaть вaм мoю иcтopию o знaкoмcтвe c кopeяcoм. He бyдy мнoгocлoвнa и paccкaжy кpaткo.
Дeлo былo вeчepoм,дeлaть былo нeчeгo. Cижy в фeйcбyкe,cкyчнo хoть вoлкoм вoй. Пpихoдит мнe зaявкa в дpyзья. Я тaкaя OБAHA! Oткpывaю , a тaм милoвидный oппaчкa. Хoтeлa я нaпиcaть пepвoй,кaк oн oпepeдил мeня. Taкoй хeлoy,хy a ю. TД И TП. Hy я дyмaю oпять нaчнётcя cкaзкa o poзoвых coплях,a пoтoм пиcьки дa cиcьки. Дa нe тyт и былo. Oбщaлиcь нopмaльнo. Beжливый,yмный и хopoшeнький) Taк пpoшлo двa гoдa. Oбщaeмcя и ceйчac. Heт дaжe нaмёкa нa дayнa. Пoтoм дoбaлcя кo мнe eщё oдин кopeяc,пишeт мнe мoл ШO Я У EГO ДPУГAHA B ДP ДEЛAЮ?? ГOBOPИT,ЧTOБЫ БPOCAЛA,A TO ДEЛO C HИM ИMETЬ БУДУ. a тaкaя what?? Пoтoм пишeт,чтo нe хoтeлa бы я c ним тoгo. Кpч,пocлaлa и в чc.
Ho c мoим дpyгoм тaк и пo ceй дeнь oбщaюcь^^ Пpихoдит мнe извeщeниe o пocылкe , бeгy нa пoчтy,a тaм пocылoчкa. BAAЙ,пoмню,кaк oн пpocил дaвнo мoй aдpec,нo нe знaлa для чeгo. A тyт тaкoй пoдapoчeк нa HГ. CПACИБO OППAЧКA,пpиятнo жe)

Google translate is shitting on me right now.
What is she saying?

Help him, for the love of god! I will send you American cigarettes if you do!

Did you send her a gift? The fuck?

I do not want to translate this shit if is the case here. She says the she has been talking to him for 2 fucking years, literally, what the fuck, dude.

the->that, duh
I still do not understand the fuck is going on. As in, I do not want to translate it without knowing the context here. So, you have some explaining to do, dutch-bro.

WTF no, hahah. How would I fake a real life korean address from Europe? Holy shit she is shilling my fucking fake korean page and I don't even know that person. WTF is going on. I am getting 50 messages from 15-20 russian girls now.

ONE of the top comment is this:Этoт тип пиcaл мoим пoдpyгaм (и мнe в тoм чиcлe). Oбщeниe былo нopмaльным. Ho пoтoм пoшли типикaл вoпpocы : "y тeбя был ceкc?", "кaкoгo paзмepa твoя гpyдь?" и т.д. Oн дoлжeн был oбyчaтьcя в Mocквe...пoэтoмy иcкaл pyccкyю дeвyшкy (дaжe дeвyшeк) для тoгo, чтo вcтaвить cвoй кopeйcкий oгypeчeк. Tип пpитвopялcя милым и пyшиcтым, нo нa дeлe oкaзaлcя типикaл кopeёc.

What does she mean?

He is the main provider of lewds in the thread, we're obliged to help him!

you just want the titcow lewds haha

Maybe you can start getting lewds from non-ip grills now matey ;^D

So im back on this site, after leaving it in early 2015, this fucking site went to complete shit, the hell happened lads?

Seems like you have stolen photos from a guy that has contacted her on facebook and she has been talking to for 2 years and received a gift from. TL;DR of her message would be: blah-blah-blah he added me on facebook blah-blah-blah we talked to without fucking being mentioned blah-blah-blah another korean messaged me telling to get the fuck away from him, or he is gonna fuck me up, I blocked him. blah-blah-blah still talking to my korean guy and have received a NYE gift from him.
Top comment is: This dude has messaged me and my friends. Conversation was good at first, but then began the typical messages "did u ever fuck" "what is the size of your tits". He was to study at Moscow, and therefore was looking for a russian girl (even girls), to put his korean cucumber in (I am dying at this point - rusbro). Looked nice at first, but turned out to be a typical korean.

Russians ruined everything

Of course, but as a sperg I also want the fakes to live on!

Hahahah I never talked to them at all. I am pretty sure that korean I stole those pics doesn't even know English. I created vk 6 months ago. Just been reposting pics of that korean fuckboy when I had time. But suddenly I have sent gifts, threatened them and shit.

Holy shit these slavs are fucking crazy hahah

Clearly, it's time to abort that profile.

>to put his korean cucumber in

Topkek. Maybe I should try to talk to Russian girls, they seem to know a thing or two about banter. Shame they never know English.

>threatened them
Well, that was a different one.

Je parle en anglais, mais je ne suis pas une femme :(

lurked on a thread a year ago when you were all complaining about korean guys getting all the view pussy. Is it still like that lol

Btw, stay away from vk with all your fakes

There are 145 comments now and all of those people are batshit crazy man. Probably will get lewds though.

