Hi Sup Forums. going to my first festival this weekend. also, first time something different than alcohol

hi Sup Forums. going to my first festival this weekend. also, first time something different than alcohol.

what should i expect?
how was your first time?
any advice/need-to-knows?

pic related.

FUCKING AWESOME!!! Drink A LOT of water. Buy some vicks vapor rub, or better yet the ones that come in the canister that you can spray. The rub, rub under your eyes and nose, not inside. The spray, spray that shit in your eyes so the vapor get in your eyes. Then drink more water and have the time of your life.

Drink a SHIT TON of OJ. You'll thank me later.

>any advice/need-to-knows?
You'll have to wait like 30-60 minutes until they work.
No alcohol.
Drink enough water.
Chew some bubblegum.
Have fun.

OJ is for shrooms newbie.

will my eyes dry out? even if hydrated well enough?

whole pill at once? the guy told me to take it in half/quarter increments every 1h/1.5h

thanks, guys.

You will love everyone, if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend you will lover him even more for the moment
Like the guy before me said drink alot of water, you wont feel the urge to drink but you sweat all the time and will loose alot of water trough your skin.
Avoid pressuring your lower jaw, because it will depending on the person hurt the day after.

Did you buy those bofore the festival ? And what Festival is it ?


dont do first time on a festival

do it with a few friends inside the house and then go outside a bit

Basically a Tommorowland "junior" edition in Germany.

Do I have to worry about hiding them? If yes, where should I hide them?

Naww, you don't do it continuously, just a few times. If you use the rub they wont dry out. Drinking water is really the only thing your have to worry about... I would break and take them. It kicks in faster and a little more intence, but doesn't last as long. If its your first time I'd just take one without breaking it with some water. Then later once you know what its like, take the other one later that night, but not too late, these things will keep you up for a while.

I would suggest that you go to a headshop and search for a ''pill hider'' or you take it inside your panties, because they arent allowed to search that area withouth any doubt

why not? I am with some friends, who wont take anything.

kk, thanks m8.
was not actually planning to take both. but I will be there 10h-12h. will one pill be enough?

Take the whole one.
You're not going to flip out or od or something.

Brah if you need to hide them.. Open the back of your cell phone. There is usually a space small enough for pills.... That's what I've heard..

get a pack of cigarettes and a pack of gum

Dont do this you will probably end up dead from water intoxication and blind

Without breaking them one pill (if they are good) will last about 6-8 hrs.

if youre the only one experiencing it thats even worse.you have to share the feeling with close friends.the first time is a special high you wont get again

at least i didnt even after taking a lot more than needed

hmm not a bad idea if there isn't the Iphone and many other cell phones, never heard of that

One will be good for your first time. Just remember to drink water.

Put them in your sock.

at ultra I wasn't even searched lol. Could have brought in whatever

Dont be irritated by the time it takes that the pills show their effect. Had it once and it took like 1 hour and 20 minutes after i had a smoke on a joint

>Basically a Tommorowland "junior" edition in Germany.
Where exactly?
And incase you consider to do
thisDon't. I mean he said you should rub vick vapor rub in your EYES, lol.

Most ecstasy is shitty bath salts and caffeine. Have fun.

NO I didn't mean IN your eyes, read. If you're worried just rub it on your neck. You just want to breath the vapor and let your eyes absorb the vapor.


hard to do with smartphones. i cant even open the back of mine.

yea, but they dont want to take anything besides alcohol. maybe i can convince one friend, who is debating if he should take some or not. unfortunately, he has had some minor problems with his heart and is scared that the pills will have a drastic impact on his heart.

gonna stick with the panties probably. no homo.

thanks for the help guys.

Nachdem du Deutscher bist machen wirs einfacher.
Das drauf kommen kann ätzend sein. Das kommt wie in Wellen, du siehst klar, dann wieder verschwommen mit nem Gefühl als würde dir jemand ein Knie in den Bauch drücken. Hab lieber jemanden bei dir, der weiß, dass du was nimmst und sich in der Zeit (dauert nicht lang) bisschen um dich kümmert. Du wirst merken wie sich deine Hände und Arme immer leichter fühlen, laufen und tanzen ist gar nicht mehr anstrengend und alle Leute kommen dir unglaublich sympathisch vor. Es kann gut sein, dass du dich die ganze Zeit mit irgendjemandem über irgendwas unterhältst und dann zwei Stunden später auf die Uhr schaust und denkst.. "Was?"

Du musst keine Angst haben. Du wirst in keinem Augenblick die Kontrolle verlieren. Wie alle gesagt haben, trink genug Wasser (aber nicht zu viel) und geh regelmäßig pullern, das vergisst man nämlich auch.

Viel Spaß

Have a case on your phone?? Think outside the box. Or case in this case.


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|] beep beep!


Those pills look pure shit.

I'm the vap rub guy, and I have a condition with my heart as well. It's fine as long as you don't put them in your nose. Eating one and drinking about a bottle of water an hour you should be fine.

go go power ranger ! join me my friend

in Gelsenkirchen
it doesnt sound bad, but i am too lazy to go to a shop and buy it.

super, klingt ja nicht schlecht. solang ich aber eine ungefähre vorahnung hab was passieren wird, müsste ich ja gut damit zu recht kommen.

Gern. Nimm Kippen und Kaugummis mit.
Wenn du noch Fragen hast, ich hab gerade Zeit weil ich lernen müsste..

doesnt sound bad? youre either very stupid/autistic or you dont know what hes talking about

well, maybe they are. i dont know.
in what way do they look shitty?

wieso kippen? ich kann den geschmack und geruch von zigaretten auf den tod nicht ausstehen.

Dann lass es mit den Zigaretten. Ich rauch immer wie ein Schlot wenn ich drauf bin.

Would anyone tell a newfag what these are and what they do

not only newfag but also underage.kill yourself

drop 2CB and mix with Ketamine for a fun and merry evening

If that's mdma a lot of anons are right about the hydration factor. People really underestimate hydration in general. Drinking coffee, pop, smoking cigs dehydrate you bad let alone any drug. My first time with mdma, everything was just fucking the best.. like I wanted to have sex with the music I listened to that night. Really got me in tune with sensations and all that shit. Just expect a slightly elevated heart r8 and to love everything you see lol and if you by chance to get laid, may the heavens brace her vagina. I had sex once on that shit. I was fucking with strength and dexterity that I had no idea I even had. It makes you invincible in bed

damn, that sounds good. but probably not possible. I would have to leave the arena and then drive to the hotel.