Ask a local police officer from Argentina anything

Ask a local police officer from Argentina anything.

Pic related, how my uniform looks like

Timestamp with uniform

I'll deliver, just one second

Is Argentina as dangerous as Brazil or every other south american country?,
Do you deal with narcos related violence like beheadings and stuff?

do you think people give a fuck about argentina?

Have you ever no scoped a nignog and had it filmed on social media? That's all the rage here in the states.

During the World Cup do officers sneak into bars to watch the match?

Do you bother regular people for having guns?

Falklands belongs to _________

The ones who didn't pussy out

How much are you paid? Is corruption common? how has the economic crisis influenced your job?

cuantas copas tenes?

No, really

No mate, I try to do my job only

Yeah. It's illegal to hold guns, and if you have one, you are obviously using it for a robbery or something

Wanna invaded a couple of islands with me?

OP don't be a faggot and start answering some questions

justo venia a preguntar eso a op

Got paid aprox $ 1000 dollars a month, is not bad and corruption is an everyday shit


yuta botón, puto


Copas ?


jajajajajajajaja 1000 dolares siendo policia en argentina, nadie te cree mijo sigue intentando

en los ultimos 10 años? cuantas?

How mad are you that you are not and never will be white?

si no entendes ese chiste no sos de argentina, kek

are u afraid of being shot by niggers ?


we are all niggers user, in the inside


argentina is white

Your mom is a copas


con el aumento de julio un oficial cobra $15.538 de básico, eso son 1033 dólares

>Yeah. It's illegal to hold guns, and if you have one, you are obviously using it for a robbery or something

Suena como necesitas un tiro en la cabeza, maricón.

What's your opinion on Las Malvinas?

Aka the Falklands.

Do you like the beret?

How does it feel not to be white

Can you guys arrest Messi pls?

What do you think of Eva Peron

those are chileans

How does it feel to not be white?

i've seen gay clubs with strippers better dressed than you Argentoroaches.

it is good
A feeling similar to that night when I fucked your mother.

Well she does have a nigger fetish

Do you sometimes cry for evita?