You are right. Almost time to abort this one.

Why would anyone post photos of themself on a fake account? Not like there is anything wrong with the fakes.

If you use a picture of some Korean model on your fake and someone looks it up and find someone else (let's say another fake or a koreaboo) using it too, then you are fucked.

You do understand that findface only looks through vk? You can always claim that your account is real and theirs is not.

There is nothing technically not allowing it to work on facebook and other social networks

It's a face recognition algorithm.

They use it just for vk though.

Though I gotta say, when it first came out it was hilarious.

2ch used it straight away to recognize pornstars, I found one girl that was really hot from some amateur porn, we talked, but she wasn't online on her vk in like 4 months.

Yeah, so you should not be afraid of stealing pics from facebook, that is exactly my point. Also, it depends on the api, there might be some problems with using the algo with facebook, if they could, then they most likely would.

Dude russian koreaboos are fucking insane. She is sperging on my korean fake. The weird fact is that she is bretty qt lolli

This is her!!!

The algorithm would be the same everywhere, I mean just the algorithm that compares the faces/facial structure.

But the framework in which it is embeded would need to change depending on the website you use it.

Sites can block such crawlers, that go through images like that, VK obviously doesn't.

god fucking damn it russian girls are so cute.

pic related my reason for having vk

Yeah, but it's still a possibility that someone uses a picture of your fake Korean on their VK if he is famous enough. That's typical koreaboo behavior.

And I know koreaboos are retarded, but even they are capable of exposing you if they start to suspect that your account is fake.

The exposing pornstars thing was hilarious. Wasn't it through that Russian Sup Forums found the two neo-nazis who did porn with that black guy?

Wish there were some good English translations of that thing :((

I know, as I said, it depends on the api, i.e. problems with using algorithm, not with the algo itself.

I know about one.
Forgot her name though,
but yes she was this "neo-nazi" girl that had a bunch of pictures like that on her VK

but in spare time made porn with niggers

just your typical woman to be honest.
No strong beliefs

I hate women desu

>this autistic dutchcuck sperging out over his fake profiles


btw how did he ever get so famous outside of here?

>''''learn'''' 3 words in her language
>OMG you're voice is so cute I want to teach you so much more you're so good at learning languages
''''learning'''' a language still works well

Don't laugh!
He has pictures of your qt,
with her clothes off!

I think it is because he made songs about DOTA and IRC 2bh sötpaj :3



one of my longterm qts is going to Switzerland this summer
seriously considering to go there

Ton français est pas mal du tout, russianbro ! Juste une toute petite erreur: "je parle en anglais" est grammaticalement correct, mais dans ce contexte, j'aurais plutôt dit "Je parle anglais".

Are there any Franceboo Russian qties?

I've pretended to be much worse at speaking English than I am for this exact reason. Same thing with pronunciation: a lot of girls seem to like the French accent, so I sometimes force myself to pronounce thing with a stereotypical French accent. Sometimes I feel like I speak like these guys, though: but, eh, it works.

Go for it, worst case scenario you get a holiday to Switzerland plus it's not exactly too much of a trek for you

She fucks little boys!

Who? one of my qts is too

>In 2006, a Channel 4 series ranked Merthyr Tydfil as the United Kingdom's third-worst place to live.
>paired with Clichy, a kinda shitholeish banlieue just north of Paris
>apparently filled with pedophile sluts

What a nice place to live.

Is uploading the photos broken or is it just me?

>tfw she said I'm cute

reading through this thread as a korean is comedy gold. you guys are sooooooo fucking pathetic holy shit hahaha

so what is this? couldn't find?

Merci. No idea, I have been planning to go to the "institut francais" to borrow a book or two from their library, so perhaps I will find any there. Not like I have any other way of meeting them, since I study math.

forgot pic


"Did not detect any faces" try to use another picture / crop this one.

Holy shit that works. I remember I catfished a russian 25 y/o with my fake korean. But she never gave me her vk. Just went to see my recorded session with her and took a screenshot of her face and searched her on AND IT FUCKING GOT HER.

I could now send a recording to the company she works now or her friends. But I am not that cruel desu

don't do it, that's mean


It's so fucking crazy that it actually works lol

A recording of her doing lewd things user?

no one likes you anymore

>implying this thread isn't just me LARPing with a bunch of proxies.

Ofc, the crazy thing is. That she used to be chubbier, but the fucking app still found her lol.
It's definitely her, because I remember she told me about that city as well.

Also look at her wallpaper lol. It's definitely her!!

>"y te6R 6in cekc?"
but you should delete and abort it since the system recognized you as a real person they want to be popular
you're too deep im that shit you better get out before matrix-like guys start lookin for you

>you better get out before matrix-like guys start lookin for you
tfw OP predicted that someone would get v&

Kek, naive murrican.

But I used to search this on my fake vk korean profile. Which some dumb russian girl made for me. Using her own phone number.